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税费改革政策设计的制度性缺陷主要表现在: 1.税费改革目的具有单一性和短期性。减轻农民负担是这次改革的根本目标,在此基础上维持农村基层政权的正常运转。中央要求各地在实践过程中要加强各种配套改革,但都是以围绕减轻农民负担展开的,税费改革政策的目的和任务是单一的。没有解决农村的根本问题:发展问题。 2.税费改革政策设计缺乏系统性。农村社会是一个庞大的系统,分配制度只是它的一个方面,税费改革不可能独立完成。中央要求进行相关制度的配套改革,但还缺乏相血的具体措施,政治体制、粮食流通体制、财政体制、劳动就业体制、社会保障体制等改革及农村的民主法制建设严重滞后,使农村的 Institutional flaws in the design of tax-fee reform policies are mainly manifested in the following aspects: 1. The purpose of tax reform is single and short-term. Reducing the peasants’ burden is the fundamental goal of this reform. On this basis, we should maintain the normal operation of rural grass-roots political power. The Central Government has urged all localities to step up reforms in various forms during the course of their practice. However, they all focus on reducing the burden on peasants. The purpose and tasks of the tax reform are single. The fundamental problem of rural areas has not been solved: development issues. 2. Tax reform policy design lacks systematic. Rural society is a huge system, and the distribution system is only one aspect of it. Tax reform can not be completed independently. The Central Committee demanded that the relevant system reform be completed. However, concrete measures were still lacking. The reform of the political system, the grain distribution system, the financial system, the labor and employment system and the social security system and the construction of a democratic and legal system in rural areas lagged far behind.
目的:对金线莲(Anoectochilus roxburghii(Wall.)Lindl.)中分离到的两个丁酸苷类化合物进行PTP1B抑制活性研究。方法:采用比色法间接测定游离磷酸根的量,来评价PTP1B的去磷酸
急性腹痛20例(男性13例,女性7例;年龄42±s15a)。采用速效救心丸4-6粒含服,10-30min迅速缓解。结果:显效12例(60%),有效8例(40%)。该药为中草药组成,作者认为其疗效与川芎、冰片具有祛瘀、行气、解痉止痛有关。 Acute ab
《南华经解》(广东人民出版社)如果让我在中国古代典籍中只挑一本最爱,我会毫不犹豫地选择《庄子》。而在汗牛充栋的解庄读物 “South China Scriptures” (Guangdong Peopl
中国出版集团“放歌30年”中国出版集团公司出版精品展暨大型音乐会2008年12月6日在北京世纪剧院举行。中共中央政治局常委李长春等领导参观展览并观看演出。 China Publish
新年已至,谨对我国政府采购在过去一段时期内取得的历史性进展表示祝贺!向广大读者恭贺新年! 新年要有新作为,新的一年,我们要以党的十六大确立的思想方针指导工作。要坚决