人工肝体外支持系统 (artificialliversupportsystemALSS)是近年发展起来的治疗重型肝炎的手段之一[1~ 3 ] 。其中血浆置换的适应症相对较宽 ,选用频率也较高。在血浆置换治疗中国内外学者多沿用大剂量 3~ 5L交换量[4,5] 。作者应用较小量 2L交换量治疗也收到较满意的疗效。?
Artificial liver extracorporeal support system (artificialliversupportsystemALSS) is developed in recent years, one of the means of treatment of severe hepatitis [1-3]. The indication of plasma exchange is relatively wide, the frequency of selection is higher. In the plasma exchange treatment, many domestic and foreign scholars follow the high dose of 3 ~ 5L exchange [4,5]. The authors apply a smaller amount of 2L exchange treatment also received more satisfactory results. ?