当前,有两个经济问题需要及早解决: 一是外资企业恶意避税问题,另一个则是我国出口企业海外恶性竞争问题据保守估计,外企每年避税金额超过 300亿元。原因主要有三点:一是我国市场和税收政策落后,为外商避税提供了大量可乘之机;二是我国反避税人才、信息资源等十分落后,查处概率低;三是各地
At present, there are two economic problems that need to be solved as soon as possible. One is the malicious tax avoidance by foreign-funded enterprises and the other is the vicious competition overseas of Chinese exporters. According to conservative estimates, the annual tax avoidance by foreign enterprises exceeds 30 billion yuan. There are mainly three reasons: First, the backward market and tax policies in our country provide ample opportunities for foreign tax avoidance; second, the anti-tax-avoidance personnel and information resources in China are very backward and the investigation and handling have a low probability; third,