A Review on Phrasal Verbs

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  Abstract:This paper aims to give a comprehensive picture of studies on phrasal verbs in recent 30 years to present the major findings of research. Previous researches have focused on different perspectives for the study of this topic,and it appears that they’ve got the same result that conceptual metaphor has a positive effect on students’acquisition of phrasal verbs.
  Key words:phrasal verbs;cognitive linguistics;conceptual;metaphor
  1 Phrasal verbs and EFL learners
  Some studies on phrasal verbs have been concentrated on ESL learners at different levels to see how learners avoid using them (Dagut&Laufer,1985;Guo,2013).They studied the avoidance of phrasal verbs by Hebrew students of English and found that Hebrew students avoid using phrasal verbs because the structural differences between their native language and English.Zhang(2007)studied the avoidance of PVs by Chinese learners with regard to their proficiency levels(advanced,intermediate)and PVs types(figurative,literal).The result indicated that intermediate learners avoided using English PVs.The analysis and the interview showed that semantic features of PVs,leaners’proficiency level,learning environment and strategy all caused the avoidance of PVs.However,contrary to the findings of Dagut and Zhang,Guo(2013)did not find the avoidance of phrasal verbs of Chinese learners.Working with 64 non-English majors,he found that the participants did not avoid using phrasal verbs.
  2 Cognitive Linguistics and Acquisition of Phrasal Verbs
  In recent years,cognitive linguistics has been used to study second language acquisition(SLA)especially the acquisition of idiomatic expressions(Yasuda,2010;Lee,2012).Lee utilized cognitive linguistic instruction of English phrasal verbs with particles up,out and over produced by 32 intermediate graduate students enrolled for the course of international teaching assistances at the Pennsylvania State University.He developed the Schemas for the Orienting Basis of Action(SCOBAs)to accompany the metaphorical aspects of phrasal verbs.The findings showed that concept-based instruction enhanced students’systematic understanding of phrasal verbs and their explanations were improved and became semantically rich.All the studies above have proved the significance of cognitive linguistic approach in teaching and learning PVs,especially metaphors.
  3 Conceptual Metaphor and Acquisition of Phrasal Verbs
  Conceptual metaphor was defined as“understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another”(Lakoff and Johnson,1980).Based on conceptual metaphor,researchers have studied English prepositions and polysemy(Csabi,2004).In relation to conceptual metaphor,the orientational metaphor embedded in PVs was mostly studied(Yasuda,2010).Yasuda compared the traditional teaching of phrasal verbs with orientational metaphors to the acquisition of phrasal verbs.His study showed that the experimental group scored much more than the traditional group,which indicated the positive effect of orientational metaphors.Previous studies on conceptual metaphor have contributed a lot to both theoretical significance and practical guidance.   References
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  [3]Lakoff,G.&JohnsonM.Metaphors We Live by[M].Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1980.
  [4]Lee.H.Concept-Based Approach to Second Language Teaching and Learning:Cognitive Linguistics-Inspired Instruction of English Phrasal Verbs[D].ph.D.Dissertation.The Pennsylvania State University,2012.
  [5]Talebinejat,M.R.&Sadri,E.Applying cognitive linguistics to teaching conceptual basis of up and down in phrasal verbs[J].Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research,2013,3(1):333-340.
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摘 要:耐久跑是新课标小学体育的一项主要科目,旨在提升学生的身体机能,对学生德智体美全面发展具有重要意义。然而耐久跑从其形式上来看较为枯燥,尤其小学生更是排斥甚至恐惧。因此,如何让学生接受耐久跑,如何使耐久跑这项运动变得更有趣味,成为体育教学人员应该研究的重要课题。本文简要阐述了新课标下小学体育耐久跑教学的有效策略,并探讨了如何使学生克服心理障碍,喜欢上这项运动。  关键词:耐久跑;小学体育;教学
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Pun,as a special English figure of speech,aims at building a humorous atmosphere in English language.It is widely used in our daily life,including literature works,translation and advertisement and so
目的 分析颌面部外周性面神经损伤后功能恢复的规律和相关影响因素.方法 回顾分析182例面神经损伤患者的病历资料,分析损伤部位、损伤方式、损伤后治疗时间及治疗方式对于面神经功能恢复结果的影响.结果 口腔颌面部面神经损伤以分支损伤为主.神经损伤方式、部位、患者年龄、修复时间等因素均对面神经功能恢复结果有影响.随访至最终有完整记录的解剖性损伤49例中,45例(92%)在6个月内完全恢复;断裂损伤59例中
摘 要:小學体育教学的目标是促进学生身心健康的综合发展。通过培养学生的体育锻炼习惯和兴趣,帮助其树立终身体育锻炼的正确观念。小学体育采取游戏化教学模式有着十分重要的作用及意义。它能使学生在趣味的游戏中认识客观事物,发展身体基本活动能力以及协调性、灵敏性、观察力和表现力等;还能丰富体育课内容,活跃课堂气氛,提高学生对体育课的兴趣,使学生在乐中学、在兴趣中练,更好地完成教学任务。  关键词:小学体育;