
来源 :法学探索.贵州省政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjt518
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行政处罚是指特定的国家行政机关在行政管理活动中,对违反有关行政法律规范的行政管理相对人(以下简称相对人)所实施的法律制裁,如警告、罚款、拘留、没收财产、劳动教养、责令停产停业、吊销营业执照等。它是特定的行政机关经常运用的一种行政管理手段。正确合法地运用这一手段,对制裁行政违法者,保护国家、社会、公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,维护行政管理活动的正常进行,有着十分重要的作用。但是,如果错误地、违法地实施行政处罚,则会给国家、社会、公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益带来损害,不利于国家行政管理职能的有效行使。 实践中,某些行政机关或组织较为普遍地存在着越权处罚、滥施处罚、不依法定程序处罚等等违法实施行政处罚的情况,这些行为由于欠缺行政处罚的合法性要件,因此是无效的行政处罚,不能发生法律效力。本文结合行政审判实践,对常见的导致行政处罚无效的原因作一粗浅的分析。 Administrative penalties refer to the legal sanctions imposed on a relative administrative person in breach of relevant administrative laws and regulations (hereinafter referred to as the counterpart) by a specific state administrative organ in administrative activities such as warnings, fines, detention, confiscation of property, reeducation through labor , Ordered to suspend production and business suspension, revocation of business license and so on. It is an administrative means often used by a particular administrative organ. The correct and lawful application of this measure plays an important role in sanctioning those who break the law, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the state, society, citizens, legal persons and other organizations and safeguarding the normal conduct of administrative activities. However, if the administrative penalty is implemented illegally and illegally, it will bring harm to the lawful rights and interests of the state, society, citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and will not be conducive to the effective exercise of the state administrative functions. In practice, some administrative organs or organizations generally have overcorrection penalties, excessive abuse penalties, non-compliance with legal procedures and other illegal implementation of administrative penalties. These acts are ineffective because of the lack of administrative sanctions, the legitimacy of the elements Punishment, can not have legal effect. This article, combined with the practice of administrative trial, makes a superficial analysis of the common causes of invalid administrative penalties.
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一、法院应有条件地受理工伤事故经济补偿争议案件 工伤事故发生后,劳动部门按照国务院《企业职工伤亡事故报告和处理规定》对事故进行调查,并对有关责任人员的处理提出意见,
一、什么是劳动保护监察诉讼中的执行 (一)劳动保护监察行政诉讼中的执行涵义 行政诉讼法中的执行,是人民法院和有关行政机关依法实现发生法律效力的判决、裁定、决定而进行