摘 要:初中英语写作课少,方法简单,写作过程指导和监管不力。学生通常是按规定的题目课后写作,教师批阅,然而大多数学生会觉得无处着手,不知写什么、怎样写。本文通过三节课例展示如何利用wh-question思维导图引导学生进行阅读和写作,探讨以读带写课的教学方法和应重点解决的问题。
教育部国培项目“初中英语示范性工作坊”第二期由陕西和山西工作坊负责“写作”专题的研究及资源提供。山西师范大学的胡明珠教授提出 “以文本阅读为基础的写作教学”思路,得到我们六位坊主一致赞同。笔者选择了两所学情不同的学校,就这一思路进行同课异构教学实验,探索如何运用“以读带写”教学模式培养学生良好的写作习惯,提高写作能力。
这种模式下,阅读是基础,教师们应根据阅读文本题材、体裁、结构特点和语言知识点来确定读写的教学目标和流程,引导学生从语篇阅读中获取写作素材,通过分析语篇结构学习写作方法。借鉴汉语读写教学中根据不同文体的基本要素来理解和建构文章框架结构的方法,英文语篇基本要素可以概括为wh-questions(-words)。思维导图是把wh- question基本要素用思维导图模式应用于英语读写教学中,将放射性思维具体化的方法;梳理阅读文本是帮助学生理解文章主题和作者意图;建构写作框架,旨在明晰学生的写作思路,架起阅读和写作的桥梁,来解决读什么怎么读,写什么怎么写的问题。
1. 设计理念与教材分析
依据课程标准,八年级上学期读写课,应在阅读教学中引导学生运用阅读策略,整体把握文章结构、意义和逻辑关系,逐步引导学生运用文中词汇、句型,模仿文章结构写出有完整意义和逻辑结构的文段,真实地表达思想。冀教版教材的八年级第七单元是Hobbies, Lesson 37是对话,引入话题。Lesson 38 Hobbies Are Fun的语篇材料很有特点:全文三段,层次分明,结构严谨,是很好的写作蓝本。前几个单元话题内容从关注同学、课程、家庭、邻居到关注自己的未来。本单元主题:兴趣爱好。 Lesson 37是关于常见的爱好名称和基础句型;Lesson 38讲爱好的作用和类别;Lesson 39和40是对个人爱好的深入研究;Lesson 41和42是同伴交流与合作。整个单元内容环环相扣,引导学生步步深入。从学习了解相关爱好的知识,发现、发展自己的爱好到同学间交流与分享。学生不仅学习语言知识、语言技能,更重要的是通过语篇的学习,了解认识自我,实现个性化和综合发展。本课内容既是Hobbies基础知识的进一步学习,更是认识Hobbies的作用,为后面深入研究和交流做铺垫。
2. 学情分析与目标确定
在前几个单元中,通过学习Me and My class/My favorite School Subject/ My Family/My Neighbor-hood/My Future话题,学生已经熟悉I love/like doing something…和I’m interested in (doing) something…的基本句型。 在本单元lesson 37里, 关于Hobbies的对话中学生又进行了复习运用。Hobbies话题与学生联系密切,他们有话可说;初二学生乐于表现,所以他们理解文章大意并口头表达自己的兴趣爱好难度不大。但学生习惯课堂上听老师讲解,有意无意间将语言知识的学习和对文章的理解局限在课堂和课本上,与自己的生活实际分裂开,学生写作多是机械模仿。因而教师将教学目标确定为:
(1)语言知识:会读、会用生词confidence,take up, outdoor, postcard;能够建立hobbies词汇图;学会运用有关句型描写兴趣爱好;
3. 教法与学法选择
4. 教学资源与流程设计
教学流程:Reading for comprehension and language points—Reading for framework—Writing—Evaluation. 教学进程、实施细节以及教学侧重点视学生情况调整,或以读为主,或以写为主,或二者兼顾。 5. 案例比较与分析
案例1. 以读带写,读写并举
Step 1. Leading in
T: Good morning boys and girls!
Nice to meet you!
Ss: Good morning teacher!
T: There are many teachers in the back. Let’s say hello to them.
Ss: Good morning teacher!
