Process Approach of Writing

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  【Abstract】Process approach of writing is coming into its way in recent years. The research uses literature research to learn about process approach of writing. According to the theory, the research designs and analyses teaching designs of the process approach. It gives some implications for teaching in writing.
  【Key words】Process approach of writing; Teaching design
  1. The Definition of Process Approach of Writing
  In 1978, Graves put forward process-writing model, noticing that teachers help students understand and internalize the whole process of composing, including brainstorming, planning, drafting, peer-conferencing, peer-editing and so on. In 1980, Donald Murray, a professional writer and influential teacher of writing, emphasized the importance of a series of drafts in the writing process based on his reflections on writing processes.
  In A Course in English Language Teaching, Wang Qiang (2006) gives the definition of the process approach. The process approach is a teaching method that the teacher uses to help students with the writing process and the teacher’s guidance should be gradually withdrawn.
  2. The Implementation Procedures of Process Approach of Writing
  Deng Liming(2004) put forward the concrete implementation mode approach for the first time in China. The process includes sample analysis, imitate writing, writing and compiling independent modification. The Standard of English Curriculum (2017) in the teaching of writing states that the writing teaching is divided into pre-writing activities, writing and post-writing modifications. The paper designs the teaching plan and analyses it according to the Deng Liming’ s procedures and the Standard of English Curriculum.
  Design of Process Approach of Writing.
  2.1 Stage one: Pre-writing Stage
  In is the input stage before writing, teachers can use brainstorming, sample analysis, outlining, questioning and so on.
  The teaching design includes stages of brainstorming. This encourages students to produce a lot of useful and novel ideas, which helps to practice their creative thinking and imaginations.
  The teaching design can use an expert text to increase the input for students. Students, once aware of how such a text is constructed, are then free to independently use the model to write their own texts (Hyland 2003). By analysis of the expert text, teachers can also help students to develop an outline of the text. A good outline can help students to make their writing more logical. Questioning can be used a lot in writing teaching. Questions from teachers help to guide students to form the right ideas of their writing.   2.2 Stage Two: Writing Stage
  In the pre-writing, students have spent a lot of time to prepare for this stage. Therefore, in this stage, students just have to transform their ideas into words. In this stage, students are encouraged to share their work with others. This helps students learn others’ good expressions and ideas. In this stage, they can also use some good expressions from the expert text. Teachers also can provide some useful phrases and expressions to help.
  2.3 Stage Three: Post-writing Stage
  In this stage, students have to pay attention to the language forms. In this stage, students and teachers talk about the writing together and teachers give some feedbacks. Students rethink their work again. Through this discussion, students are able to know how to score their own writing.
  3. Implications for Teaching
  3.1 Teachers should Focus More on the Process instead of Product
  In China, teachers see writing as a kind of homework which students can complete without help. They seldom spend time in class to assist with their writing. Therefore, students’ writing doesn’t improve in a long time. Process approach of writing is needed in English class.
  3.2 Teachers should Arouse the Interest of Students to Write
  There is no doubt that it is a big challenge for English teachers to get learners to engage in writing in the target language with any degree of enthusiasm. However, interest is the best teacher for students. Teachers can motivate students to participate in writing through different activities, such as brainstorming, group discussion of stories and so on.
  3.3 Modification is an Important Part of Writing
  Many teachers ignore the modification in writing. Teachers should help students to form a habit of modification. The modification can happen before or after submitting their work to teachers. The aim of it is to make sure students put more noticing on the language form and structure in their writing.
  [1]Graves,D.H.Balance and Basics: Let Them Write[J].Ford Foundation: New York,1978.
【摘要】小学高年级的教学要求随着当前社会和家庭对教育教学的越来越重视而不断提高,普通教学和特色教育相结合的教育方式成为了当下的主流,我们教师队伍也应与时俱进,改进教育模式与方法也是我们当前教育的一个重要课题,本文就小学英语课堂的一种私自经的教学方法谈谈作者自己的看法。  【关键词】英语;高年级;四字经  【作者简介】朱紫临,苏州工业园区新城花园小学。  小学高年级的教学要求随着当前社会和家庭对教育
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