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目的:探索图形创意中的创造性认知过程。方法:根据认知神经科学与心理学分析图形创意的创造性认知的神经基础与认知加工过程,并从发散性思维与灵感迸发这两种主要的创造性认知方式探讨图形创意中创造性认知的实现过程。结论:分析可知大脑中的信息是以“相似性”为基础进行活动,发散性思维过程就是寻找相似块信息的过程。灵感的迸发是基于个人经验也可能是在发散过程中产生,在概念与图形之间进行不断沟通、修改和完善。在创造性认知过程中也会表现出一定的局限性,即思维定势与依赖概念。在此基础上提出创意的相似性四策略,即关系相似性、结构相似性、表面相似性、特征相似性,这四个策略均可应用于思维发散的任何一个阶段。 Aims: To explore creative cognitive processes in graphic ideas. Methods: Based on cognitive neuroscience and psychology, we analyzed the neural basis and cognitive process of creative creativity of graphic ideas. We also discussed the creative cognition of graphic creative ideas from the two main creative cognitive modes of divergent thinking and inspiration. The realization process. Conclusion: The analysis shows that the information in the brain acts on the basis of “Similarity ”, and the divergent thinking process is the process of finding similar block information. Inspired burst is based on personal experience may also be generated in the process of divergence, between the concept and graphics continue to communicate, modify and improve. In the process of creative cognition will also show some limitations, that is, the concept of mindset and dependence. On this basis, four strategies of creative similarity are proposed, that is, the relationship similarity, the structural similarity, the surface similarity and the feature similarity. These four strategies can all be applied to any stage of thinking divergence.
提出了基于Intranet的Web数据库发布平台的开发方案,设计并实现了Web数据库发布平台的生成、发布、管理动态Web数据库信息的功能。 Proposed the development plan of Web database publishing
1 广州香格里拉大酒店rn2007年3月26日,香格里拉集团的第50家酒店--广州香格里拉盛大开业.广州酒店业也就此结束了十多年来没有新增国际豪华酒店的历史.新建的香格里拉大酒店
□ 健点身 退休后,我和老伴把在职时的生活规律、作息时间、生活内容等统统改弦更张,开始了一种全新的生活方式:静下心来,全身研究晚年生活。我和老伴每天早晚必携手到公园或小区南侧的护城河边,参加各种体育锻炼。在锻炼中,我俩互为对手和帮手,传手球、打羽毛球、接踢毽子、打太极拳、练习瑜伽、慢跑等。在职时,整天忙忙碌碌,忽略了夫妻交流与沟通,现在有时间了,心也静了,我们可以边锻炼边交心了。在踢腿的间隙,谈谈