T: I know that you have done very well at English. Not only you but also Miss You is the best in your school. Yes? (边说边板书本课的固定搭配)
Ss: Yes. (学生笑了。)
T: So, I have confidence in you,confi-den-ce. That is—I believe you can do well in this class. Understand? Do you have confidence in me? (边说边板书本课生词和词组)
Ss: Yes. I/We do.
T: Together, We have confidence in you. Now, let’s begin our new lesson. Lesson 38 Hobbies Are Fun! (板书课题。通过语境自然引入本课难点词汇:confidence和not only...but also...为阅读扫除障碍。直接导入新课,节约时间。)
Step 2. Comprehensive reading
(1) Fast-reading.
T: Open your books and take out your learning paper. Read the tittle.
Ss: Lesson 38 Hobbies Are Fun!
T: Exercise 1 together. What does this passage talk about?
Ss: Hobbies.
T: Exercise2 together. Read the...
Ss: Read the topic sentences in each paragraph.
T: Topic. Topic sentence means main sentence or key sentence. It is usually the first sentence of a paragraph. Understand? Pay attention to the key words. Begin.(学生读时有迟疑,不太理解“Topic sentence”,我用main/ key /first sentence替换,再让学生集体朗读并划出各段首句和关键词,引导学生在阅读中应重点看首句和关键词,帮助学生快速阅读,理解文章主旨和大意。)
T: Read the passage with the help of the paper and finish Exercise 3. If you have any questions, ask me or discuss in groups. 7 minutes for you, begin. (我走进学生查看学习情况,发现大部分学生对word-map不理解, 不能分级分类完成hobbies词汇图。)
T: Sit up please! Let’s share what you’ve learned in the passage. Only one chance for each group. Who’s the first? Come and show your paper here. Look at the screen and read together.
Ss: Show and read the new words and new phrases.(请三个学生分别展示导学案,大家一起读并核查词条、例句,拼读新单词,加深理解和记忆。)
T: Now let’s think of hobbies. What’s your hobby? (快速询问)
S: My hobby is singing,dancing...
T: Singing, dancing,drawing,ballet, are they ART, or GAMES, or OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES?
S: They are ART.
T: So, We write ART here, before these activities. ART is one type of hobbies. What about biking, running and climbing? Yes, outdoor activities. This is how the word-map formed. First the type, then the activities in each type. Can you finish your word map now? Begin.(通过和学生交流,并快速分类板书,示范引导学生建构hobbies词汇图;学习利用发散思维归类、联想记忆单词的过程和方法,不仅渗透教法也渗透学法指导。同时,鼓励他们运用不同句式表达hobbies。学生兴致很高,出现了很多文中没有的项目,如:ballet,magic等,见图1。) Step 3. Reading for framework and writing skills
T: Read the passage again, and then check Exercise4 in groups.
T: Cover your books and recall the passage. The tittle is—
Ss: Hobbies Are Fun! (PPT标题)
T: How many paragraphs...?
Ss: Three.
T: The key sentence of each paragraph...
Ss: A happy child has a hobby... (PPT展示三段的首句)
T: Why does a happy child have a hobby? (问题推导逻辑层次)
Ss: Hobbies are not only fun but also useful.
T: Why do you think it fun and useful? The writer says- It...(问题推导逻辑层次)
Ss: It can help...(展示PPT细节描写句)
T: Yes. Paragraph1 tells us: Why hobbies are fun! (归纳并板书,同样方法和学生一起回顾二、三段。引导学生通过标题、关键句、细节描写三个层次梳理文章结构,建构文章框架,学习写作特点,复习重点词汇和句型。)
T: This passage, tells us: Why hobbies are fun!-What can be hobbies! And, When people begin a hobby! Now let’s come to our writing---My hobby/hobbies. What can you learn from reading? Discuss in groups.(小结,过渡到写作练习引导学生根据标题思考写什么, 怎么写。将读和写紧密结合,让读为写服务,让写进一步内化读所获得的语言知识和技能,见图2。)
T:Have you got any idea? What will you write?
Ss: My hobby is...I have many hobbies...
T:Yes. First, what your hobby is/are. And then?
Ss: I begin reading when I was...I like reading because...
T: Very good. Then when and why you take it as your hobby... Now, begin your writing!
Step 4. Writing and Evaluation
T: Shall we stop here? I know some of you have finished it. Now, show your writing here. Volunteer?
