The Study of Foreignization and Domestication

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  【Abstract】The historical and cultural obstacles rising during translation bring about different versions of the same original work,thus probably preventing the translator from fully conveying the original meaning.Generally speaking,different versions will be complementary to each other,showing the diversity of translation criteria which has a strategically significant to international cultural exchange.Meanwhile,the diversity of translation criterion will have a strategic significance in diversified culture of our modern society.Foreignization and domestication are two different strategies often used in the translation of language form and culture parts,and regarded as the extension of free translation and literal translation.This research will begin with the definition of foreignization and domestication,and then explain the complementary relations of the two versions of The Great Gatsby with examples.
  【Key words】Translation; Foreignization; Domestication; The Great Gatsby
  【关键词】翻译 异化 归化 《了不起的盖茨比》
  Translation theorists from different countries had in-depth researches of foreignization and domestication.In the early nineteenth Century,a German scholar Schleiermacher pointed out that the translation works should be different from the source text when it was translated into German; if the original texts are from Spanish,the readers should not be able to guess the translation versions are from Spanish.If all the translations read and sound the same,the features of source text will disappear,and so will the difference between target languages(Shuttleworth,M.& Cowie,1997).[2]In twentieth Century,the Italian American translation scholar Venuti proposed the concept of foreignization and domestication firstly in his book The Translator Invisibility:A History.
  Generally speaking,foreignization gives the translator an expressing method adapt to the original text and will lead readers close to the author; while domestication allows the translator to take more care of readers by resorting more structures familiar to readers.Foreignization is similar to literal translation to some extent,for it tries to follow the original language and present the exotic culture to readers.It is beneficial to cultural dissemination but may add difficulty to the readability of the work.Domestication,or free translation sometimes,allows readers to understand the work easily but may lose its language characteristics and cultural connotation (Venuti,2001).[3]   2.Application of Foreignizationand Domestication in Translation—— Taking The Great Gatsby as an example
  2.1 About the author Fitzgerald
  As a famous American novelist and a symbol of the critical period in American history,Fitzgerald described the United States as a“Jazz”and“Money”society.His life,works and experience in the World War I made him the symbol of“Jazz Age”of the United States.He instinctively equated his own experiences to the United States.His genius can be found in his writings which reflect inadvertently the pulse and appearance of that time.His masterpiece The Great Gatsby was completed in 1925,depicting the cruelness,coldness and selfishness of the “Jazz Age” and revealing the inevitable death of the American Dream.
  2.2 Applications of Foreignization and Domestication in two translated versions of The Great Gatsby
  The difference begin with the title ——The Great Gatsby,《了不起的盖茨比》by Wu Ningkun and 《大亨小传》by Qiao Zhigao.The former,apt to foreignization,is widely accepted in the mainland of China which is often regarded as the biography of Gatsby,a great man,while the latter may bring to readers the doubts that who is the tycoon and whether he is great or not.
  The following are some other examples of foreignization and domestication from the two versions:
  (1)“Just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”
  乔:“只要记住,世界上所有的人不是个个都像你这样,从小就占了那么多便宜。”(Qiao Zhigao,2013,P1)
  巫:“你就记住,这个世界上所有的人,并不是个个都有过你那些优越条件。”(Wu Ningkun,2010,P3)
  This refers to Nick’s memories about what his father told him when he was young.Qiao’s domestication translation“从小就占了那么多便宜” following the target language and conveying the original meaning clearly and accurately,sounds natural to readers,while Wu’s foreignized version “并不是个个都有过你那些优越条件”,though correct,but does not seem idiomatic to Chinese readers.
  (2)Occasionally a line of gray cars crawls along an invisible track,gives out a ghastly creak,and comes to rest,and immediately the ash-gray men swarm up with leaden spades and stir up an impenetrable cloud,which screens their obscure operations from your sight.
  喬:有时看见一队垃圾车,慢慢沿着不清不楚的路线爬行过来,车子一声鬼啸,咯吱停住,马上一群灰扑扑的汉子拖着铁铲一窝蜂的包围上来,搞得灰尘满天,叫你看不清他们干的是什么勾当。(Qiao Zhigao,2013,P29)
  巫:有时一列灰色的货车慢慢沿着一条看不见的轨道爬行,叽嘎一声鬼叫,停了下来,马上那些灰蒙蒙的人就拖着铁锹一窝蜂拥上来,扬起一片尘土,让你看不到他们隐秘的活动。(Wu Ningkun,2010,P25)
  Compared with Wu’s translation of “which screens their obscure operations from your sight” into “让你看不到他们隐秘的活动” which sounds stiff with unclear meaning and awkward readability,Qiao’s domesticated translation into “叫你看不清他们干的是什么勾当” seems more appropriate.   (3)A momentary hush; the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her.
