
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luanwenjie
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Background. - Cancer in childhood account for less than 1% of all cancers and for the second most important cause of death for children aged less than 15 years in France, injuries being the leading cause. Compared to adult cancers, childhood cancers’ particularities justify to create pediatric registries. The first French population-based registry was created in Lorraine in 1983. The incidence and survival results from a 17 year-period are presented. Methods. - In Lorraine region, all children (0- 14 years) with cancer diagnosed between 1983 and 1999 were included. Crude, age-standardized (world population) and cumulative incidence rates were calculated just as overall, specific- disease and event-free survival rates, using Kaplan-Meier methods. Results. - With 1086 registered cases, the crude incidence rate per million children is 132.4, the age-standardized incidence rate per million is 137.5; 1 out of every 500 children will develop cancer before the age of 15 years. The incidence of all cancers combined is slightly higher in males than in females with a M/F ratio of 1.13. For this 17 years-period, no trend in childhood cancer incidence is observed. The main cancer groups are leukemia (30.7% ), brain and spinal tumors (23.2% )- and lymphomas (12.9% ), sympathetic nervous system tumors (7.4% ), soft-tissue sarcomas (6.1% ), renal tumors (5.2% ), and bone tumors (5.0% ). Five-year specific survival rates for all cancers combined is 71.4% [95% CI: 68.5- 74.3]. The prognosis is significatively worse for the< 1 year age group (55% ) and for some histologic types: brain stem gliomas (27% ), hepatic tumors (43% ), osteosarcomas (57% ), neuroblastomas (65% ), rhabdomyosarcomas (55% ). Discussion. - Relative distribution of histologic groups, incidence and survival rates observed in Lorraine registry are compatible with the general pattern in the European Union cancer registries. The lack of significative trend in incidence unlike others country may be explained by too small numbers. Conclusion. - The acquired experience in developping this regional registry allowed us to create a national registry of childhood solid tumors and contribute to valid national data. Background. - Cancer in childhood account for less than 1% of all cancers and for the second most important cause of death for children aged less than 15 years in France, injuries being the leading cause. Compared to adult cancers, childhood cancers’ particularities justify to create pediatric registries. The first French population-based registry was created in Lorraine in 1983. The incidence and survival results from a 17 year-period are presented. Methods. - In Lorraine region, all children (0-14 years) with cancer Diagnosed between 1983 and 1999 were included. Crude, age-standardized (world population) and cumulative incidence rates were calculated just as overall, specific-disease and event-free survival rates, using Kaplan-Meier methods. , the crude incidence rate per million children is 132.4, the age-standardized incidence rate per million is 137.5; 1 out of every 500 children will develop cancer before the age of 15 years. The incidence o f all cancers combined is slightly higher in males than in females with a M / F ratio of 1.13. For this 17 years-period, no trend in childhood cancer incidence is observed. The main cancer groups are leukemia (30.7%), brain and spinal tumors (23.2%) - and lymphomas (12.9%), sympathetic nervous system tumors (7.4%), soft-tissue sarcomas specific survival rates for all cancers combined is 71.4% [95% CI: 68.5-74.3]. The prognosis is significantly more worse for the <1 year age group (55%) and for some histologic types: brain stem gliomas The relative distribution of histologic groups, incidence and survival rates observed in Lorraine registry are compatible with the general pattern in the European Union cancer registries. The lack of significant trend in incidence unlike others country may be explained by too small numbers. Conclusion. - The acquired experience in developing this regional registry allowed us to create a national registry of childhood solid tumors and contribute to valid national data.
患者男性,46岁,2004年12月因左眼球突出1个月,伴胸部疼痛半个月来我院就诊.眼部检查:双眼裸眼视力1.2,右眼未见异常.左眼球轴性突出,突出度:右眼9 mm,左眼15 mm,眶距96 mm,左眶外上方深部可触及一肿物,质软,轻度压痛,可活动.眼球外转、上转受限,眶压增高,眼压正常,眼睑肿胀,结膜无充血,结膜外上方可见淡红色泪腺受压突出,角膜透明,晶状体透明,玻璃体无混浊,眼底正常.CT检查发
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