T: OK. Read and see WHAT she’s written.
Ss: Read. I have lots’ of hobbies…(完成写作后必须通过朗读发现问题,理清思路,是作文修改的第一步。)
T: A good job. Thank you. Are you clear WHAT she’s written? ( 引导学生关注文章框架和主体内容。)
Ss: Her hobbies are...
T: Yes. She told us: what ... why...And when... She has a clear mind. Can you find some good sentences and any mistakes in her writing? (用wh-question思维导图理清写作思路,再看文中错误等。)
Ss: Yes.
T: Surely you can! So, when you finish your writing, read and correct the mistakes yourself. Then, change with your partner and help each other, will you? (进一步明确修改的方法、步骤和要点。)
Ss: Yes.
T: So much for today, thank you.
案例2. 以读带写,读为主
这是一所城乡结合部的新学校,学生来自农村中学,基础薄弱、习惯较差。我完善了导学案,修订了教学设计,增强了教学目标和流程的弹性,便于依据学生实际来调整教学目标和流程。晚自习将导学案发给学生,让他们提前预习;和学生交流时,我发现他们口语不流利、发音不标准。 Step 1: Leading-in
T: Good morning,class! Today is Thursday. What would you like to do on weekends?
Ss: Play basketball, play Pingpong...
T: Playing basketball, and Pingpong. They are your hobbies. Are they fun?
Ss: Yes.
T: This class we’ll talk about more about hobbies. Lesson38 Hobbies Are Fun!(快速导课,进入下一环节。)
Step 2: Reading
T: Please take out your book and learning paper. Read the passage and check your paper in groups. (学生听但没有行动;我重复并示意学生取出导学案和课本,让他们开始小组合作学习。我走进学生,发现有的读、有的看导学案,无互查和交流。导学案上自测题,除词汇图外基本完成。这是第一次用导学案,学生没有互帮互学的习惯。)
T: Ok,most of you have finished reading and the exercises. Who wants to show us what you have learned? Hands up, please! Come here with your paper. Exercise1. Read together. From the title...(我边重复边让一个学生把导学案放展台上。Exercise 1和Exercise 2是阅读技巧指导,即:读标题预测文章主题,写出每段关键/首句,理解文章大意。Exercise 3补全句子细节理解的机械训练。无须讲解,通过多媒体展示学生的导学案,一起读并检查是否正确。将各段首句、固定搭配和动词变化进行圈点或重复,引起学生有意注意,加强理解和记忆。)
T: Exercise 4. Words and phrases. Read...
S: Confidence.
T: Can you read it like this con-fi-den-ce, confidence? (按坡度规律拼读,并板书。)
Ss: con-fi-den-ce, confidence. (引导学生用自然拼读并记忆单词,进行学法指导和教法渗透。)
T: Spell and remember it con-fi-dence, very good. How do you understand this word? Read the notes on your paper!(学生习惯用汉语理解词汇,让大家一起再读英语释义及例句加深理解。)
T: Next. Come and show your paper here. How do you understand (the combined words) outdoor? You can say it out in Chinese.
Ss: 就是out和door两个词合起来的意思。
T: Yes,it’s easy to learn this kind of new words like that. Read them together quickly.
Ss: Read. (拆分合成词可以帮助学生理解和记忆,进行学法指导和教法渗透。)
T: Now, the word map. Come and show us. Look carefully. Do you think all the activities in the right place?
S: “Listening to music”, art.
T: Yes, it belongs to art. First the type, then the activities in each type. We can form a word-map like a family tree, yes? Read and check yours in pairs. (学生第一次用词汇图,类别和项目有些混乱,一起纠正示范,再重建。)
Step 3: Framework of the passage
T: Now read the passage again, think what you know about each paragraph. (同上,用wh-question思维导图一起回顾建构文章框架,总结写作方法。)
Step 4: Writing guidance
T: Let’s look over again. In this passage,the writer tells us: Why hobbies are fun. And what can be hobbies. And when people begin a hobby. (边说边看板书思维导图, 划出核心词why,what,when)
T: Now think of our writing—My hobby. What will you write? Learn from the passage! What...
