在全面提升企业软实力战略中 发挥工会组织独特作用——大庆炼化公司工会推进企业文化建设读解

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“问渠哪得清如许,唯有源头活水来。”中国工会的性质,决定了中国工会组织参与和推进企业文化建设的特殊性。作为从大庆精神和铁人精神发源地成长起来的大庆炼化公司工会在公司党委和上级工会的领导下,紧紧围绕企业中心工作,认真落实十七大“推进社会主义文化大繁荣大发展”的重要精神,按照全心全意依靠工人阶级办企业方针的要求,坚持“和谐劳动关系,维护职工权益,提高职工素质,推进文化建设,促进生产经营”的工作原则,充分发挥工会组织的基本职能,积极践行科学发展观,用社会主义核心价值体系教育引领职工,在全面提升企业“软实力”这一重大战略中,努力发挥工会组织的独特作用,取得了令人瞩目的成果。企业成立以来,公司工会先后荣获全国职工体育示范单位,黑龙江省民主管理先进单位,省模范职工之家等荣誉称号。公司先后被授予五一劳动奖状,全国企业文化示范基地,中国企业文化示范基地等称号。公司工会和公司企业文化建设经验先后被中国企联、国务院国资委、全国总工会等单位宣传推广。 “There is no doubt that this is the only source of living water.” The nature of the Chinese trade union determines the particularity of the union’s participation in and promotion of the corporate culture in China. As the birthplace of Daqing Spirit and Iron Man spirit, the Daqing Refining & Chemical Company Trade Union, under the leadership of the party committees and the higher trade unions, closely followed the work of the enterprise center and conscientiously implemented the 17th CPC National Congress “to promote the great development of socialist culture and prosperity” According to the principle of wholeheartedly relying on the principle of the working class to run enterprises, we should adhere to the working principle of “harmonious labor relations, safeguarding employees’ rights and interests, improving the quality of staff and workers, promoting cultural construction and promoting production and operation,” and give full play to the basic principles of trade union organization Function, actively implement the scientific concept of development, lead the workers with the education of socialist core value system, and make every effort to exert the unique role of the trade union organization in making major efforts to comprehensively enhance the enterprise’s “soft power” and have achieved remarkable results . Since the founding of the enterprise, the company’s trade unions have won the honorary title of national employee sports demonstration units, advanced units of democratic management in Heilongjiang Province, provincial model workers’ homes and so on. The company has been awarded May 1 Labor Certificates, National Enterprise Culture Demonstration Base, China Enterprise Culture Demonstration Base and so on. Company trade unions and corporate culture building experience has been China Enterprise Alliance, the SASAC, the National Federation of trade unions and other units to promote.
1571年出版的德国早期的档案学家亚克伯·冯·拉明根的《综合报告——怎样才算一个完美的登记室》和《登记室及其机构和管理》两部专著,是迄今各国档案史料中报道的最 The