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历史上有种种经验形态的、抽象形态的文化观;论者则力图从共性与个性的对立统一中、历史与现状的对立统一中、文化与自然的对立统一中全面系统地把握文化,建立具体的文化观,即文化的人类自觉创造物观:文化是人类在一定目标指引下、在一定现实条件基础上的自觉创造物。价值目标是以一定价值观和现实条件为根据经决策思维而建构起来的创造相应价值实体,从而实现相应价值的目标。现实条件是历史地积累起来而又延续到现在的条件,包括自然条件、社会条件、文化条件等。人类的自觉创造物即在自觉意识参与下的行为产物。这样,文化就是人类在一定价值目标引导下、在一定现实条件支持下通过创造文化的自觉行为而创造出来的。这种创造实现在人类自身之上,就形成本体文化;实现在外部对象上,就形成对象文化。文化具有统一性与多样性、个体性与群体性、稳定性与变异性、继承性与批判性、社会性与个体性、传统性与时代性、竞争性与协作性,一系列两极对立的品质等八个特点 Historically, there are a variety of empirical and abstract forms of culture, while those of theorists try to comprehensively and systematically grasp the culture and establish specificities in the unity and opposition of commonness and individuality, the unity and opposition of history and the status quo, and the unity and opposition of culture and nature Cultural view, that is, the cultural concept of mankind’s creative creation: Culture is a conscious creation made by humans under the guidance of certain goals under certain conditions. The value goal is to create the corresponding value entity based on the decision-making thinking based on a certain value and reality, so as to realize the goal of the corresponding value. The realistic conditions are the historical conditions that have been accumulated and extended to the present, including natural conditions, social conditions and cultural conditions. The conscious creation of human beings is the product of behavior under the participation of conscious consciousness. In this way, culture is created by mankind under the guidance of a certain value goal and through the initiative of creating culture under the support of certain realistic conditions. This kind of creation realizes the ontology culture on the human being itself, and on the external object, it forms the object culture. Culture has the characteristics of unity and diversity, individuality and colony, stability and variability, inheritance and criticism, sociality and individuality, traditionality and the times, competitiveness and cooperation, a series of opposites of opposites Eight other characteristics
人学研究与文艺创作有密切关系。二者通过对世界的不同掌握,关怀人的生存和发展,进而关怀人的本质。人学研究的深入展开,对文艺创作的影响是深远的。 Human studies and litera
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目的 :探讨恶性肿瘤手术前后患者血液纤溶系统的变化。方法 :测定胃癌 2 3例、乳腺癌 1 6例术前和术后 1 d、1 0 d以及对照组 51例血液纤溶系统 5项指标 ,并进行对比研究。结
海德格尔并没有拒斥形而上学。康德提出了形而上学可能性的问题并将未来形而上学建基于先验统觉 ,“人是什么”的难题升起。海德格尔接过康德的难题 ,把先验想象力这一“裂隙