Ss: What is my hobby? T: And...(引导学生用头脑风暴的形式搜集写作内容并板书主要问题。)
T: You’ve got it. First write down whquestion-words or ask questions, like: What is my hobby? When do I take it? Why do I like it? What do I do about it? Then choose two more to write in details. Understand?Finish your writing after class, will you? Thank you! Bye! (展示Learning tips,和学生一起读,并示意学生做笔记。)
案例3. 以读带写,以写为主
Step 1: Leading in
T: Today is Friday. What would you like to do this weekend?
Ss: Go home and sleep. (该校学生多是从偏远农村来的住校生,周末回家。)
T: Yes. You are too tired. What is your hobby?
Ss: Play games, reading, listen to music, play basketball...
T:Is there anyone who loves writing?
Ss: No.
T: Why don’t you love writing?
Ss: we can’t write.
T: Hm, you don’t know how or what to write. Yes?
Ss: Yes.
Step 2: Framework of the passage
T: We can learn from reading. Read Lesson 38 Hobbies Are Fun! And think what it talks about。(同上,读后,通过问题和学生一起回顾,建立wh-question思维导图。)
T: These three parts are around the topic to build a whole passage. Let’s learn to draw a conclusion. For example,My School Subject (引导学生一起归纳learning tips以实例加深理解。)
T: Understand. Let’s see a model. Keep good hobbies! Read the tittle and key sentences of each paragraph... (展示范文,引导学生运用阅读技巧阅读范文, 概括文章大意,强调写作特点。)
T:Are the three paragraphs the same long? Does the writer write the same length for each paragraph?
Ss:No. Part 2 is longer.
T: Yes, he writes more in paragraph2. In Chinese it is详略……
Step 3: Framework and guidance of writing
T: Discuss with your partner about My hobby. Think of the learning tips. Take some notes.
T: Show your work here. My School Subject or My hobby, choose one. (展示学生写作要点,梳理框架扫除写作障碍。学生写时及时查看,解决学生出现的问题,为下一步讲评发现有特点的写作。)
Step 5: Evaluation
T: Attention please! Look at the screen and listen to him carefully. First, think what(questions)he wrote. Second, find out the good sentence or idea he has. Third, some mistakes. Ss: What, Why.
Ss: Where there is a will there is a way.
T: What does this mean?
Ss: 有志者……
T: Yes,this is a very good sentence. You can use some old sayings in your writing. Thank you! (这个学生写的是My School Subject,错误较多,但有一句谚语用的很好:Where there is a will there is a way.因此,讲评时就让大家关注他的好句和中心思想,而没有纠错。)
T: Who else? Tell us what you have written. Think of the questions. Listen and watch carefully.
S: What is my hobby?... (引导学生用wh-question思维导图,理清写作思路。)
T: Which do you think is the good sentence in her writing? (一起欣赏好句,有利于激发兴趣,树立信心。)
Ss: Listening to music makes me relaxed. I’ll keep that hobby forever.
T: Very good. Are there any mistakes?
S: Listening to music can bring me fun and happy.
T: Yes. Listening to music. Get rid of“the”. Fun and happy. You can say bring me fun and happiness or make me happy. Understand? Have you got the idea of polishing your writing? Now discuss and help each other. (通过示范引导学生怎样修改作文。并同伴合作实践。)
T: Ok, Class! Let’s see what you have done. Who wants to show here?
S:(展示修改的同学作文,读红笔修改处。)It can also open the world for us.
T: Why do you change IS to CAN?
S: Is 是系动词,和open,两个动词不行,所以把is换can。
T: Good. We can’t use IS before OPEN. Here, OPEN is a verb. Anyone else?
S: (展示修改的同学作文,读红笔修改处。)
T: What have you found in her writing?
S: 这里应该是love to do要么love doing,所以要去掉to; 还有这里,把because改为so。
T: Don’t you think he did a good job?
S: Yes. (Clap)
T: Thank you! We don’t have time for everyone to show here. Please polish yours after class and share on QQ. Now let’s see what we have learned this class... (引导学生总结阅读和写作技巧,展示learning tips。)
评价和过程指导与监管是写作教学中重要的环节, 却常常被忽视。评价多是教师批阅单一方式,可以指导学生自评、同伴互评、小组评等交互进行,增强自主学习和自我评价的能力;评价方法简单,学生多是看语法、词汇及拼写错误等,应引导学生在修改错误的同时关注文章整体结构、逻辑关系及好词好句,增强信心,激发兴趣,才能提高写作技巧和能力。
周莉.初中英语读写结合模式促进有效写作教学的探讨[J]. 课程·教材·教法,2011(09).
