Genome-Wide Analysis of the Sus Gene Family in Cotton

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dk_winner
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Sucrose synthase(Sus) is a key enzyme in plant sucrose metabolism.In cotton,Sus(EC is the main enzyme that degrades sucrose imported into cotton fibers from the phloem of the seed coat.This study demonstrated that the genomes of Gossypium arboreum L.,G.raimondii Ulbr.,and G.hirsutum L., contained 8,8,and 15 Sus genes,respectively.Their structural organizations,phylogenetic relationships, and expression profiles were characterized.Comparisons of genomic and coding sequences identified multiple introns,the number and positions of which were highly conserved between diploid and allotetraploid cotton species.Most of the phylogenetic clades contained sequences from all three species, suggesting that the Sus genes of tetraploid G.hirsutum derived from those of its diploid ancestors.One Sus group(Sus I) underwent expansion during cotton evolution.Expression analyses indicated that most Sus genes were differentially expressed in various tissues and had development-dependent expression profiles in cotton fiber cells.Members of the same orthologous group had very similar expression patterns in all three species.These results provide new insights into the evolution of the cotton Sus gene family,and insight into its members’ physiological functions during fiber growth and development. Sucrose synthase (Sus) is a key enzyme in plant sucrose metabolism. In cotton, Sus (EC is the main enzyme that degrades sucrose imported into cotton fibers from the phloem of the seed coat. This study demonstrates that the genomes of Gossypium arboreum L., G. raimondii Ulbr., And G. hirsutum L., contained 8, 8, and 15 Sus genes, respectively. Their structural organizations, phylogenetic relationships, and expression profiles were characterized. Comparisons of genomic and coding species identified multiple introns, the number and positions were which were highly conserved between diploid and allotetraploid cotton species. Host of the phylogenetic clades contained sequences from all three species, suggesting that the Sus genes of tetraploid G. hirsutum derived from those of its diploid ancestors. One Sus group (Sus I) underwent expansion during cotton evolution. Expression analyzes that that most sus genes were differentially expressed in various tissues and had development-dependent expressio n profiles in cotton fiber cells. Members of the same orthologous group had very similar expression patterns in all three species. these results provide new insights into the evolution of the cotton Sus gene family, and insight into its members’ physiological functions during fiber growth and development.
摘要:不同于有准备语言,自然对话的即时性导致话语中无可避免的充斥着错误。而采用最多的是由说话人自己监测实施修补的行为,即自我修补。根据Levelt的定义和分类,自我修补分为待补、编辑和改正三个阶段。  关键词:自我修补;待补;编辑;改正  1 引言:  会话修补是自然对话中的一个常见现象。早期的语言学研究大多侧重于理想化语流。但随着人们认识到修补行为对会话的顺利进行,以及维护对话双方的面子有着很大
摘要:一个良好的学习气氛能够带动学生学习的能动性,进而提高学生学习知识、掌握知识的主动性和积极性。所以营造一个愉快、和谐、充满感情、活跃的课堂教学气氛对于公共外语教学有着重要的意义。本文就怎样营造一个活跃的教学气氛、提高学生学习的积极性进行了探讨分析。  课堂气氛被分为两种一种是积极、健康而且生动活泼的即支持型气氛另一种是消极、冷漠学生变现沉闷的即防卫型气氛。什么样的课堂气氛才算是积极、健康的课堂
用1.0 mg·L-1的亚硒酸钠根施小麦幼苗,测定亚硒酸钠对谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶和谷胱甘肽转硫酶活性以及还原性谷胱甘肽含量的结果表明,外源亚硒酸钠对麦苗地上部的谷胱甘肽过氧
《国家英语课程标准》关于“教学中应注意的问题”部分指出:“在教学过程中,要始终体现学生的主体地位,教师应充分发挥学生在学习过程中的主动性和积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造宽松、和谐的学习气氛……。”当代著名物理学丁肇中教授曾有肺腑之言:“不要教死知识,要授之以方法,打开学生的思路,培养他们的自学能力。”  长期以来,我们的课堂教学处于一种误区中:重教师教授,轻能力与创造性的培养。教师往往在不自觉中
一、 整改的必要性  1. 随着素质教育的不断深入,基础教育的许多方面正面临着改革,从教育思想、教育观念,到课程建设、课堂教学等方面都要求重新审视,以适应新世纪人才培养的需要。整改是大气候的要求。  2. 从学科的角度看,新一轮的课程改革已经启动,新的课程标准已经出台。英语课程标准以“邓小平同志的‘三个面向’为指导思想,以素质教育和学生的发展为根本宗旨,以培养学生的语言能力为目的;根据外语学习的规