谈奥运场馆工程成本分析——访Rider Hunt Levett&Bailey公司董事卜·李察逊和卢思颖先生

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Rider Hunt Levett & Bailey在全球性建筑咨询公司中是最具影响力的公司之一。Rider Hunt从始至终参与了2000年悉尼奥运会的工作。他们所承担的工程造价计划和控制工作对这次“历史上最佳”的奥运会的成功作出了巨大贡献。这一贡献得到了广泛的认可,使他们得以之后与2004年雅典奥运会、2006年墨尔本英联邦运动会和2006年多哈亚运会的组委会进行合作。Levett&Bailey是在香港和中国大陆创立工料测量(工程造价管理)行业的先驱者。也是工料测量行业内在中国内地时间最长、工作经验最广泛的外资企业。作为工程造价计划、采购战略、文件、基本工程评估和风险管理等领域的专家,在为申奥城市、运动会组委会和政府提供帮助方面具有独特的地位。 Rider Hunt Levett & Bailey is one of the most influential companies in global construction consulting. Rider Hunt has been involved with the 2000 Sydney Olympics from start to finish. The project cost planning and control they have undertaken has made a significant contribution to the success of this “historically best” Olympic Games. This contribution has been widely recognized, allowing them to work with the Organizing Committee for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, the 2006 Commonwealth Games Melbourne and the Doha Asian Games 2006. Levett & Bailey is a pioneer in the field of Quantity Surveying (Engineering Cost Management) in Hong Kong and Mainland China. It is also the foremost foreign-funded enterprise with the longest working experience and the most extensive working experience in the material survey industry in Mainland China. As a specialist in project cost planning, procurement strategy, documentation, capital project evaluation and risk management, it has a unique position to assist the Olympic bid cities, Games Organizing Committee and government.
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Due to the rapid growth of China’s demands for energy resources, energy security hasbecome a more and more important issue in making future energy decisions. C
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