教育部国培项目“初中英语示范性工作坊”第二期由陕西和山西工作坊负责“写作”专题的研究及资源提供。山西师范大学的胡明珠教授提出 “以文本阅读为基础的写作教学”思路,得到我们六位坊主一致赞同。笔者选择了两所学情不同的学校,就这一思路进行同课异构教学实验,探索如何运用“以读带写”教学模式培养学生良好的写作习惯,提高写作能力。
这种模式下,阅读是基础,教师们应根据阅读文本题材、体裁、结构特点和语言知识点来确定读写的教学目标和流程,引导学生从语篇阅读中获取写作素材,通过分析语篇结构学习写作方法。借鉴汉语读写教学中根据不同文体的基本要素来理解和建构文章框架结构的方法,英文语篇基本要素可以概括为wh-questions(-words)。思维导图是把wh- question基本要素用思维导图模式应用于英语读写教学中,将放射性思维具体化的方法;梳理阅读文本是帮助学生理解文章主题和作者意图;建构写作框架,旨在明晰学生的写作思路,架起阅读和写作的桥梁,来解决读什么怎么读,写什么怎么写的问题。
1. 设计理念与教材分析
依据课程标准,八年级上学期读写课,应在阅读教学中引导学生运用阅读策略,整体把握文章结构、意义和逻辑关系,逐步引导学生运用文中词汇、句型,模仿文章结构写出有完整意义和逻辑结构的文段,真实地表达思想。冀教版教材的八年级第七单元是Hobbies, Lesson 37是对话,引入话题。Lesson 38 Hobbies Are Fun的语篇材料很有特点:全文三段,层次分明,结构严谨,是很好的写作蓝本。前几个单元话题内容从关注同学、课程、家庭、邻居到关注自己的未来。本单元主题:兴趣爱好。 Lesson 37是关于常见的爱好名称和基础句型;Lesson 38讲爱好的作用和类别;Lesson 39和40是对个人爱好的深入研究;Lesson 41和42是同伴交流与合作。整个单元内容环环相扣,引导学生步步深入。从学习了解相关爱好的知识,发现、发展自己的爱好到同学间交流与分享。学生不仅学习语言知识、语言技能,更重要的是通过语篇的学习,了解认识自我,实现个性化和综合发展。本课内容既是Hobbies基础知识的进一步学习,更是认识Hobbies的作用,为后面深入研究和交流做铺垫。
2. 学情分析与目标确定
在前几个单元中,通过学习Me and My class/My favorite School Subject/ My Family/My Neighbor-hood/My Future话题,学生已经熟悉I love/like doing something…和I’m interested in (doing) something…的基本句型。 在本单元lesson 37里, 关于Hobbies的对话中学生又进行了复习运用。Hobbies话题与学生联系密切,他们有话可说;初二学生乐于表现,所以他们理解文章大意并口头表达自己的兴趣爱好难度不大。但学生习惯课堂上听老师讲解,有意无意间将语言知识的学习和对文章的理解局限在课堂和课本上,与自己的生活实际分裂开,学生写作多是机械模仿。因而教师将教学目标确定为:
(1)语言知识:会读、会用生词confidence,take up, outdoor, postcard;能够建立hobbies词汇图;学会运用有关句型描写兴趣爱好;
3. 教法与学法选择
4. 教学资源与流程设计
教学流程:Reading for comprehension and language points—Reading for framework—Writing—Evaluation. 教学进程、实施细节以及教学侧重点视学生情况调整,或以读为主,或以写为主,或二者兼顾。 5. 案例比较与分析
案例1. 以读带写,读写并举
Step 1. Leading in
T: Good morning boys and girls!
Nice to meet you!
Ss: Good morning teacher!
T: There are many teachers in the back. Let’s say hello to them.
Ss: Good morning teacher!
T: I know that you have done very well at English. Not only you but also Miss You is the best in your school. Yes? (边说边板书本课的固定搭配)
Ss: Yes. (学生笑了。)
T: So, I have confidence in you,confi-den-ce. That is—I believe you can do well in this class. Understand? Do you have confidence in me? (边说边板书本课生词和词组)
Ss: Yes. I/We do.
