Adaptive Fuzzy Control for a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Dead-zones

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A design scheme of adaptive fuzzy controller for a class of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with unknown dead-zones and a triangular control structure is proposed in this pa-per. The design is based on the principle of sliding mode control and the property of Nussbaum function. The approach does not require a priori knowledge of the signs of the control gains and the upper bounds and lower bounds of dead-zone parameters to be known a priori. By introducing the integral-type Lyapunov function and adopting the adaptive compensation term of the upper bound of the optimal approximation error and the dead-zone disturbance, the closed-loop control system is proved to be semi-globally stable in the sense that all signals involved are bounded, with tracking errors converging to zero. A design scheme of adaptive fuzzy controller for a class of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with unknown dead-zones and a triangular control structure is proposed in this pa-per. The design is based on the principle of sliding mode control and the property of Nussbaum function The approach does not require a priori knowledge of the signs of the control gains and the upper bounds and lower bounds of dead-zone parameters to be known a priori. By introducing the integral-type Lyapunov function and employing the adaptive compensation term of the upper bound of the optimal approximation error and the dead-zone disturbance, the closed-loop control system is proved to be semi-globally stable in the sense that all signals involved are bounded, with tracking errors converging to zero.
目的:肺动脉高压(pulmonary artery hrpertension,PAH)是以肺血管内皮细胞、平滑肌细胞增生迁移,凋亡抵抗,逐渐导致以肺血管血管壁增厚及血管腔狭窄甚至阻塞为特征的肺血管重
《梵净山周末》自1998年1月开办以来,受读者欢迎和报界同行称道:1998、1999年度铜仁日报社获取的贵州新闻奖均出自《梵净山周末》,其中一等奖1件、二等奖1件、三等奖4件。 1
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