In the past 20 years, a lot of experimental studies have been carried out on the decay of materials in the space environment through the ground simulation test. However, due to the lack of a dedicated flight experiment, it is less likely to make a comparison between the laboratory results and the true decay achieved in the orbital environment. There are some obvious limitations in ground tests such as the far ultraviolet radiation produced by the sun that is hard to reproduce on the ground and the limited understanding of the effects of oxygen atoms on the surface and modeling methods in this area is not reliable . In order to study the performance of a series of materials in real space environment and to evaluate the effectiveness of laboratory simulation tests, two air tests were designed. For the first time in the LDEF satellite, the satellite has been recovered after 5.5 years of working in LEO. The other was scheduled outside the MIR space station during an out-flight activity and was recovered after 1.1 years and brought back to the ground by astronauts. The purpose of both tests is to obtain intelligence on the decay of thermal control coatings, polymers, composites and optical components. About 200 samples of 60 materials were exposed to low Earth orbit environmental conditions and the laboratory measured their performance before and after exposure. Most of the specimens remain stationary in a space environment and some remain under mechanical stress during flight (the polymer film is pulled; the composite is bent). Several sets of four identical test samples were provided to study the effect of oxygen atoms on the superposition of UV radiation and to compare them to samples that were exposed to solar UV radiation alone. The results obtained valuable information on the failure mechanisms formed in orbit and led to more efficient modeling methods that will be used in the future to better predict the properties of spacecraft materials.