T: Together, We have confidence in you. Now, let’s begin our new lesson. Lesson 38 Hobbies Are Fun! (板书课题。通过语境自然引入本课难点词汇:confidence和not only...but also...为阅读扫除障碍。直接导入新课,节约时间。)
Step 2. Comprehensive reading
(1) Fast-reading.
T: Open your books and take out your learning paper. Read the tittle.
Ss: Lesson 38 Hobbies Are Fun!
T: Exercise 1 together. What does this passage talk about?
Ss: Hobbies.
T: Exercise2 together. Read the...
Ss: Read the topic sentences in each paragraph.
T: Topic. Topic sentence means main sentence or key sentence. It is usually the first sentence of a paragraph. Understand? Pay attention to the key words. Begin.(学生读时有迟疑,不太理解“Topic sentence”,我用main/ key /first sentence替换,再让学生集体朗读并划出各段首句和关键词,引导学生在阅读中应重点看首句和关键词,帮助学生快速阅读,理解文章主旨和大意。)
T: Read the passage with the help of the paper and finish Exercise 3. If you have any questions, ask me or discuss in groups. 7 minutes for you, begin. (我走进学生查看学习情况,发现大部分学生对word-map不理解, 不能分级分类完成hobbies词汇图。)
T: Sit up please! Let’s share what you’ve learned in the passage. Only one chance for each group. Who’s the first? Come and show your paper here. Look at the screen and read together.
Ss: Show and read the new words and new phrases.(请三个学生分别展示导学案,大家一起读并核查词条、例句,拼读新单词,加深理解和记忆。)
T: Now let’s think of hobbies. What’s your hobby? (快速询问)
S: My hobby is singing,dancing...
T: Singing, dancing,drawing,ballet, are they ART, or GAMES, or OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES?
S: They are ART.
T: So, We write ART here, before these activities. ART is one type of hobbies. What about biking, running and climbing? Yes, outdoor activities. This is how the word-map formed. First the type, then the activities in each type. Can you finish your word map now? Begin.(通过和学生交流,并快速分类板书,示范引导学生建构hobbies词汇图;学习利用发散思维归类、联想记忆单词的过程和方法,不仅渗透教法也渗透学法指导。同时,鼓励他们运用不同句式表达hobbies。学生兴致很高,出现了很多文中没有的项目,如:ballet,magic等,见图1。) Step 3. Reading for framework and writing skills
T: Read the passage again, and then check Exercise4 in groups.
T: Cover your books and recall the passage. The tittle is—
Ss: Hobbies Are Fun! (PPT标题)
T: How many paragraphs...?
Ss: Three.
T: The key sentence of each paragraph...
Ss: A happy child has a hobby... (PPT展示三段的首句)
T: Why does a happy child have a hobby? (问题推导逻辑层次)
Ss: Hobbies are not only fun but also useful.
T: Why do you think it fun and useful? The writer says- It...(问题推导逻辑层次)
Ss: It can help...(展示PPT细节描写句)
T: Yes. Paragraph1 tells us: Why hobbies are fun! (归纳并板书,同样方法和学生一起回顾二、三段。引导学生通过标题、关键句、细节描写三个层次梳理文章结构,建构文章框架,学习写作特点,复习重点词汇和句型。)
T: This passage, tells us: Why hobbies are fun!-What can be hobbies! And, When people begin a hobby! Now let’s come to our writing---My hobby/hobbies. What can you learn from reading? Discuss in groups.(小结,过渡到写作练习引导学生根据标题思考写什么, 怎么写。将读和写紧密结合,让读为写服务,让写进一步内化读所获得的语言知识和技能,见图2。)
T:Have you got any idea? What will you write?
Ss: My hobby is...I have many hobbies...
T:Yes. First, what your hobby is/are. And then?
Ss: I begin reading when I was...I like reading because...
T: Very good. Then when and why you take it as your hobby... Now, begin your writing!
Step 4. Writing and Evaluation
T: Shall we stop here? I know some of you have finished it. Now, show your writing here. Volunteer?
T: OK. Read and see WHAT she’s written.
Ss: Read. I have lots’ of hobbies…(完成写作后必须通过朗读发现问题,理清思路,是作文修改的第一步。)
T: A good job. Thank you. Are you clear WHAT she’s written? ( 引导学生关注文章框架和主体内容。)
Ss: Her hobbies are...
