
来源 :光纤与电缆及其应用技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangcwx
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通信光缆越来越广泛的应用,又一次提出了铜(芯电)缆,首先是高频对称电缆进一步生产和完善的合理性问题。每当出现新的体制——同轴电缆、波导、无线电中继或卫星通信线路的时候,都曾提出过这个问题。到目前为止,人们还是赞成采用高频对称电缆,并确定其在通信网中的地位,认为使用高频对称电缆在技术上是合理的,在经济上证明是合算的。高频对称电缆目前还要继续存在,并应继续加强。国民经济对它的要求在增加。这是否正确呢?今天如何来评估高频对称电缆 Communication optical cable is more and more widely used, once again proposed copper (core electricity) cable, the first high-frequency symmetrical cable to further the production and improvement of the rationality. This problem has been raised whenever a new system emerges - coaxial cable, waveguide, radio relay or satellite communications. So far, people still favor the use of high-frequency symmetrical cables, and determine its position in the communications network, that the use of high-frequency symmetrical cable is technically justified economically proved cost-effective. The high-frequency symmetrical cable still needs to continue to exist at present, and should continue to strengthen. The demands of the national economy are on the rise. Is this correct? How to evaluate high-frequency symmetrical cables today
在苗圃中,橡胶苗常患由山扁豆生捧孢菌[Corynespora cassicoa(Berk & Curt)]引起的叶斑病。此病在夏季病情显著,最终导致大量的叶片皱缩与落叶,病斑合并,叶片大部分干枯。落
  Peripheral nerve injury is a critical and devastating condition that usually caused by traumatic injury and often results in life-long disability,for exampl