Effect of specific pressure on microstructure and mechanical properties of squeeze casting ZA27 allo

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zfx249220414
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The effect of specific pressure on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ZA27 squeezed castings with high height-to-thickness ratio was studied. The results of DTA and SEM show that at high specific pressure the eutectic reaction of squeeze casting ZA27 alloy is restrained, and the final solidified structure is (η+ε) phases instead of eutectic phase (β+η+ε). At the same time, the primary reaction is promoted in squeeze casting ZA27 alloy solidified at high pressure, and the fine microstructure is obtained with the increase of pressure. Al and Cu elements are homogeneously distributed in matrix of squeeze casting ZA27 alloy. The homogenously distributed high-density fine ε phase can effectively hinder dislocation motion, and then the strength and plasticity of squeeze casting ZA27 alloy are increased. The effect of specific pressure on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ZA27 squeezed castings with high height-to-thickness ratio was studied. The results of DTA and SEM show that at high specific pressure the eutectic reaction of squeeze casting ZA27 alloy are restrained, and the final solidified structure is (η + ε) phases instead of eutectic phase (β + η + ε). The same time, the primary reaction is promoted in squeeze casting ZA27 alloy solidified at high pressure, and the fine microstructure is obtained with the increase of pressure. Al and Cu elements are homogeneously distributed in a matrix of squeeze casting ZA27 alloy. The homogenously distributed high-density fine ε phase can effectively hinder dislocation motion, and then the strength and plasticity of squeeze casting ZA27 alloy are increased.
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