瑞士Canton Basle市首次缺血性卒中的发病率:2002—2003年进行的一项人群研究

来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangfuliangez
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Our study sought to estimate the incidence rate of first-ever ischemic stroke (FEIS) in the geographically well-defined population of the Canton Basle-City, Switzerland. An one-year prospective population-based study among the permanent residents of the Canton Basle-City (188015 inhabitants, census 2002) was carried out. Multiple overlapping sources of information were used. Stroke was defined according to the WHO criteria. The diagnosis of FEIS was based on clinical assessment and neuroimaging findings. 269 patients (114 males; mean age 72.8, standard deviation (SD) ±12 and 155 females; mean age 78.4, SD ±11) with FEIS were identified. The overall crude incidence of FEIS amounted to 143 per 100000 population (95%confidence interval (CI) 126 to 160) and it was higher among females (156; 95%CI 132 to 181) than in males (128; 95%CI 105 to 152). The age-specific incidence rates of FEIS approximately doubled with each decade of life, increasing from 17 (95%CI 2 to 31) among 0-44 years old group to 1034 (95%CI 77 4 to 1293) for those aged 85 or more years. The overall incidence rate of FEIS a djusted for age to the European standard population was 76 per 100000 inhabitants (95%CI 66 to 86) and it was higher in males -89, 95%CI 72-106 -than in females -66, 95%CI 53-77. Moreover, in comparison with studies from other developed countries (e. g. Germany, Italy, Australia) -carried out in the middle of 1990s -the standardised incidence rates of FEIS were substantially lower in Switzerland. Our results indicate that the risk of ischemic stroke might be low in Switzerland. However, giving a major reduction in the age and gender specific stroke incidence over the past years our findings might -alternatively -mirror this favourable trend. Our study sought to estimate the incidence rate of first-ever ischemic stroke (FEIS) in the geographically well-defined population of the Canton Basle-City, Switzerland. An one-year prospective population-based study among the permanent residents of the Canton Basle Multiple diagnosis of FEIS was based on clinical assessment and neuroimaging findings. 269 patients (114 males; mean age 72.8, standard deviation (SD) ± 12 and 155 females; mean age 78.4, SD ± 11) with FEIS identified. The overall crude incidence of FEIS amounted to 143 per 100000 population (95% confidence interval ) and it was higher among females (156; 95% CI 132 to 181) than in males (128; 95% CI 105 to 152). The age-specific incidence rates of FEIS approximately doubled with each decade of life, increasing from 17 (95% CI 2 to 31) among 0-44 years ol The overall incidence rate of FEIS a djusted for age to the European standard population was 76 per 100 000 inhabitants (95% CI 66 to 86) and d group to 1034 (95% CI 77 4 to 1293) for those aged 85 or more years it was higher in males -89, 95% CI 72-106 -than in females -66, 95% CI 53-77. Moreover, in comparison with studies from other countries (eg Germany, Italy, Australia) -carried out in the middle of 1990s -the standardized incidence rates of FEIS were substantially lower in Switzerland. However, giving a major reduction in the age and gender specific stroke incidence over the past years our findings might -alternatively -mirror this favourable trend.
摘 要:教学是一门艺术,缺乏创造性的艺术,必然显得单调与枯燥。创造不仅以独特的个性来发挥和施展自己的才能,还必须与学生配合,学生既是这一创作活动的对象,又是这一创作活动积极的参与者和主要的受益者。这种艺术创作的成果是年青一代的灵魂,是未来世界的主角,更是教师钻研教材、研究学生的主体,有效地教学艺术更创造出劳动的智慧之果。  关键词:德育;小学数学;教学方式  德育在小学数学低年级教学中占有重要的地
我们村后山肚脐上,有个岩洞,就像肚脐一样浅浅的,里面摆得开一个篮球场。我升二年级那个夏天,一场暴雨过后,村小的教室倒塌了,我大伯——村小唯一的老师——率领我们把黑板桌凳从废墟里翻检出来,蚂蚁搬家一样搬到岩洞里。  开学那天,我大伯充满期待地说:“我向上面打报告了,等到新村小建好,我们就搬回去。到那时我们还会有操场,有好多体育设施,你们各人发挥想象,画一画新村小吧。”  同学们照我大伯说的画上了漂亮
儿童画反映了儿童的天性,表现出儿童的形象思维,是儿童用来表达思想感情的特殊视觉语言。儿童绘画可以培养和提高学生多方面的能力和素质。因此在小学美术教学中 Children’