
来源 :南开日本研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovepc
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日本茶道,是东亚各民族友好交流的产物。追根溯源,从物质到精神,日本茶道几乎一成不变地从中国及朝鲜半岛汲取了诸多文化营养,它融和佛教、神道、儒教思想之要义为一体,吸纳固本之食道、长智之书道、积勇之武道、增美之花道和清神之香道的精髓,在日本特有的家元制度统帅下,如今早已形成了颇具日本特色的综合性生活文化。日本茶道的最大特色,就在于它是在对人的欲望、最低需求进行深刻反省的基础上构建起来的文化,它不仅恰到好处地满足了茶人的生物性需求,还得体地满足了茶人的社会性需求,且最大限度地满足了茶人的情感需求。研究日本茶道,应该既留意历史的真实,又兼顾茶人向往的文化理想。 Japanese tea ceremony, is a product of friendly exchanges between the various ethnic groups in East Asia. Tracing back to the source, from materialism to spirituality, the Japanese tea ceremony has learned almost all kinds of cultural nutrition from China and the Korean Peninsula. It integrates the essence of Buddhism, Shintoism and Confucianism into one. The martial arts, the beauty of the flower road and the essence of clear incense of the Road, in Japan’s unique system of home-based commander, now has formed quite a comprehensive Japanese-style life culture. The most distinctive feature of Japanese tea ceremony is that it is a culture built on the basis of profound reflection on people’s desires and minimum needs. It not only meets the biological needs of the tea people just rightly, but also meets the needs of the tea people Social needs, and to maximize the emotional needs of the tea people to meet. To study Japanese tea ceremony, we should not only pay attention to the truth of history, but also take into account the cultural ideal that tea people yearn for.
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