
来源 :植物病理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aigufeixi
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A species-specific PCR assay was established for rapid and accurate detection of the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora tentaculata in diseased plant tissues and infected soil.A pair of species-specific primers Pt1/Pt2 were designed on the basis of Ras-related protein(Ypt1) gene sequences of the Phytophthora species.PCR amplification with the Pt primers resulted in a 386 bp product only from isolates of P.tentaculata.The detection threshold with Pt primers was 100 pg of genomic DNA.A nested PCR procedure was developed using Ypt1F/Ypt1R as the first-round amplification primers and Pt1/Pt2 as the second-round primers,which increased the detection sensitivity 100-fold to 1 pg.PCR using these Pt primers can also be used to detect P.tentaculata in naturally infected plant tissues and soil.The PCR-based method developed in this study provides a rapid and sensitive tool for detection of P.tentaculata. A species-specific PCR assay was established for rapid and accurate detection of the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora tentaculata in diseased plant tissues and infected soil. A pair of species-specific primers Pt1 / Pt2 were designed on the basis of Ras-related protein (Ypt1) gene sequences of the Phytophthora species. PCR amplification with the Pt primers resulted in a 386 bp product only from isolates of P.tentaculata. The detection threshold with Pt primers was 100 pg of genomic DNA. A nested PCR procedure was developed using Ypt1F / Ypt1R as the first-round amplification primers and Pt1 / Pt2 as the second-round primers, which increased the detection sensitivity 100-fold to 1 pg.PCR using these Pt primers can also be used to detect P.tentaculata in naturally infected plant tissues and soil. PCR-based method developed in this study provides a rapid and sensitive tool for detection of P.tentaculata.
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作文一直以来都是让人头疼的教学内容,教学质量一直难以提升,究其原因主要在于教师缺乏有效的教学方法。层递式教学法遵循循序渐进的原则,从学生的学习阶段、写作特点、思维方式等多方面出发,通过基本造句能力、感悟能力、想象能力的培养,进一步引导小学生掌握作文写作技巧,实现小学生作文寫作能力的阶梯式进步。基于此,本文展开以下几点论述,以供参考。一、以基本造句能力培养为层递式教学前提  小学生由于生活经历有限,