
来源 :中国诗歌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiyangsuc
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在广阔的大地上,我所感知的河流似乎被一种奇迹的力量支配,江流的永动机不知疲惫地开动着、流淌着,波澜不惊地淘尽了时间和空间。我家乡的沅澧两水,是两条屡见于古典词章的河流,曾经是整个湘西和川黔与外界相连的生命脐带。我从小生活在沅水边,耳熟能详清澈的流水声和渔民村庄。对我而言,穷其一生也不能探尽沅水流域弦歌不辍的历史人文,但是我却能一笔一 On a vast land, the river I perceived seemed to be dominated by the power of a miracle. The perpetual motion of the river flowed indefinitely, flowing, and plagued with time and space. My hometown Yuan 澧 two water, is the two frequently found in the classical chapter of the river, once the entire western Hunan and Sichuan and Guizhou connected with the outside world of life umbilical cord. I grew up in the edge of the Yuan River, earliest clear sound of water and fishermen village. To me, he can not explore the history and culture of the non-stop singing in the Yuanshui Valley for the rest of his life, but I can do it one by one
The new kidney allocation scheme(KAS) in effect since December 4th 2014 was designed to overcome the shortcomings of previous system. A key feature of the new K
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Patients with renal failure are at increased risk of cardiovascular events even at the earliest stages of disease.In addition to many classic cardiovascular ris
近日,Journal of the American Society of Nephrology上一项研究显示,只要坚持合理的监测,高血压患者也可以安全地捐赠肾脏。尽管高血压会对肾脏产生不利影响,但老年高血压
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