春到高原 格桑花开——甘南州招商引资促发展

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甘南州位于我省西南部,地处青藏高原和黄土高原的交界地带,总面积4.5万平方公里。辖合作1市及临潭、卓尼、舟曲、迭部、玛曲、碌曲、夏河7县,总人口68万余人,其中农牧业人口55万,占总人口的80.9%。有藏、汉、回、土、满等24个民族,其中藏族36.7万,占总人口的54%,是全国10个藏族自治州之一。甘南州资源丰富。拥有亚高山草甸草场4084万亩,是我省主要的畜牧业基地;境内有以黄河、洮河、大夏河、白龙江为代表的120多条干支河流,水电资源占全省的20.94%,开发潜力巨大;矿藏储量丰富,其中14个矿种储量居全省前5位;旅游资源得天独厚,全州可供开发的旅游资源约7大类、33种、146处,且以其种类全、品位高、存量大、特色浓的特点享誉海内外;中藏药资源丰富,境内蕴藏的纯天然野生中藏药材850余种,蕴藏量为5243万公斤,开发前景广阔。建国以来,尤其是改革开放以来,甘南人在党中央和省委的领导下,解放思想,改革开放,突破传统观念和体制的桎梏,通过招商引资,将甘南带出封闭,带进市场,带上了经济社会发展的快车道,全州人民生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。2007年,甘南州国内生产总值达35.37亿元,按可比价计算,是1978年的6.35倍;大口径财政收入达3.47亿元,是1978年的31.7倍。 Gannan Prefecture is located in the southwest of our province, is located at the junction of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau, with a total area of ​​45,000 square kilometers. Jurisdiction over the cooperation of a city and Lintan, Zhuoni, Zhouqu, Diebu, Maqu, Lu Qu, Xiahe County, the total population of more than 680,000, of which 550,000 agricultural population, accounting for 80.9% of the total population. There are 24 ethnic groups including Tibetan, Han, Hui, Tu and Manchu, including 367,000 Tibetans, accounting for 54% of the total population. It is one of the 10 Tibetan autonomous prefectures in the country. Gannan rich in resources. It owns 40.84 million mu of subalpine meadows and is the main livestock husbandry base in our province. There are over 120 dry and branch rivers represented by Yellow River, Bahe River, Daxia River and Bailong River, with 20.94% of the total hydropower resources in the province, Potential reserves are huge; Mineral reserves are abundant, of which 14 are the top 5 reserves in the province. The tourism resources are unique. There are about 7 categories, 33 types and 146 tourism resources available throughout the state. High, large stock, characteristics of rich reputation at home and abroad; rich in Tibetan medicine resources, the territory of the reserves of more than 850 kinds of natural wild Tibetan medicine, the reserves of 52430000 kilograms, the development of broad prospects. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, under the leadership of the party Central Committee and the provincial party committee, Gannan people have emancipated their minds, carried out reforms and opening up, broke through the shackles of traditional concepts and institutions, took Gannan out of the market and brought it into the market through investment promotion. On the fast lane of economic and social development, the lives of people in the state have undergone tremendous changes. In 2007, the GDP of Gannan Prefecture reached 3.537 billion yuan, calculated at a comparable price, 6.35 times that of 1978; the large-caliber fiscal revenue reached 347 million yuan, 31.7 times of 1978’s.
目的研究托吡酯治疗小儿难治性癫部分性发作的疗效与安全性。方法36例难治性癫部分性发作患儿,原来使用的抗癫药种类和剂量不变,将托吡酯作为辅助治疗药物,从0.5 mg.kg-1.d-1
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