
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang2jie
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Purpose: The treatment of intersphincteric and lowtranssphincteric fistula is well defined, but controversy remains around the management of complex perianal fistula. This study was designed to assess the utility of anocutaneous flap repair in complex types of perianal fistula. Methods: Sixty-five perianal fistula in 65 patients treated with anocutaneous advancement flap for the complex fistula, between April 1998 and December 2002, are included this prospective study. Mean age was 34 ±2.1 (range, 24-53) years. Magnetic resonance imaging was used for the diagnosis of fistula. Excision of the internal opening and the overlying anoderm, curettage of the fistula tract, closure of internal opening with absorbable polyglactin 3/0 suture, and drainage of the external opening(s) by insertion of penrose drain were common operational steps. Outcome was evaluated in terms of healing and incontinence. Results: Successful healing of 59 of 65 complex fistulas was achieved using this technique with no disturbance of continence and minimal complications. Mean follow-up and complete healing time were 32 ±0.6 (range, 12-52) months and 5.4 ±0.8 (range, 3-7) weeks respectively. Conclusions: Although the study cases were relatively small in number, this report showed that clinical results of anocutaneous advancement flap are acceptable. However, large studies are needed to reach an ultimate conclusion for assessing the place of anocutaneous flap advancement in complex fistula. Purpose: The treatment of intersphincteric and lowtranssphincteric fistula is well defined, but controversy remains around the management of complex perianal fistula. This study was designed to assess the utility of anocutaneous flap repair in complex types of perianal fistula. Methods: Sixty-five perianal fistula in 65 patients treated with an occurrent advancement flap for the complex fistula, between April 1998 and December 2002, are included in the prospective study. Mean age was 34 ± 2.1 (range, 24-53) years. Magnetic resonance imaging was used for the diagnosis of fistula. Excision of the internal opening and the overlying anoderm, curettage of the fistula tract, closure of internal opening with absorbable polyglactin 3/0 suture, and drainage of the external opening (s) by insertion of penrose drain were common operational steps. Outcome was evaluated in terms of healing and incontinence. Results: Successful healing of 59 of 65 complex fistulas was achieved using this technique with no disturbance of continence and minimal complications. Mean follow-up and complete healing time were 32 ± 0.6 (range, 12-52) months and 5.4 ± 0.8 (range, 3-7) weeks respectively. Conclusions: Although the study cases were relatively However, large studies are needed to reach an ultimate conclusion for assessing the place of anocutaneous flap advancement in complex fistula.
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