立大志 超前辈 攀登艺术高峯

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我国社会主义革命和社会主义建设取得了伟大的成就。特别是在党制定了社会主义建设总路线之后,六亿五千万人民在党的领导下,力争高速度地改变我国一穷二白的面貌,尽快地把我国建设成为具有现代工业、现代农业、现代科学文化的伟大的社会主义国家。我国人民本着这个雄心壮志掀起了使高山低头、河水让路的生产大跃进和人民公社运动。在大跃进中,他们破除迷信,发扬了敢想、敢说、敢作的共产主义风格,掀起了一个轰轰烈烈的技术革命和文化革命的运动。整风运动和反右派斗争胜利之后,党加强了对戏剧工作的领导,我们的队伍由于政治挂帅,由于在激烈的政治思想斗争中,克服了资产阶级思想的束缚,解放了艺术生产力,整个队伍斗志昂扬,意气风发,在全民大跃进和文化革命的鼓舞下,也奋勇地投入到 China’s socialist revolution and socialist construction have made great achievements. Especially after the party formulated the general line of socialist construction, 650 million people, under the leadership of the party, are striving to change the impoverished condition of our country at a high speed and build China into a modern science and technology with modern industry, modern agriculture and modern science as soon as possible. Great socialist country. In line with this ambition, our people have set off a great leap forward in production and a people’s commune movement that has caused the mountains to bend their heads and rivers. In the Great Leap Forward, they broke away from superstition, carried forward the communist style of dare to think, dare to say, and dare to make their own preparations and set off a vigorous technical revolution and a cultural revolution. After the victory of the rectification movement and the anti-rightist struggle, the party strengthened its leadership over the theater work. As our military became more and more politically powerful, our ranks have overcome the bourgeois ideology in the fierce political and ideological struggle and liberated the productive forces of the arts. High-spirited, high-spirited, encouraged by the Great Leap Forward and the cultural revolution, also courageously into
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