
来源 :中国临床神经科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:akk871204
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目的:观察dl-3-正丁基苯酞(恩必普)软胶囊治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效和安全性。方法:选择87例首次发作的急性脑梗死患者,治疗组40例、对照组47例。治疗组试验药dl-3-正丁基苯酞软胶囊,每次口服200mg,tid。对照组用药为复方丹参注射液,治疗组加用对照组用药。结果:治疗组与对照组治疗后第11和2l天的神经功能评分和生活能力评定差异有显著性。治疗组治疗前、后实验室数据无显著性差异。结论:dl-3-正丁基苯酞软胶囊治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效明显,对肝和肾功能、血脂、血糖、EKG无明显影响,不良反应少,临床用药安全。 Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of dl-3-n-butyl phthalide (enbipu) soft capsule in the treatment of acute cerebral infarction. Methods: A total of 87 patients with acute cerebral infarction who were first attacked were selected, 40 in the treatment group and 47 in the control group. Treatment group test drug dl-3-n-butylphthalide soft capsules, each oral 200mg, tid. Control group for the compound Danshen injection, the treatment group plus the control group medication. Results: There was significant difference in neurological function score and life ability assessment between the treatment group and the control group on the 11th and 21st days after treatment. The treatment group before and after the laboratory data showed no significant difference. Conclusion: The clinical efficacy of dl-3-n-butylphthalide soft capsule in the treatment of acute cerebral infarction is obvious. It has no obvious effect on liver and kidney function, blood lipid, blood glucose, EKG, less adverse reactions and clinical medication safety.
AIM:To assess the effects of propranolol as compared withplacebo on gastrointestinal hemorrhage and total mortalityin cirrhotic patients by using meta analysis
AIM:H pylori genomes are highly diversified.This projectwas designed to genotype H pyloriisolates by the polymerasechain reaction (PCR)-based randomly amplifie
例1 男,25岁.因"发热、头痛8个月余,加重伴视力下降3个月"于2005年5月12日入院.2004年9月患者无诱因出现发热,体温40 ℃,于省立医院行头颅磁共振成像(MRI)见右侧额叶高信号区,诊断为"脑脓肿",治疗1个月症状消失,复查头颅MRI病灶消失.但患者仍头痛并伴有低热,体温37.1~38.0 ℃.2005年2月起患者双眼视力逐渐下降.既往有发作性口腔溃疡,后自愈;近4~5年反复出现阴囊
OBJECTIVE: To assess the diagnostic standards and treatment of severe Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS).METHODS: The clinical data of 126 patients with severe BCS tre
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