  乔:在这一刹那,大家肃静,乐班指挥马上很合作地改变了拍子来为她伴奏。(Qiao Zhigao,2013,P53)
  巫:片刻宁静,乐队指挥殷勤地为她改变了拍子。(Wu Ningkun,2010,P43)
  The word “obligingly” literally means “亲切地”.Qiao’s transfer of this word into “很合作地” is more in line with the present situation than Wu’s version “殷勤地” which may confuse readers why the band is so hospitable to an unknown dancer.
  (4)I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that,as my father snobbishly suggested,and I snobbishly repeat,a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth.
  乔:我前面提到我父亲的话,似乎我们父子都有点瞧不起人的样子,但他的意思是说,待人宽厚虽是一种天赋,却并不是人人生来相同的——我唯恐忘了这个教训,责人过苛,而有所失。(Qiao Zhigao,2013,P2)
  巫:我现在仍然不免担心错过什么东西,如果我忘记(如同父亲带着优越感所揭示过的,我现在又带着优越感重复的)基本的道德观念是在人出世的时候就分配不均的。(Wu Ningkun,2010,P4)
  Here is a long complex sentence with a conditional adverbial clause,two parallel attributive clauses and one objective clause,introduced respectively by“if”,“as”and“that”.Here Wu reproduces the sentence with the adverbial clause still behind the main clause and without any change to the original structure which may sound somewhat obscure and puzzling.But Qiao,based on fully understanding of deep structure,does not follow the original sentence order by dividing it into three parallel sentences,and focuses on the meaning of the original sentence by adding“责人过苛,而有所失”and other words.Such change not only offers conciseness and readability to readers,but also reflects the translator’s understand of the characters in the novel and the author’s original implication.Obviously,Qiao has exerted his subjectivity into the translation.
  (5)Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets,and I was him too,looking up and wondering.I was within and without,simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.
  乔:可是我一面心里想,我们这排灯火辉煌的窗户高高在这都市之上,从底下暮色苍茫的街道望上来不知道蕴藏着何等的人生秘密,而我自己也就是这么一位过客,偶尔路过此地,抬头望望,不知所以。我似乎又在这里边又在外边,对这幕人生悲喜剧无穷的演变,又是陶醉又是惡心。(Qiao Zhigao,2013,P45)
  巫:然而我们这排黄澄澄的窗户高踞在城市的上空,一定给暮色苍茫的街道上一位观望的过客增添了一点人生的秘密,同时我就是他,一面在仰望一面在寻思。我既身在其中又身在其外,对人生的千变万化既感到陶醉,又感到厌恶。(Wu Ningkun,2010,P38)
  Wu adopts foreignizaion during his translation,for his version is concise,simple and natural,reflecting the fresh and beautiful original style; While Qiao prefers domestication with his version eloquent,exquisite and decorated,On the whole,Wu’s version seems more concise and acceptable to Chinese readers in the mainland.   (6)It was lonely for a day or so until one morning some man,more recently arrived than I,stopped me on the road.
  乔:头一两天我相当孤单,随后一天早上在路上碰到一个比我还陌生的人,向我请教。(Qiao Zhigao,2013,P4)
  巫:头几天我感到孤单,直到一天早上有个人,比我更是新来乍到的,在路上拦住了我。(Wu Ningkun,2010,P6)
  Contrast to Qiao of translation of “more recently arrived than I” into “一个比我还陌生的人” which may confuse readers:who is he unfamiliar with,Wu’s version “比我更是新來乍到的” is more idiomatic,telling readers a man who recently moved here.
  The above analysis shows that,Mr.Wu Ningkun and Mr.Qiao Zhigao have adopted different strategies to translate The Great Gatsby.With foreignization,Mr.Wu tries to retain the features of the original vocabulary,sentences and rhetorics,so that readers can feel the exotic culture present in the original work.But too much foreignization in his translation adds difficulties to readers.On the contrary,Mr.Qiao is more inclined to adopt domestication where he,based on his full understanding of the original text,combines the author’s thought with the translator’s understanding without following the original structure.His version shows not only subjectivity and creativity from the translator but also acceptability and readability to target language readers.
