Meaning in the Use and Translation

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  Abstract:Meaning in the use is an important theory given by Ludwig Wittgenstein,a pioneer in Linguistic Philosophy.The theory is of great similarity with functional equivalence in translation studies.Based on this similarity,this article mainly discusses the influence on translation studies exerted by Wittgenstein’s meaning in the use.
  Key words:meaning in use;translation;language philosophy;atmosphere
  1 Theoretical Framework
  In Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations,he put forward his world-known theory——meaning in the use.He thought the meaning of a word lies in where its grammatical occupation resides.Any change in the grammatical order would inevitably influence the objective of the whole sentence,or even formulate a false sentence.By doing so,the meaning of a word or a sentence is prevented to be equivalent with reference.Meaning doesn’t equal to reference,and we can’t term a word has reference when it has a meaning.Besides,the meaning of a word is of the possibility to change under different circumstances.When we try to interpret a word,we are actually defining its usage.When different words have the same usage,or they function similarly in a sentence,we can say that these words have the same meaning.Before the theory of meaning in the use was put forward,people tend to take the reference of a word,mostly an object of physical presence,as its meaning.But in our daily communication,we frequently acquainted with words which do not have reference,such as dragon and phoenix.Under such a circumstance,we must figure out what the word is mean to signify,or work out what is loaded within these words,otherwise we would surely fail to understand its intention as we can never identify its reference on earth.In conclusion,the meaning of a word is determined by the atmosphere in which words function and its usage.By the word “atmosphere”,the author means the special circumstance in which the sentence was uttered,and mostly it was based on the shared knowledge between the speaker and the listener.
  2 Meaning in the use and translation
  Translation is actually the activity to express the meaning of a cultural chunk from a language with that of another language of the same meaning.Therefore,meaning is the core of translation.At the same time,meaning also plays a significant part in Wittgenstein’s philosophical ideas.That’s why the writer decided to make a combination of translation studies and philosophical theory.However,attention must be paid that meaning,being determined by atmosphere and usage,is not constant.   2.1 Atmosphere and Translation
  Atmosphere,namely the environment in which the word functions,is of great importance in the determination of meaning and its translation.According to Wittgenstein,when we try to translate a preposition,we must make it significant,thought-bearing and alive.That means we are expected to install something beyond material existence into the lifeless linguistic symbol.But at first,we should make sure the translator have a clear and correct understanding of what the sentence is mainly about.As Wittgenstein said,there is indeed some psychological process that is connected with the operation of language,and it is this mental process that enables language to play its part.Therefore,the task of a translator is to recur this process in readers’ mind.The translator is expected to rewrite the same picture for readers,which requires him to correctly understand both the intention and meaning of a sentence in a given atmosphere.The word atmosphere actually has great similarity with context.But it differs from context in that atmosphere not only refers to the pragmatic environment,but also refers to the memory incurred by the word in the speaker’s mind.That is related to the speaker’s psychological state and his life experience.For example,we suppose John raised a docile tiger and he had a good relationship with it.When he came across a pet dog,he might say “that dog is just like a tiger!”in this situation,“like a tiger”doesn’t mean being fierce and cruel,but something cute and meek.In other words,the word“tiger”has been installed with the atmosphere of friendliness by the speaker.If the translator fails to understand its deeper meaning,he might cause translation failure.Therefore,the experience and psychological state of the speaker must be given enough attention.
  2.2 The Usage of Words and Translation
  The usage of words also plays an important part in translation.That is the core of Wittgenstein’s meaning in the use theory.According to Wittgenstein,when it comes to noun,people tend to identify its reference in the physical world.However,the truth is that not all the nouns have their reference.It is not necessary to confine one’s energy into defining the concrete reference in the physical world.On the contrary,the meaning of a word lies in its usage.In other words,if two words are capable of being used in the same situation and incur the same psychological state,we can say the two words have the same meaning.If we delve into the process of language acquisition,it is apparent that we learn a word through its usage.The mere mention of cup for a child might incur nothing in his mind,but“drink the orange in that cup”will surely help him fully understand what a cup is all about.Similarly,if you compare a red flower and a yellow flower before a child,you will soon give him the knowledge of what a flower is and how to distinguish the color yellow and red.We acquire a language through its pragmatic function,so we must give the concrete usage of words and sentence special attention in translation.As is known to us all,culture is a factor that is never afforded to be overlooked,and it is indeed a significant part in transcultural communication.For some conventional factors,language representing friendliness in one culture might be antagonistic in another.When confronted with such a situation,the translator is responsible for avoiding cultural conflict.For example,Chinese people usually take“do you have your meals”as a way of saying hello;however,it is disliked by people from western countries-they think it is privacy invasion.So a translator just takes the sentence in another language with the same function as its translation,such as“how do you do”in English.Besides,the translator is required to have a full knowledge about the author,including the society and culture he lives in,the customs of his country,and his ideological intention.That is helpful to have a correct understanding of the passage,thus enabling the translator to construct a language game by building the rules in a language game.
  3 Conclusion
  Meaning in the use theory has long been the core of philosophical Studies,and a multi-perspective study of that theory is of great importance for a better understanding.Meanwhile,translation is indeed an interdisciplinary study combing linguistics,philosophy and even psychology.Meaning in the use theory has provided a philosophical basis for the interpretation of meaning in translation,thus enabling us to grasp a deeper understanding through a new perspective.
  [5]Eugene A.Nida,Language and Culture,Contexts in Translating,Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2007.
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◆摘 要:随着我国教育事业的不断改革,对于初中地理提出了更高的要求,初中地理作为初中各个学科中极为重要的组成部分之一,在初中阶段有着重要的作用。但是,在当前的初中地理课堂教学中仍沿用着传统灌输式的教学模式,这种教学模式忽略了学生的主体地位,限制了学生主观能动性的发挥,进而导致在整个课堂中,学生对于地理缺乏足够的学习兴趣,学生的参与度不高,严重影响初中地理课堂教学的有效性。基于此,本文主要研究了初中
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摘 要:《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出:幼儿园必须把保护幼儿的生命和促进幼儿的健康放在工作的首位,幼儿园卫生保健工作是幼儿园工作的重要组成部分,是幼儿园管理的首要任务。卫生保健工作是提高幼儿健康水平的重要环节。  关键词:幼儿园;卫生保健工作;幼儿健康  儿童健康水平是一个国家或地区政治、经济、文化和卫生水平的重要标志之一。世界卫生组织在20世纪80年代就提出了“儿童的健康,明天的财富”。《幼儿园教育
◆摘 要:人文素养在字面上可以理解为一个人在人文方面所能够到达的发展高度,以及所拥有的品质特征。语文不仅是一门传授人类知识、启发人们智慧,而且还具有德育功能,间接的帮助人们提高人文素养。许多受应试教育的影响下的学校及教师,出现了只注重考试成绩排名,而忽视初中生在道德情感、处理人际交往的关系上、精神品质等人文素养方面的培养状况。本文针对初中语文教学方面存在的一系列问题,提出了相应要的性的措施。  ◆
摘 要:语言是人们交往沟通的重要工具,口语是培养幼儿语言表达能力的重要形式,看图讲述是培养提高幼儿口语表达能力的有效途径。选择主题突出、形象生动的图片,通过分析图意、设计提问等方式,引导幼儿开展观察和讲述,培养幼儿思维的逻辑性和语言的准确性,提高语言讲述能力。  关键词:幼儿;口语教学;看图讲述;语言能力  幼儿语言是在交流沟通中慢慢发展逐步提高,其中,口语是培养幼儿语言表达能力的重要形式。但现在