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茶黑毒蛾(Dasychira baibarana Matsumura)为茶树主要害虫之一,江南茶区每年发生4代,个别年份有不完全的第五代.第一代是全年的主害代,越冬代次之,抓好越冬代的防治可缓解第一代的防治压力,而准确掌握防治适期,是提高防治效果的关键.笔者通过1985~1992年的田间调查和分析,提出越冬代田间防治适期的预测方法,供各茶树病虫测报站及生产单位参考.材料及方法一、资料来源茶黑毒蛾田间防治适期资料系笔者在杭州茶叶试验场及余杭县茶树病虫测报站田间调查资料.调查采用平行线跳跃式取样,用振落法(塑料薄膜承接)或盆拍法,计数总幼虫量及3龄前幼虫量,计算3龄前幼虫占的百分率.当田间 3龄前幼虫占总虫量84%左右时定为田间开始施药日,即本文的防治适期.气象资料采用与调查地邻近的杭州茶科所气象哨的地面观察数据. Dasychira baibarana Matsumura is one of the major pests in tea tree, with 4 generations each year in tea plantations in Jiangnan Region, and an incomplete fifth generation in some years. The first generation is the main generation of the whole year, followed by wintering generation. The prevention and control of over-wintering generation can alleviate the pressure of prevention and control of the first generation, and the accurate control of the appropriate period is the key to improve the control effect.The author puts forward the prediction method of the suitable period of prevention and control of overwintering generation field through the field investigation and analysis from 1985 to 1992 , For the tea plant pest forecasting station and the production unit for reference.Materials and methods1, SourceInitiatives of black moths in the field of prevention and control of the appropriate period of the information system in Hangzhou tea field and Yuhang tea plant diseases and insect detection station field survey data. Survey using parallel Line jumping sampling, the use of the vibration method (plastic film to undertake) or potted beat method, counting the total larvae and pre-3 larvae, calculate the percentage of pre-3rd larvae accounted for. % Or so when the field began to determine the application of pesticides, the prevention and treatment of this article suitable for use of meteorological data and investigation to the vicinity of Hangzhou Teachnoe weather station ground observation data.
2006 年全国普通高校毕业生规模达到413 万人,比上年增加75 万人。面对如此严峻的就业形势,职场网的高级职业咨询师赵奕丞先生,应邀做客中国网的中国访谈节目,为职场新人们在线答疑解惑。    正确定位是做出职业选择的关键    王奕明年就要毕业了,想想陌生的职场,他常常感到不知所措。听到越来越多的长辈告诫自己要做职业规划,可是自己还没有工作经验,何来职业规划呢?大学生究竟该如何给自己定位?怎样