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  To cheat or not to cheat, it is a question.本课的内容将就这一话题来好好讨论一下。
  (背景:Two guys are waiting to enter a testing room)
   Derek: Hey, check this out!
   David: What is it? ... the answer key for the test! Where on earth did you get it?
   Derek: Well, it doesn’t matter where or how I got it, but what does matter is that this is authentic.
   David: Man, you’re insane. This is cheating, and the consequences can be really severe.
   Derek: Oh, relax! Don’t worry, we won’t get busted. No one even cares about cheating these days.
   David: But what if they do? You’ll be expelled!
   Derek: Come on! Don’t tell me you don’t want to ace this test. The results of this test could make or break our futures.
   David: I don’t know… you’re skating on very thin ice here.
   Derek: Listen, I spent two thousand on this answer key and no one is going to stop me from making the most of it. Not even you.
   David: Of course I can’t stop you. The only thing I know is that cheating never pays off in the end and you’re just making the test unfair for the others.
   Derek: I don’t care. As long as I can pass the test and…Ah, Professor Lee! How are you?
  Pro Lee: Gentlemen! Well, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I just heard you talking about a copy of the answer key for the test. Would you mind handing it over and coming to my office?
  Derek & David: …Oh no!
  参考答案 answer key
  结果;后果 consequence
   被抓个现行get busted
   开除 expel
   搞定考试 ace the test
  要么成功要么失败make or break
  玩危险游戏 skate on very thin ice
   最大限度地利用 make the most of …
   获利;有回报pay off
  偷听 eavesdrop
  [课后练习 Exercise]
  Which word means completely stupid or crazy?
  authentic insane mad
  He's very sad because his hard work didn't ________.
  A.pay backB.pay offC. pay forD.pay away
  (1)、He's only interested in 真正的 work of great artists.
  (2)、Partial Trans: Jack must face the 后果 of his mistakes.
  (3)、I’d rather 最大限度地利用the day instead of watching TV.
  (4)、I didn't mean to 偷听, but I just heard you talking about me.
  (5)、This decision would 要么成功要么毁灭 the future of the nation.
  Listening comprehension: 听力测试
  Mini Dialog 1:
  A: Damn it!
  B: What happened?
  A: I used an answer key on my homework, but I got a “D” anyway!
  B: Well, I guess the answer key is just not authentic.
  Question 1: What did he use on his homework? ( He used an/the answer key on his homework. )
  Question 2: What did A get for his homework? (he got a “D”)
  Question 3: What's wrong with the answer key? ( The answer key was not authentic.)
  Mini Dialog 2:
  Girl: Trust me, you don't want to ace the test by cheating.
  Boy: Why not?
  Girl: You're skating on very thin ice!
  Boy: Don't worry. I won't get busted.
  Question : What does the girl think of cheating? (The girl thinks (that) it's skating on very thin ice. )
深蓝色牛仔外套、白色衬衫和黑色领带 均为Boss几何印花冲锋衣Boss几何印花冲锋衣 Boss上山 偶像派与偶像  “你想拍广告吗?”  中学上学路上,李易峰被星探拦住问他想不想当模特。当时他很激动却不意外,因为他从小就坚信“当明星”是自己唯一的人生目标。  因为长得好看,李易峰从小就很有“观众缘”,从别人家的孩子到常收到情书的校草,接着被全国观众票选出道,最后做歌手、当演员……多亏老天爷赐的一张
我有了重读永井荷风的冲动。  夏威夷航空,像是直接从海滩飞来,空中小姐的花衬衫里或许还带着沙粒。她们用力地展示笑容,张大嘴吐字,比起赖散且傲慢的美联航,这是一个更亲切、亦更富朝气的美国。  它理应更富朝气,夏威夷不仅是地表上最年轻的岛屿之一,也是政治版图上迟来者。1810年,当工业革命与法国革命已席卷欧洲时,那些分散的岛屿才勉强结合成一个独立王国。它的形态更与近代国家相去甚远,更似一个酋长部落联盟
低谷  “一头困兽”,这是妻子伊能静对秦昊的初期印象。七年前,两人第一次约会,秦昊始终维持着一种紧绷的情绪状态,他频繁倾吐自己的迷茫和抱怨,宜人的晚景和舒缓的电影音乐,都不能令他放松下来。  看着眼前这个眉头紧皱、语气激奋的男人,伊能静想不明白,一个优秀的演员,到底会被什么逼困到这样的犄角之境中?  实际上,演员秦昊那时已凭《青红》《春风沉醉的夜晚》等电影作品入围戛纳、柏林和威尼斯这样的国际电影节
2020年8月15日,《哈利·波特与魔法石》在内地重映的第2天,一段2002年首映的视频开始在网络上流传。那是在北京新街口外大街的中影集团院内,红绒布座椅的影院还带着点旧日礼堂的影子。那一年,恰好是中国的影院初试院线制改革,在原有的各省级市级电影公司基础之上,成立了旨在打破地域垄断,市场化运作的电影放映院线。  这一年是中国电影市场的低谷与复苏。没人能想到,年末的一部华语电影《英雄》可以在国内市场
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时尚能否被视为艺术?  “时尚能否被视为艺术?”这个话题几乎无时无刻不在时尚界内被探讨着,也产生了许多态度截然不同的结论。从历史的角度上来看,时尚很少被提升到与绘画、音乐、雕塑或建筑同等的地位。因为它的最初诞生与阶级性有关(譬如最初的“时尚”正是源自法国的宫廷文化)。相应地,艺术作为一种主观表达的自主产物,并不直接受教会或君主法令的约束,而且在1848年革命之后,通过资产阶级文化的基础产生的,当时
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