T: Yes. She told us: what ... why...And when... She has a clear mind. Can you find some good sentences and any mistakes in her writing? (用wh-question思维导图理清写作思路,再看文中错误等。)
Ss: Yes.
T: Surely you can! So, when you finish your writing, read and correct the mistakes yourself. Then, change with your partner and help each other, will you? (进一步明确修改的方法、步骤和要点。)
Ss: Yes.
T: So much for today, thank you.
案例2. 以读带写,读为主
这是一所城乡结合部的新学校,学生来自农村中学,基础薄弱、习惯较差。我完善了导学案,修订了教学设计,增强了教学目标和流程的弹性,便于依据学生实际来调整教学目标和流程。晚自习将导学案发给学生,让他们提前预习;和学生交流时,我发现他们口语不流利、发音不标准。 Step 1: Leading-in
T: Good morning,class! Today is Thursday. What would you like to do on weekends?
Ss: Play basketball, play Pingpong...
T: Playing basketball, and Pingpong. They are your hobbies. Are they fun?
Ss: Yes.
T: This class we’ll talk about more about hobbies. Lesson38 Hobbies Are Fun!(快速导课,进入下一环节。)
Step 2: Reading
T: Please take out your book and learning paper. Read the passage and check your paper in groups. (学生听但没有行动;我重复并示意学生取出导学案和课本,让他们开始小组合作学习。我走进学生,发现有的读、有的看导学案,无互查和交流。导学案上自测题,除词汇图外基本完成。这是第一次用导学案,学生没有互帮互学的习惯。)
T: Ok,most of you have finished reading and the exercises. Who wants to show us what you have learned? Hands up, please! Come here with your paper. Exercise1. Read together. From the title...(我边重复边让一个学生把导学案放展台上。Exercise 1和Exercise 2是阅读技巧指导,即:读标题预测文章主题,写出每段关键/首句,理解文章大意。Exercise 3补全句子细节理解的机械训练。无须讲解,通过多媒体展示学生的导学案,一起读并检查是否正确。将各段首句、固定搭配和动词变化进行圈点或重复,引起学生有意注意,加强理解和记忆。)
T: Exercise 4. Words and phrases. Read...
S: Confidence.
T: Can you read it like this con-fi-den-ce, confidence? (按坡度规律拼读,并板书。)
Ss: con-fi-den-ce, confidence. (引导学生用自然拼读并记忆单词,进行学法指导和教法渗透。)
T: Spell and remember it con-fi-dence, very good. How do you understand this word? Read the notes on your paper!(学生习惯用汉语理解词汇,让大家一起再读英语释义及例句加深理解。)
T: Next. Come and show your paper here. How do you understand (the combined words) outdoor? You can say it out in Chinese.
Ss: 就是out和door两个词合起来的意思。
T: Yes,it’s easy to learn this kind of new words like that. Read them together quickly.
Ss: Read. (拆分合成词可以帮助学生理解和记忆,进行学法指导和教法渗透。)
T: Now, the word map. Come and show us. Look carefully. Do you think all the activities in the right place?
S: “Listening to music”, art.
T: Yes, it belongs to art. First the type, then the activities in each type. We can form a word-map like a family tree, yes? Read and check yours in pairs. (学生第一次用词汇图,类别和项目有些混乱,一起纠正示范,再重建。)
Step 3: Framework of the passage
T: Now read the passage again, think what you know about each paragraph. (同上,用wh-question思维导图一起回顾建构文章框架,总结写作方法。)
Step 4: Writing guidance
T: Let’s look over again. In this passage,the writer tells us: Why hobbies are fun. And what can be hobbies. And when people begin a hobby. (边说边看板书思维导图, 划出核心词why,what,when)
T: Now think of our writing—My hobby. What will you write? Learn from the passage! What...
Ss: What is my hobby? T: And...(引导学生用头脑风暴的形式搜集写作内容并板书主要问题。)
T: You’ve got it. First write down whquestion-words or ask questions, like: What is my hobby? When do I take it? Why do I like it? What do I do about it? Then choose two more to write in details. Understand?Finish your writing after class, will you? Thank you! Bye! (展示Learning tips,和学生一起读,并示意学生做笔记。)
案例3. 以读带写,以写为主
Step 1: Leading in
T: Today is Friday. What would you like to do this weekend?
