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消费翻倍“美”男护肤品走俏大兵更爱美爱美,不再是女性的专利。继男性美体内衣的销售频传捷报之后,男士化妆护肤用品的业绩表现也十分亮眼。美国媒体援引一份消费者调查报告称,2009年美国男性在须后水、眼霜、除纹霜等化妆护肤产品方面的花销达到48亿美元(约人民币320亿元),是1997年的两倍。今年前半年,欧莱雅男性护肤品的销售量就增加了30%。它的最大竞争对手、男性化妆品 Consumer doubling “beauty ” men’s skin care products are popular beauty and beauty, no longer women’s patent. Following the successful sales of men’s body underwear, the performance of men’s makeup skin care products is also very bright. U.S. media quoted a consumer survey report as saying that in 2009, American men spent US$4.8 billion (approximately RMB 32 billion) on after-shave lotions, eye creams, and creams and other cosmetic skin care products. Times. In the first half of this year, sales of L’Oreal male skin care products increased by 30%. Its biggest rival, male cosmetics
Another major theme that many TV studies have shown to occur repeatedly is that violence is acceptable if the victim “deserved” it. This, of course, is a ver
试读下面酌绕口令,很有趣的哦! Ann sent Andy ten herls and Andy sent Ann ten pens.安送给安迪10只母鸡,安迪送给安10枝钢笔。 Try to read the following password, it
澳大利亚西南部有一片在地图上找不到的沙漠。这里雨水稀少,干旱异常,夏季的最高温度可达50摄氏度。因为没有高大树木的阻拦,狂风终日从这片沙漠上咆哮而过,好像要把地平线扯断。沙漠里没有溪水,听不到野兽的吼叫,甚至连虫的呢喃都很稀少。风是这里唯一的声音。任何人都会以为这是一片死亡之域,但事实却恰好相反。  1973年,澳大利亚一个叫夫兰纳里的植物学家骑摩托车旅行,经过这里时发现,在这片沙漠中竟有大约36
Fierce dust storms have plagued northern China for centuries. Cold, dry winds from Siberia pick up dust from the Gobi Desert, lifting it as high as four miles
这个帖子原先来自“灯塔财富”顾问保罗·帕克特(《你可以无惧投资》的作者)的博客。原来这个故事是用第三人称叙述的,现在我用第一人称把它改写成一个童话,显示这是一只真正喜欢独立思考的松鼠。  我是一只会投资的松鼠,无论在南美洲还是北美洲,或者在其他的什么洲,你都可能看到我矫健的身影,因为我今天就可能去你家的院子,在你家后院的大树上跳来跳去。你可以端着早茶或者咖啡走到院子里,静静地看着我和我的同伴在忙碌
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In five years’ time it will be Italy’s turn to host the World Expo. Are there lessons to be drawn from Shanghai or is something completely different on the ca