Three Important Elements of Improving Current Education

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  【关键词】德育 美育 自我教育
  Ⅰ. Introduction
  What’s the essence of education? To be humanely conveyed, education is to wake up human’s nature of pursuing truth, virtues, happiness and liberty in one’s lifetime. It’s a lifelong pursuit which shouldn’t come to a halt until death knocks our door.
  To a person, good education means helping him or her become a human being with certain traits and capabilities. To a country, good education means cultivating people from different social classes with certain traits and capabilities to meet their demands and realize their potential or values so that they can make contribution to the country.
  Undoubtedly, education plays the most significant role in the long-term development of both a person and a country, whose function is similar to the foundation of a building. If the foundation is so weak and unstable, the whole building will be collapsing some day.However, on the contrary, our education is developing in a distorted and unhealthy way nowadays which is completely against the essence of education and makes us deeply concerned.
  In China, because of our exam-oriented education system, school is more like a factory where teachers function as workers and students act as stereotyped products lacking initiative, passion and uniqueness. What we teach and what we learn completely cater for examinations, while important characteristics of our species like courage, kindness, wisdom, good humor are not the part of our curriculum.
  Tragically, Parents and teachers attach utmost importance to grades, which makes students suffer overwhelming stress and depression. According to a recent research, the rate of youth delinquency accounts for 80 percent of all the crimes in the society and the number is on the increase. Besides, much more political governance and officer’s standard value orientation result in Chinese schools especially universities lacking academic atmosphere. Schools have obviously become the places which resemble the miniature of our society and where noble thoughts, truth and wisdom can be rarely shared and conveyed.
  Our distorted education demonstrates that moral education, aesthetic education and self-education considered as critical elements of education, however, are now in great short supply.
  Ⅱ. Moral Education   “By far our biggest worry is youth violence, and that alone should warrant a national declaration of emergency. Peer cruelty is steadily increasing. Other disturbing indicators include substance abuse among kids; the growing disrespect for parents and teachers; the rise of incivility; the increase of vulgarity; and widespread cheating and commonplace dishonesty.” (Michele Borba,2001: 234) For instance, in 2013, in one of the top universities in China, a postgraduate felt jealous of his roommate’s academic achievement, so he put poison into his drinking water and then put his roommate to death.
  What’s more, the relationship between teachers and students has also caused great concern and heated debates recently. It was reported that a student assaulted on his teacher and even a student murdered his teacher with a knife.
  Why do those tragedies happen on our campus now and then? That’s mostly because we have missed one critical piece: the moral side of our children’s lives. “It is plain that one may gain no inconsiderable body of learning in some special field of knowledge without at the same time acquiring those habits and traits which are the marks of an educated man.” (Nicholas Murray Butler, 280)
  “Confucius through his life and teaching taught only four things: a knowledge of literature and the arts, conduct, conscientiousness and truthfulness.”(Gu Hongming, 107) Among the four things, Confucius gave top priority to moral education instead of the sole knowledge acquisition.
  Unfortunately, teachers and parents devoted most of their time to helping students and their children achieve high grades by cramming language points, skills of taking exams and forcing them to take supplementary courses nowadays. Actually, “academic work is a narrow, neatly defined highway compared to the unmapped rolling country you will encounter after you leave school,” (Robert Oliphant, 1986) while lacking moral education, our killers are getting younger and younger.
  Of course, an educator once said,“it is neither educators’ responsibility nor their right to promote among students political ideology or religious principles. But good educators do teach values, not personal, private values but common values of courtesy, mutual respect, integrity, forgiveness, self-confidence, self-reliance and so forth. ” It is our best hope for our children and next generations developing traits of solid character in this often morally toxic world.
  Ⅲ. Aesthetic Education   The fact that students are brought up in a competitive atmosphere that sometimes their happiness and sense of pride are based on others’ failure and misery is undoubted. The overloaded assignments and stress make students become numb to both the internal and external world such as people’s subtle feelings, our beautiful nature and other hidden beauty surrounding us.
