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  Announcer: Every week thousands of young Chinese gather on line to translate Hollywood movies and TV shows into Mandarin. They call themselves, “Fan 1)Subtitle Groups”. Some do it for fun and to help people learn English, others see it as a subtle way to introduce new ideas into Chinese society. Frank Langford reports on how they’re trying to open minds one download at a time.
  Frank Langford: Among the more popular American TV shows on China’s internet these days is HBO’s The Newsroom. One reason is this exchange between a college student and a news 2)anchor, played by Jeff Daniels.
  Student: Can you say why America is the greatest country in the world?
  Anchor: There is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we’re the greatest country in the world. We’re 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science. . .
  Ziu: The first episode really catch[sic] my eye.
  Langford: Ziu’s a college 3)junior and a member of an on-line group that translated the show’s 1st season. The group, about 20 people spread around China, 4)divvies up the scenes and translates them with the help of dictionaries. Ziu says
  she loved that scene, because it was so refreshing to hear someone challenge a national myth.
  Ziu: Not being, you know, fooled by the whole 5)propaganda to really think about what is really happening in this country.
  Langford: Chinese viewers have downloaded The Newsroom more than half a million times, and posted more than 10,000 comments, including criticism of the acting. But one fan, using the nickname Terrance, had this observation. “Maybe it’s hard to summarize why America’s the greatest nation in the world, but having a remarkable 4th 6)estate is definitely one of the reasons why this country is so great”. This is the sort of stuff Ziu’s looking for.
  Ziu: I’m not gonna say I want teach [sic] people. I’m not gonna tell you what we should do. You think by yourself. That is our goal.
  Wolfe: I want to welcome everyone to assume the position, and this is gonna be a different way to look at history. Langford: Chinese translation groups 7)scour the Internet for any show that might resonate, even 8)obscure ones like Assume the Position. It’s a 9)stand-up routine, slash, history class by comedian Robert Wuhl.
  Wolfe: It’s the stories that made up America and the stories that America made up.
  Langford: It aired on HBO in 2006. Jeremy King, and English teacher in Central China’s Jiangsu Province, translated it in December.   Jeremy King: I had my hesitations, ’cause I thought, well, this one’s about history, but then, when I released the 1st episode, it…it was very popular.
  Langford: King says the video, which has been downloaded more than 10,000 times here, is interesting to Chinese because it focuses on how people perceive history. And stylistically, it’s totally different than China’s tradition of 10)rote learning.
  King: Most of the reply[sic] will say ‘this is the best class I have ever watched’, or ‘I wish I could have a teacher like him’.
  Langford: Of course not everyone is translating TV shows in hopes of changing society. At least 3 groups focus on Downton Abbey.
  Alice: My name is Alice Wu, and I study in Shanghai International Studies University. In my group there are probably 6 or 7 people doing the same episode, so it’s go pretty fast. We probably have to finish it in one day.
  Langford: Wu likes the show because it gives her entré to a foreign world of privilege and class dynamics. Like others, Wu’s subtitle group works off pirated versions of TV programs. She knows it’s illegal, but Wu says her group doesn’t make any money off the videos, and just translates them because they love the show.
  兰福德:茹是一名大三的学生,也是翻译了该剧第一季的在线字幕组的一员。这个字幕组由遍布中国的2 0人组成,他们分配场景

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