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  They say that happiness is marrying your best friend. Well, they (whoever “they” are) were right. Except that my wife is the only friend I’ve got at the moment. But in the 27 years before we met, there was a rather short list of people I trusted enough to be my best friend. And they each helped shape the man I am today.
  First was David, my lanky next door neighbor, with his leading man looks, strong moral compass, and particularly picky eating habits. I marveled at how he could eat white rice and black beans for every single meal.
  Then came the dangerous Dylan and Dave, who unleashed my teenage dark side, and helped me break every rule in the book. Mom said she knew Dylan was trouble, because the dog hated him. What a wise puppy!
  Then at college I met Ryan, a fellow actor, singer and Mets fan. We were like two peas in a pod. We even planned to start a band together, until he found love and moved out to LA, and I went to China to find my own way.
  Sticking with this month’s friendly theme, My Favorite Ant follows old friends who learn about regret and forgiveness since the early age of three. Never Forget Old Friends shows how the death of a loved one forces us to revisit forgotten feelings and friendships. How I Became the Woman I Am Today: A Story of Friendship shows us how a teacher-student relationship can evolve into a deep, meaningful friendship day by day. And we learn how Friendship Is Like a Cup of Tea, since “it’s not as strong as wine or whisky, and not as sweet as a soft drink”.
  I haven’t kept in touch with any of those old friends (for one reason or another), but I’ll always be grateful for the part they’ve played in shaping who I am today.
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