How China Will Deal with the Impact after Its Accession to the WTO—Interview with Dr.Klaus Kautzor-S

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On 10 April 2002, Professor Qin Yi, Editor-in-Chief of Social Sciences in China Press,interviewed Dr. Klaus Kautzor-Schroder. The influence of China’s accession to both of theWTO and China itself, and how China will implement its accession protocol were discussedin the interview. Dr. Kautzor-Schroder served in the GATT from the 1970s to the pre-found-ing period of the WTO. He was Director in the GATT Secretariat for 20 years and responsiblefor tariffs, NTMs, AD, Subsidies, safeguards, FTA and a number of other trade policy-relatedareas. During his tenure of office he took part in the Tokyo Round and Uruguay Round multi-lateral trade negotiations. After retiring in 1991, Dr. Kautzor-Schroder has given his help toa number of developing countries in their accession process. He has visited China many timesin connection with the training of Chinese civil servants and young professionals. This inter-view was conducted during his stay in China. On 10 April 2002, Professor Qin Yi, Editor-in-Chief of Social Sciences in China Press, interviewed Dr. Klaus Kautzor-Schroder. The influence of China’s accession to both of the WTO and China itself, and how China will implement its accession protocol Were discussedin the interview. Dr. Kautzor-Schroder served in the GATT from the 1970s to the pre-found-ing period of the WTO. He was Director in the GATT Secretariat for 20 years and responsiblefor tariffs, NTMs, AD, Subsidies, safeguards , FTA and a number of other trade policy-relatedareas. During his tenure of office he took part in the Tokyo Round and Uruguay Round multi-lateral trade negotiations. After retiring in 1991, Dr. Kautzor-Schroder has given his help toa number of Developing countries in their accession process. He has visited China many timesin connection with the training of Chinese civil servants and young professionals. This inter-view was conducted during his stay in China.
国际贸易的有利性早已在理论和实践上得到充分的证明。但是 ,国内外学者的研究大部分集中在国家利益的宏观层面上 ,涉及微观层面的研究显得薄弱。随着我国加入 WTO,厂商逐步
言及品牌联动,最早也是最成功的当属英国的Intel(英特尔)的“Intel Inside”(内置英特尔)计划。英特尔公司以生产电脑微处理器而闻名,从286到586成功横扫市场。但是当时英特
在解题时,若能把注意力和着眼点放在问题的整体结构上,从整体上把握问题的实质,常会收到事半功倍的效果.下面列举实例,予以说明,供同学们参考.  例1解方程组  x+y-z=11,①y+z-x=5,②z+x-y=1. ③  解:①+②+③得x+y+z=17.④  ④-①,得2z=6,则z=3.  ④-②,得2x=12,则x=6.  ④-③,得2y=16,则y=8.  ∴方程组的解为 x=6,y=8,z
日前 ,中国科学院生态环境研究中心与安捷伦科技在北京共同签署了“生态中心一安捷伦亚太环境分析实验室”合作协议 ,双方将在持久性有机污染物 (POPs)分析方法项目上展开进一步
入行时间:1993年进入广告行自己最满意的作品:还没有最满意的。2001年全年诺基亚产品及形象的整体创意规划,总体来讲还可以。最推崇的文案:IBM 五年前的长文案广告自我评价: