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  ◆摘  要:The article, based on  lexical definition and classification, focuses on lexical teaching theory and its application in English teaching in higher vocational colleges
  As a way of combination and function of the nature of language components, Chunk combines the advantages of syntax, semantic and context, which is an ideal unit in language teaching. Therefore, chunk is a practical way in vocabulary teaching, enjoying very high use value and broad prospects in English language teaching.
  First. The definition and classification of chunk
  The term chunk was first put forward by Becker in 1976. Simply put, chunk is a string of words stored as a whole in the brain and can be picked and used by learners as a precast block in the wake of whole or slight alteration. Lewis divided lexical chunks into four categories:1. Multiple-word terms, such as “in a word, for instance” , which are the basic vocabularies for learners to memorize. 2. High-frequency combinations. For instance, “have a walk”, is a frequently occurred combination in natural language words. Native speakers know instinctively which words can be matched and which cannot be done so, which is the basis for accurate and natural English expression.3.Set expressions. For example, “Can you tell me the way to...?”  4. Half-fixed expressions. For instance: make hay while the sun shines. It can be seen from the above classification that chunks are different from both idioms and free collocations. Idiom structure does not allow any changes, thus creating space-free. Free combination is a temporary one, lacking predictability and is not conducive to mastering while chunk proves to be a half-fixed combination just between the two. In addition, lexical category shows a notable feature that from words to sentences, there exists an intermittent increase in structures between the lexical composition, namely the space available for pragmatic changes with the chunk expand, which is the very space to creatively use words as well as the one to be developed for vocabulary teaching .
  Second , the advantage of lexical teaching
  ( A ) To apply the principle of the best
  Chunking is a combination of syntax, semantics and pragmatics, which is an effective way to avoid the above-mentioned two extremes by combining knowledge and application in an organic way. In addition, acquiring language in the form of lexical chunks is conducive to cultivating students' ability of autonomous learning .To fundamentally improve the quality of learning, the key lies in fostering students ' self-learning ability. Therefore, the teacher should intervene as little as possible the learning process of the students, allowing themselves to find and summarize the rules in the learning process.   ( B ) Accords with the basic law of cognition with universal significance
  The lexical approach sees language acquisition as a cognitive process of "observation- assumption – verification" one. Specifically, acceptance in the form of chunk comes first, then follows imitation, mechanical adoption .Not until the possession of grammar ability can chunks be  processed, filled, or reassembled before entering the final phase of creative application. Language acquired in the form of lexical chunk is in line with human cognitive law in that everything we perceive is from the simple to the complex, from imitation to creation, from a wide range of absorption into the final output.
  ( C ) In line with learning characteristics of Chinese higher vocational students
  Chinese students are accustomed to reciting texts and then memorizing sentences before applying some of them to other occasions. In the early stages of learning, students usually accept and absorb some of the data without any analyses, and then, through constant use of these data, they will be more familiar with the process, and finally reach the level of proficiency. What is stressed here is the process of internalization, which is only through the full absorption and familiarization of the knowledge of language will it be possible to translate them into the language product. Therefore, in the form of lexical chunks, the Chinese students are characterized by a lot of memorization and recitation of various language materials, and then grasp, use and creation.
  Third, Chunk teaching experiment
  (A)The Subjects
  In order to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of lexical chunk teaching in English in China’s higher vocational colleges, the author selected 80students (2014) from Rehabilitation Department of Jiamusi College, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine College as subjects, and randomly assigned one class to experimental one  and the other class to the control group with textbook New Horizon English Ⅱ&Ⅲ. The experimental teaching lasted a period of 1 year, 4 hours per week. Experimental Class and control class were both in charge of the same teacher.
  (B) The Experimental Process
  The teacher, based on lexical chunk, conducted a purposeful and planned teaching on students of experimental class while conventional teaching methods are used in the control class. The aim of lexical teaching for the experimental class is to help students turn their attention from grammar rules and words to the chunk by adopting Maggie Baigent 's three stages of language learning: Identify—Explore—Consolidate .   1.Identification of target word. The teacher required the students of the experimental class to preview the text before class and pick out all the chunks and collocations they want the teacher to explain in class .The chunk does not include any new words. The chunk tables handed in by students help the teacher choose class type. Meanwhile, students 'ability to observe and identify the chunk in selecting chunks can be improved. Lewis pointed out that the prerequisite for learners to turn the input of language into the absorption of language is to notice the chunk and collocation.
