A Brief Study Of The Interactive-oriented Language Teaching

来源 :中学生英语·外语教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dasaqa
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  【Abstract】 In an interaction-oriented classroom, the teacher’s role undergoes a significant shift from a knowledge giver to a facilitator and helper, while students’ role changes from a passive one into an active one.
  【Key Words】 interactive-oriented Interactive motivation communicate
  1. Introduction
  Since the publication of D.A.Wilkins’ famous book National Syllabus in 1976, most language teachers around the world have agreed that EFL classrooms should be a place full of communications or interactions (termed more recently). Real meaningful learning results can be achieved through stimulating face-to-face human interactions in classrooms. I believe it is the high time for Chinese language teachers to practice what their counterparts around the world are doing and to see why through this interactive approach students can be intrinsically motivated and become more autonomous and less dependent on their authoritative teaching .Here, I will illustrate these three points by giving a description of a 100-minute lesson plan.
  2. Central beliefs about the benefits of interactive-oriented language teaching
  2.1 Interactive language teaching develops students’ intrinsic motivation
  Motivation is generally classified into two types, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. The former lays much emphasis on the fostering of the learner’s dependence upon external rewards such as money, prizes and grades, while the latter on the higher, deepest driving forces such as fulfillment and self-actualization.
  2.2 Interactive language teaching can bring a change to the traditional classroom roles
  In an interaction-oriented classroom, the teacher’s role undergoes a significant shift from a knowledge giver to a facilitator and helper, while students’ role changes from a passive one into an active one.
  According to traditional beliefs, the teacher should be a dominator who imparts knowledge to students, while the students are only sitting there passively, waiting to receive it, because they have been used to being led instead of taking the lead (Wang, 1998). In an interactive classroom, however, “the teacher is only a guide or a facilitator who helps the learner to learn, rather than an authority who is supposed to know everything and be able to explain everything.” (Yue, 1999:17) In other words, the teacher only helps students to clear away roadblocks, to find shortcuts, to negotiate rough terrain.
  2.3 Interactive language teaching enables the teacher to be better informed of both the teaching and learning results   Chinese EFL teachers now face two harsh realities. Some students can hardly express themselves, even though they scored very high in national tests like CET 4 and CET 6; students tend to forget most of what teachers strive very hard to cram into them immediately after they step out of the classroom or pass the exams. From these teaching failures, we can conclude that spontaneous oral work was obviously de-emphasized and meaningful learning results failed to be achieved. If, however, the teacher had tried to monitor or evaluate students’ oral output, if the teacher had realized students’ impotence and had done something to compensate for it, things would not have happened in this way.
  3. Reflections
  All the learning processes are interaction-oriented. Through classroom activities relevant to their lives such as weekly speech, discussion, pair work and role-play, students’ curiosity and genuine interests are aroused. Their learning is energized. For example, students are eagerly involved in the discussion about the fashion show. They are intrinsically motivated to learn more and learn more meaningfully.
  In this classroom, the teacher is no longer a dictator and students are actively involved in all the activities. The teacher does not pose himself as an unchallenging authority. Students are given the freedom to express their opinions just as in the interview activity. Their creativity and imagination hence are initiated and brought into full play.
  Brown, H.D.(1994) Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. N.J. Prentice Hall
摘要:对于很多来说作文都是困扰其主要的难题,怎样去破解这一难题是语文教师必须要思考的问题,新课改后更加强调重视语文教学实践活动,不断丰富学生的语言积累,教师要积极引导学生去关注现实,热爱生活并组织有计划和目的性的实践活动,帮助学会拓展其思维空间,文章主要从几个几方面对作文教学和学习进行介绍。  关键词:作文教学;情感化;关联性  引言:作文教学实际上就是教师指导学生根据作文题目的要求,让学生把有关
【摘 要】 英语阅读是初中英语教学的难点和重点,也是初中学生学习的难点和重点。学生的英语阅读能力,是衡量初中英语教育工作者的教学质量,也是衡量学生英语水平的关键标准。本文将就初中英语阅读教学的现状和对策进行探讨。  【关键词】 初中英语 英语阅读 教学方法  众所周知,英语是全球性的通用语言,许多非英语母语国家的学校都将英语作为第二语言来教学。它是国际交流语言,对科技、经济和文化的传播与交流起到积
随着新课程改革的推进,提高课堂教学的效率成为了当下讨论最多的话题,新课程要求教师在遵循教学规律的前提下,以最少的时间和精力的投入,高质量地完成教育教学目标.那么,生本教育理念下,怎样在高中物理教学中构建高效课堂呢?本文结合高中物理的学科特点,联系笔者多年的教学实践,对高中物理教学中高效课堂的构建策略进行探讨和分析.  1 结合学生实际,进行分层教学  高效课堂的基本理念要求我们的教学要关注每一个学
所谓“物理建模”,就是物理研究中将物理现象和过程的次要因素剔除掉,从而使得复杂的问题更加简洁化、形象化.物理建模不仅是一种重要的物理研究手段,也是高中生能力培养的一个重要方面.本文拟就高中物理教学中怎样进行建模教学进行了初步的探讨.  1 高中物理教学中模型构建的基本思路  立足于高中物理教学来看,物理模型的建立应该包含三个阶段:感知阶段,教师创设情境并提出问题,引起学生对物理模型的寻找;酝酿阶段
【摘 要】 在初中阶段的英语教学工作中,为了对学生的学习和实践能力成长需求进行满足,构建和实施了综合实践活动课。综合实践活动课的开展,可以让学生的英语知识学习效果得到提高,并且让学生的实践能力和综合素质都得到有效的提高,是一种有效的初中英语教学模式。本文就对于初中英语综合实践活动课的建构与实施的相关内容进行了分析与探讨。  【关键词】 初中英语 综合实践活动课 建构与实施  综合实践活动课的开展是