  But ridiculously, once they get free time, the only thing they want to do is to indulge themselves with sensual and superficial excitement like playing video games, going to karaoke bar, watching TV series or gossiping all day in the dormitory. Surprisingly, most students especially girls are addicted to reading romantic fictions online written by modern people who convey twisted values like money-worship and sensuality.
  It reveals that aesthetic education is really undermined and neglected in our teaching notions. However, aesthetic education plays an integral role in students’ mental development which can guide them to be a whole well-being.
  The first step of aesthetic education is to help students gain such an appreciation and understanding towards nature. If students discover the beauty of nature while they are young, they will respect nature and try to preserve it when they are older. They are willing to explore and use their sense of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing, which can help children perceive subtle feelings both physically and psychologically.
  The company of good books is of significance in the process of aesthetic education. “The best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companies and comforters.” (Samuel Smiles, 207) In addition, as Samuel Smiles mentioned, “books possess an essence of immortality because time is of no account with great thoughts.” Under the influence of the great men of old, students’ desire to pursue truth and virtues is undoubtedly inspired and enlightened. In the process, their aesthetic standard is elevated and bettered.
  Ⅳ. Self-education
  In 2009, Nobel Prize winner Zhu Diwen delivered a speech in Harvard University. He said,“ the ability to teach yourself is the hallmark of a great liberal arts education and will be the key to your success.” Donna Farhi Schuster also said: “as a teacher I have come to feel weighted by these expectations and have begun to see that it is really not possible to teach. All the words and theories and techniques are of no use to students who have yet to open themselves with receptivity and to take it upon themselves to practice.” (1987:194)   What both of them conveyed reveals that self-education is the most significant procedure in our education. Apparently, successful education can only and finally be accomplished by students themselves rather than their parents or teachers.
  The power and habit of reflection should be highlighted firstly in self-education. “Human beings for the most part live wholly on the surface of life. They don’t look beneath the surface or far beyond the present moment and that part of future which is quickly to follow it.” (Nicholas Murray Butler,280) As a student, reflecting what you have learned every day is a must. “It is by no means uncommon to find men whose knowledge is wide but whose feelings are narrow.” (Bertrand Russell, 1956) Reflection helps students cultivate the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight.
  Critical thoughts also play a crucial role in self-education. Richard Charles Levin, a famous educator and the headmaster of Yale from 1993~2013, said in his book The Work of the University,“ the core of liberal education is to help students cultivate the ability of thinking independently and critically.” Critical thoughts help students out of the vicious circle of submitting themselves to totally believing what teachers and books tell them, which is the first step to emancipate them from the shackles of the existing theories and stereotypes so that they could become a human with truly free mind.
  Additionally, the quality of appreciation should be underlined in self-education. It’s not difficult to find that most students nowadays take what they have for granted and always complain about or feel jealous of what they don’t have. Appreciation means showing understanding and gratitude towards the things you’ve already got. And if you embody such a quality, you are destined to live a peaceful and easy life without plenty of complaints and jealousy, and will probably receive gifts from God unexpectedly.
  Ⅴ. Conclusion
  As we all know, Education is a complicated system involving resources distribution, departments and people concerned. But one thing we should always keep in mind is that students are the leading characters in the play of education.
  It’s apparent that my perspectives on our education may not be comprehensive, and any constructive suggestions from you will be welcomed. But the truth is that the concern is deeply rooted in my heart and I really want to see our education can be changed for better so that our society and our country could develop in a virtue circle.
  [1]Michele Borba,The Importance of Moral Intelligence in Children,Building Moral Intelligence,Jossey-Bass,2001.
  [2]Nicholas Murray Butler,Five Traits of the Educated Man,An Integrated English Course 1,Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2013.
  [3]GU Hongming(辜鴻铭),The Discourses and Sayings of Confucius,云南人民出版社,2011.
  [4]Robert Oliphant,Letter to a B Student,Liberal Education,1986.