  2.Exploration of the target word. For the words to be explained in class, the teacher carried out a series of exercises to improve students ' lexical awareness. Jane Willisl recommends that learners identify (such as which word can be used before or after the verb “like” ), classify ( pick three expressions you agree to a certain point ), compare with the mother tongue ,extend ( try to find the words in Column B that can be matched in Column A ), memorize, and so forth.
  3.Consolidation of the target word. The aim of the third stage is to improve the students 'ability to accurately and fluently use the lexical chunks that they have mastered. Using the chunks learned is a good way to retell stories, discuss issues or write essays. By using these words, not only is the students’ awareness of chunks raised, but also consolidate the acquired knowledge.
  The final exam grades of the two classes in the first semester showed no significant differences, ie, tests prior to the experiment indicated that the two classes enjoyed similar English level. The test after the experiment was given before the final exam in the second semester and was graded in terms of average .
  (Third)The Experiment Tools
  Standardized tests of English Language Band Ⅲ for Higher Vocational Colleges are adopted in the  experiment.
  (Fourth) The experimental results
  The experiment class exceeded the control class by 8 points on average, which showed that the lexical approach helps to improve the students ' language accuracy and fluency as well as the feasibility and advantages in English vocabulary teaching in higher vocational college.
  Fourth. Conclusion
  Language teaching in the past ran to two extremes: Structure method overemphasized grammar rules but neglected the use of language in the concrete context. On contrary, communicative approach paid too much attention on language use in context. Chunking is the unity of syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and context, and is the inheritance and development of traditional teaching methods. It dialectically reflects the status of vocabulary and grammar in the process of language acquisition, allowing learners to have a deeper understanding of the nature of language. Lexical teaching accords with the human cognitive laws of language, thus a more scientific concept of language. Lexical teaching reversed the embarrassment of “dumb English” in China’s English teaching by cultivating students' ability to use the target language to communicate. In short, vocabulary teaching with the chunk as the basic unit is a practical way and a new thinking , which is conducive to breaking the standoff of large investment, low efficiency in English teaching and achieving a new breakthrough in English teaching reform.
◆摘 要:随着教育模式的不断改革,为了能够顺应时代发展,需要在以往的基础上,加强教学模式与内容的调整,软开度是舞蹈中重要的一部分,学校可对此进行优化。基于此,本文重点讲述了软开度在舞蹈之中的作用,分析了日常教学之中存在的问题,并细致地阐述了对其的优化策略,供参考。  ◆关键词:中职;舞蹈教学;软开度训练  在中职舞蹈教学的过程中,所包含的内容种类丰富,为了能够进一步提升学生的个人能力,需要在各个环
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◆摘 要:初中学段是化学学科学习的启蒙阶段,也是培养学生化学学科核心素养的重要时期。通过化学学科教学培养学生社会责任感,有助于学生树立正确的化学思想意识和价值观念,理解化学学科对社会的贡献。培养学生社会责任感,应加强学科历史教育,以实验培养学生社会责任感,通过实践活动正确认识化学社会生活价值,强化责任意识,培养有科学情怀的人才。  ◆关键词:初中化学;社会责任感;核心素养;渗透  社会责任感属于化
◆摘 要:学生是祖国未来的花朵,而教师就是祖国大花园里面的园丁。教师的自我发展对于学生的教育、培养具有重要的意义。教师的教学能力的提升是在教学中不断积累、总结、反思、提升的过程。高中英语是一门重要的语言学科,教师的教学能力和教学水平直接影响了英语课堂教学效率,关乎学生的英语发展。因此,教师要在高中英语教学中加强自我反思,从教学手段、教学内容等方面进行不断创新,为学生提供良好的学习环境。本文结合案例
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◆摘 要:2020年,突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情在全球暴发并迅速蔓延,对全世界是一次严重危机和严峻考验。同年,教育部印发《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》,要求“深度挖掘高校各学科门类专业课程蕴含的思想政治教育资源,使各类课程与思政课同向同行,形成协同效应。”本文以高职会计专业课程《财务管理》教学为例,探讨疫情背景下课程思政融入高职会计专业教学的路径。  ◆关键词:翻转课堂;高职会计;课程思政  一、《
◆摘 要:在初中数学课堂教学中,教师们要深入领会新课程改革的精髓,深化教学内容和方法等方面的改革,拓宽课堂教学思维。只有这样,初中数学课堂教学才能越来越好,越来越有效率。  ◆关键词:初中数学;课堂教学;有效性  初中数学的教学一直以来都是老师比较头疼的事情,无论老师付出多少心血,很多学生还是听不懂。初中学生整体来说脑力还处于发展的阶段,思维能力没有那么复杂,而数学课程又具备抽象性的特点,导致他们