加大企业改革力度 推进经济快速发展

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近年来,新泰市把企业产权制度改革作为事关经济兴衰的一篇大文章来做,坚持深层次改革、战略性调整、市场化运作的原则,以明晰产权为主线,以结构调整为重点,以技术改造和企业管理为根本保障,促进了经济持续、稳定、健康发展。一、靠产权改革激活企业一是实施公司制改造。以建立有限责任公司,即少数人控股为主要形式,辅之以股份制和股份合作制。引导企业经营者持大股、经营层控股、职工自愿入股,股权尽量相对集中到少数人手中,以充分调动改制企业经营者的积极性,增强责任心。两年多来,全市先后有147户企业实行了股份制改造,股本总额近10亿元,募集资金2亿多元,其中建立股份有限公司9户。二是整体出售。产权一次买断,债权债务一次划转。全市有180多户企业按照这种形式改制为私营企业或合伙企业。三是挂大靠强。为使生产要素向优势企业、优秀企业家集中,按照有所为有所不为和不求所有、但求所在的原则,对30户负 In recent years, Xintai City has made the reform of the enterprise property rights system a major issue concerning the rise and fall of the economy. It adheres to the principles of deep-level reforms, strategic adjustments, and market-oriented operations. It focuses on clarifying property rights and focusing on structural adjustment. The fundamental guarantee is technological transformation and enterprise management, which promotes sustained, stable and healthy economic development. First, rely on property rights reform to activate enterprises First, the implementation of corporate restructuring. To establish a limited liability company, that is, minority holdings as the main form, supplemented by the joint stock system and the stock cooperative system. The company’s managers were guided to hold large stocks, control at the management level, and employees voluntarily acquired shares. Equity interests were concentrated in the hands of a few people as far as possible so as to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of reformed enterprise managers and increase their sense of responsibility. Over the past two years, 147 companies in the city have implemented joint-stock reforms, with a total share capital of nearly 1 billion yuan, and raised more than 200 million yuan, of which 9 have been established. The second is the overall sale. Once the property rights are bought out, the debt and debt are transferred once. More than 180 enterprises in the city have restructured into private enterprises or partnerships in this form. The third is to hang big and strong. In order to concentrate production factors on leading enterprises and outstanding entrepreneurs, according to the principle of doing something well and not seeking everything, but seeking the principle, 30 households will be negatively affected.
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MBO定价的关键不在于价格本身,而在于定价机制,市场经济中确立交易规则优于确立价格交易水平。总的原则应是市场化的解决方案,定价的过程应是市场认同的过程 The key to MBO
幼儿入园初期或多或少存在着不适应的现象 ,具体表现为情绪波动大、焦虑不安、爱哭爱闹、恐惧退缩等 ,而且容易出现反复 ,并在接送、进餐、午睡三个重要环节上表现得最明显。
假期里,我和爸爸妈妈一起去“动物王国”游玩。豹子、老虎、猩猩、灰熊、大象、长颈鹿,还有各种飞禽……让我大饱眼福! During the holidays, I went to the Animal Kingdom