Ss: Go home and sleep. (该校学生多是从偏远农村来的住校生,周末回家。)
T: Yes. You are too tired. What is your hobby?
Ss: Play games, reading, listen to music, play basketball...
T:Is there anyone who loves writing?
Ss: No.
T: Why don’t you love writing?
Ss: we can’t write.
T: Hm, you don’t know how or what to write. Yes?
Ss: Yes.
Step 2: Framework of the passage
T: We can learn from reading. Read Lesson 38 Hobbies Are Fun! And think what it talks about。(同上,读后,通过问题和学生一起回顾,建立wh-question思维导图。)
T: These three parts are around the topic to build a whole passage. Let’s learn to draw a conclusion. For example,My School Subject (引导学生一起归纳learning tips以实例加深理解。)
T: Understand. Let’s see a model. Keep good hobbies! Read the tittle and key sentences of each paragraph... (展示范文,引导学生运用阅读技巧阅读范文, 概括文章大意,强调写作特点。)
T:Are the three paragraphs the same long? Does the writer write the same length for each paragraph?
Ss:No. Part 2 is longer.
T: Yes, he writes more in paragraph2. In Chinese it is详略……
Step 3: Framework and guidance of writing
T: Discuss with your partner about My hobby. Think of the learning tips. Take some notes.
T: Show your work here. My School Subject or My hobby, choose one. (展示学生写作要点,梳理框架扫除写作障碍。学生写时及时查看,解决学生出现的问题,为下一步讲评发现有特点的写作。)
Step 5: Evaluation
T: Attention please! Look at the screen and listen to him carefully. First, think what(questions)he wrote. Second, find out the good sentence or idea he has. Third, some mistakes. Ss: What, Why.
Ss: Where there is a will there is a way.
T: What does this mean?
Ss: 有志者……
T: Yes,this is a very good sentence. You can use some old sayings in your writing. Thank you! (这个学生写的是My School Subject,错误较多,但有一句谚语用的很好:Where there is a will there is a way.因此,讲评时就让大家关注他的好句和中心思想,而没有纠错。)
T: Who else? Tell us what you have written. Think of the questions. Listen and watch carefully.
S: What is my hobby?... (引导学生用wh-question思维导图,理清写作思路。)
T: Which do you think is the good sentence in her writing? (一起欣赏好句,有利于激发兴趣,树立信心。)
Ss: Listening to music makes me relaxed. I’ll keep that hobby forever.
T: Very good. Are there any mistakes?
S: Listening to music can bring me fun and happy.
T: Yes. Listening to music. Get rid of“the”. Fun and happy. You can say bring me fun and happiness or make me happy. Understand? Have you got the idea of polishing your writing? Now discuss and help each other. (通过示范引导学生怎样修改作文。并同伴合作实践。)
T: Ok, Class! Let’s see what you have done. Who wants to show here?
S:(展示修改的同学作文,读红笔修改处。)It can also open the world for us.
T: Why do you change IS to CAN?
S: Is 是系动词,和open,两个动词不行,所以把is换can。
T: Good. We can’t use IS before OPEN. Here, OPEN is a verb. Anyone else?
S: (展示修改的同学作文,读红笔修改处。)
T: What have you found in her writing?
S: 这里应该是love to do要么love doing,所以要去掉to; 还有这里,把because改为so。
T: Don’t you think he did a good job?
S: Yes. (Clap)
T: Thank you! We don’t have time for everyone to show here. Please polish yours after class and share on QQ. Now let’s see what we have learned this class... (引导学生总结阅读和写作技巧,展示learning tips。)
评价和过程指导与监管是写作教学中重要的环节, 却常常被忽视。评价多是教师批阅单一方式,可以指导学生自评、同伴互评、小组评等交互进行,增强自主学习和自我评价的能力;评价方法简单,学生多是看语法、词汇及拼写错误等,应引导学生在修改错误的同时关注文章整体结构、逻辑关系及好词好句,增强信心,激发兴趣,才能提高写作技巧和能力。
周莉.初中英语读写结合模式促进有效写作教学的探讨[J]. 课程·教材·教法,2011(09).