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包容性增长概念是发展经济学近年来提出的一个新理念。它的主要关注点,一是寻求符合发展中国家国情的经济增长方式,二是使这种方式的经济增长有利于广大民众收入分配的普遍改善。在2010年召开的第五届亚太经合组织人才资源开发部长级会议的开幕式上,胡锦涛同志发表了题为《深化交流合作,实现包容性增长》的致辞。在提到实现包容性增长时,胡锦涛同志特别强调要切实解决经济发展中出现的社会问题,强调要为经济长远发展奠定坚实的社会基础。而无论解决社会问题还是奠定社会基础,都需要我们的文化建设去积极参与并自觉担当;并且,我们也需要在包容性增长理念中思考我们当下的文化建设。由此,本文从包容性增长理念对于文化建设的有益启示、“四位一体”赋予文化建设更重要的历史担当、文化建设的增长方式要关注经济社会结构变革以及文化的“包容性增长”重在促进民生改善和挺进支柱产业等四个方面对当前包容性增长理念中的当代中国文化建设的诸多问题展开了深入阐释。本文认为,只有加快发展文化产业才能更好地在市场经济条件下满足人民群众基本的、多样的、增长的文化需求。这正是我们文化建设和文化发展的目的。其实也正是在这一点上,我们看到了“加快构建公共文化服务体系”和“加快发展文化产业”的共同点。向人民群众提供免费的、公益性的文化服务与文化产品生产方式的产业化并不是一对矛盾,恰恰是因为文化产业的更大发展才使我们在更大范围内提供公益性文化服务成为可能。这是文化“包容性增长”的最重要方面。 The concept of inclusive growth is a new concept put forward by development economics in recent years. Its main concern is to seek an economic growth mode that is in keeping with the national conditions of developing countries. Second, to make economic growth in this way be conducive to the general improvement of the general public’s income distribution. At the opening ceremony of the Fifth Ministerial Meeting of the APEC Human Resource Development in 2010, Comrade Hu Jintao delivered a speech entitled “Deepening Exchanges and Cooperation and Inclusive Growth.” When referring to inclusive growth, Comrade Hu Jintao emphasized in particular the practical solution to the social problems that have emerged in economic development and stressed the need to lay a solid social foundation for the long-term economic development. Whether it is to solve social problems or lay the social foundation, we all need our cultural construction to actively participate in and consciously assume responsibility. And we also need to think about our current cultural construction in the concept of inclusive growth. Therefore, from the beneficial enlightenment of inclusive growth concept to cultural construction, the “four in one” gives more important historical role to cultural construction. The growth mode of cultural construction should pay attention to the change of economic and social structure and cultural “inclusiveness Growth ”focuses on promoting people’s livelihood improvement and advancing pillar industries, and provides an in-depth explanation of many issues concerning contemporary Chinese culture in the current concept of inclusive growth. This paper argues that only by accelerating the development of cultural industries can we better meet the basic, diverse and growing cultural needs of the people in a market economy. This is precisely the purpose of our cultural construction and cultural development. In fact, it is at this point that we have seen the common ground between “accelerating the establishment of a public cultural service system” and “accelerating the development of cultural industries.” It is not a contradiction to provide the people with free and nonprofit cultural services and the industrialization of the mode of production of cultural products precisely because the greater development of the cultural industries makes it possible for us to provide public cultural services in a wider scope . This is the most important aspect of culture “inclusive growth.”
据悉,随着我国中职毕业生出国留学人数的日趋增多,韩国出台了相关的政策和教育计划,欢迎中国的中职毕业生赴韩国留学。 It is reported that with the increasing number of