我当了十七年的党支部书记,始终不忘规规矩矩做人,总感到学习上刻苦,工作上吃苦,生活上艰苦,是政工干部的天职。能让“三苦”精神在岗位上闪光,起码不愧对党和人民。因此,多年来我一直把“三苦”当做忠于职守的精神支柱。 学习上要刻苦。有人说:“不读书,不看报,必然要搞歪门邪道。”这话很有道理。任何一级干部都是如此。为了适应改革开放的新形势、新情况,1983年我自费报名上了函大,业余时间几乎都用在学习上。熬了“三年寒窗苦”,拿到的却是一张国家根本不承认的文凭。甭说提升、晋级,就连评定职称也毫不管用,为此我曾苦恼过、伤心过。 然而,我把学到的知识用在写作和工作上,思想
When I was secretary of the party branch for seventeen years, I never forgot to behave properly. I always felt that I was hardworking at work, hard working and hard on my life. It was the bounden duty of political cadres. Let “three bitter” spirit in the post flash, at least worthy of the party and the people. Therefore, for many years I have always regarded “three beauties” as the spiritual pillar of devotion to duty. Study hard. Some people say: “If you do not read a book or read a newspaper, you will inevitably have to make crooked ways.” This is true at any level of cadres. In order to adapt to the new situation and new situation of reform and opening up, in 1983, I signed up for a letter at my own expense, and I spent almost all my spare time on my studies. A boil, “three years Hanchu bitter,” but get a diploma is not recognized in the country.甭 said that promotion, promotion, and even the title is also useless, I have to worry about this, sad. However, I use my knowledge in writing and work, thinking