在新课程改革背景下,如何才能在课堂教学中积极利用听力材料,把听力训练与其他技能训练结合起来,从而提高英语课堂教学效果呢?我认为教师应该在 “备”足听力材料,充分理解教材意图的基础上,立足学生视角,更好的“教”教材和“用”教材。笔者经过近20年课堂教学实践,针对新教材中听力材料的处理,逐渐形成了分听前阶段、听时阶段、听后阶段,穿插“听—读—说—写”顺序的一套完整听力教学模式。  一、听前阶段  1.
【摘要】布鲁姆曾说过:“成功的外语课堂教学应当在课内创设更多的情境,让学生有机会运用已学到的语言材料”。英语教学质量的高低在很大程度上取决于课堂教学方法的选用。新课程标准指出要创建一种开放的、和谐的、积极互动的语言活动氛围,因此我们尝试如何将情感态度与英语教学中的知识与技能、过程和方法有机结合在一起。实践证明,在小学英语教学中,运用情境教学是组织课堂活动最好的方法之一。  【关键词】课程目标 情感
要做一个成功的教师,就要激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神,激发学生“我要学”的动机,培养学生“我会学”的能力,为终身学习打下良好的基础。那么英语教学中如何实施这个目标呢?  一、诱导---激发创新的兴趣  兴趣是从事一项活动的内部动力,是入门的先导。为使学生对创造感兴趣,英语教师必须改变教书匠的形象,做教学的有心人
【摘要】近年来,EPS(专门用途英语)在我国大学英语教育领域收到越来越多的关注,但在英语教学实践与探索中存在一定的误区。本文拟结合中医学专业认证背景,从课程设计、师资等方面研究和探索一些代表性的问题,从而进一步理清中医专业培养目标,促进教师转变教学理念,加强师资队伍的建设,促进中医英语ESP教学水平的提高,培养中医学专业合格人才。  【关键词】中医认证 专门用途英语 教学实践  一、中医学专业认证
【摘要】由于历史文化、风俗习惯、生存环境、宗教信仰等不同,所以中西方文化在很多方面存在着很大的差异,从而出现了中学阶段学生英语学习的多种困扰因素。本文探讨了初中阶段中西方文化差异引发的中学生英语学习问题,并结合自己的教学实践,提出了解决对策。  【关键词】文化 差异 内涵  语言是人类文化的载体,它反映着一个民族的特征,包含着该民族历史的文化背景,蕴藏着该民族对人生的看法,体现着该民族的生活方式。
未来的老师们、学弟学妹们:rn展信安.作为一名来自201 6年的中学生,我对大家来说该是个不折不扣的老人吧?正如春秋时期的人不知何为多媒体,我亦不知未来的你们有什么更先进的
【摘要】由于英语学科的特点,使许多学生视英语为学习中的第一难关。因此,在许多学生的学习中,英语都是弱科。分析其弱科形成的原因,发现是多种多样的,因而我们就不能把所有后进生都简单归结为“脑子笨”或“不用功”,教学中应针对后进生的特点,深刻分析其后进的原因,再进行帮助和教育,才有可能取得理想的转化效果。  【关键词】英语 学习 后进生 问题 转变  一、英语学习后进生形成原因分析  1.性格内向,不愿
【摘要】“互联网 ”时代的到来给大学英语教学带来了巨大的挑战和发展的机遇,传统的以教师为主导的教学模式已经不能适应现有的教育需求,大学英语教学需要紧跟时代的潮流,探索一条新路。本文通过分析“互联网 ”时代大学英语教学面临的挑战,提出了大学教师应该更新教学理念,充分利用网络技术,激发学生兴趣,发挥传统课堂教学的优势,提高学生人文素养等综合素质和自主学习能力。  【关键词】“互联网 ”时代 大学英语教
【摘要】字母作为英语单词的基本组成,其教学水平直接关乎着学生的英语成绩。在英语字母教学活动中,学生若无法有效掌握字母,则将会大大加重后续英语学习负担。笔者将依照多年从教经验,浅谈与英语字母教学相关的问题,希望能够在某种层面提升英语字母教学水平。  【关键词】英语字母教学 重要性 教学策略  一、前言  字母教学作为英语教学的基本组成,不仅影响着单词与语句的学习情况,还关乎着英语思维,它在后续英语学