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今年株洲市档案局在深入调研的基础上结合贯彻中央企业档案工作座谈会的精神,提出了今后株洲市企业档案工作新的发展思路:企业档案工作必须始终定位于为企业生产经营服务,为企业改革和发展服务;必须实现企业档案工作的“四化”——管理体制多样化、档案资源信息化、档案管理规范化、档案人员素质化。当前首要任务是创新企业档案管理体制;中心工作是创新企业档案服务机制,坚持“跳出库房抓档案,跳出档案抓服务”的两跳方针,提升传统的档案服务为信息和知识服务;关键举措是培养一支高素质的企业档案人才队伍。 This year, Zhuzhou City Archives Bureau conducted a thorough investigation and research on the basis of carrying out the spirit of the Central Enterprises Archives Work Symposium and put forward a new development idea for future corporate archives work in Zhuzhou City: The enterprise archives work must always be positioned to serve the production and management of enterprises, Reform and development of services; must realize the “four modernizations” of enterprise archives work - the diversification of management system, the informatization of archives resources, the standardization of archives management and the quality of archivists. At present, the primary task is to innovate the enterprise file management system. The center work is to innovate the enterprise file service mechanism and adhere to the two-hop policy of “jumping out of the warehouse and grasping the file and jumping out of the file and grasping the service”, so as to enhance the traditional file service as the information and knowledge service. The key measures are Cultivate a high-quality corporate file personnel.
在任何一种辉煌的博大背后,都掩藏着许许多多鲜为人知的苦痛和艰辛。 Behind any kind of brilliant game, many hidden pains and hardships are hidden.
妈妈,是属于家里的味觉,是属于无可替代的温暖。———岁月赠言 Mom, belonging to the taste of the family, is an irreplaceable warmth. --- Year Message
1.正确理解信息技术在档案信息现代化中的作用和位置 置身信息大潮中,应该清醒地意识到传统形式上的各种媒介形式要转换成为现代化意义上的媒体信息并提供利用,档案专业工作