  During translation,domestication and foreignization are often hard to decide.In fact,proper adoption of either will offer a balanced point where the author and readers can have an efficient indirect communication.The point should not be too far from or close to either the author or readers,that is to say,foreignzation should not hinder reading and understanding fluency while domestication should allow readers to get to know exotic cultures.Only in this way can the translator take full advantage of these two strategies and produce excellent works.
  [1]Shuttleworth,M.& Cowie,M.Dictionary of Translation Studies[M].Manchester:St Jerome,1997.
  [2]Venuti,L.Strategies of Translation[M].Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies.Baker,M.&.Mlmkjaer(eds.).London and New York:Routledge,2001.
  [4]《大亨小传》弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德 乔志高:上海三联书店;第1版,2013.
  [5]《了不起的盖茨比》菲茨杰拉德(Francis Scott Fitzgerald)巫宁坤;上海译文出版社;第1版,2010.
【摘要】“黑色幽默”是于1960年代产生在美国的一个现代主义文学流派。它“以一种无可奈何的嘲讽态度表现环境与个人之间的互不协调,并把这种互不协调的现象加以放大,扭曲,变成畸形,使他们显得更加荒诞不经,滑稽可笑,同时又令人感到沉重和悶苦”。本文以电影《葬礼上的死亡》为例,对黑色幽默英美电影的喜剧效应进行了一些深入的分析。  【关键词】黑色幽默 英美电影 喜剧效应  黑色幽默需具备两个基本特征,即主题
【摘要】挖掘课程思政元素是近年外语教学的改革焦点,本文以新编大学英语教学指南教学(2020)为指导思想,以《综合英语》课程为例,深入挖掘文本材料和视听材料里的思政元素,试图优化教学范式,赋能大学英语课程思政建设,激发学生中国文化自信,达到立德树人的根本目标。  【关键词】课程思政;大学英语;中国文化;立德树人  【Abstract】College English reforms focus on
【摘要】把大学英语读写译课程变成教书育人的社会主义主阵地是每个外语老师的责任。借助不同的学习平台,“课程思政”融入读写译课堂可以从三个环节入手:课前准备,课中讲授和课后巩固,以提升大学生们正确的社会主义核心价值观。目前也面临着许多困惑需要解决,值得共同探讨。  【關键词】课程思政;读写译教学;教书育人;社会主义核心价值观  【作者简介】何承全(1965.10.24-),男,湖北十堰人,湖北医药学院
【摘要】随着我国市场经济发展,技术迭代增速,多元化信息技术逐渐融入市场各产业。以教育市场为例,教育模式的不断创新是提高教学成效的前提,翻转课堂作为当下炙手可热的教学形式已逐渐在大学英语教学中推广落实。为了进一步验证翻转课堂在大学英语教学中的落实价值,本研究将以大学英语口语教学的课前、课中、课后为基础,将此过程与翻转课堂结合,进而对创新大学英语口语教学模式进行探讨。  【关键词】翻转课堂;英语口语;
【摘要】通过问卷调查和访谈,本文从深度学习内涵的五个维度设计指向深度学习的翻转课堂模式,并围绕学习有效性的五个方面探讨了该模式的应用效果。问卷调查结果表明,该模式能够提升课堂学习体验、学习性投入度和英语学习动机及投入度。访谈结果表明,多种方式展示英语的教学设计为学生创造了较好的学习体验,增强了学生外在学习动机,小组协作增强了学生内在学习动机,形成性评价能促使学生加大学习投入度。  【关键词】翻转课
【摘要】随着大学英语教学改革的推进,大学英语教学已经从注重培养学生的读写能力向英语语言综合运用能力转变。在教学改革的背景下,大学英语学习方式也要有所改变。在“以学生为中心”的教学理念引导下,本研究着重对学生在课堂上运用的学习方式进行分类,即自主学习、合作学习、探究学习,并对其各自的定义、基本要素、理论基础、行动策略进行探究,以此来改善大学英语教学质量、促进大学英语教学改革的进程。  【关键词】英语
【摘要】大学英语视听说教学,疫情之下在线教学一时风头无两,但在后疫情时代它所带来的负面影响也逐步显现:学生在实际课堂中的到课率下降,表现不积极,注意力不集中……教师要调整教学方案,使传统与在线教学的优势有机结合在一起,切实为教学提供帮助,真正实现大学生英语视听说能力的提升。  【关键词】后疫情时代;大学生;英语视听说  【作者简介】刘洁(1986-),女,河南开封科技传媒学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向