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参七固肾丸系我院名老中医余惠民积40余年临床经验研制而成。余惠民主任中医师悬壶济世50余年,专攻内科,独钟肾病,现为“第二届湖北中医名师”、“湖北省知名中医师”。参七固肾丸在我院应用20余年来,取得良好效果,深受广大肾病患者的好评,为我院传统中药制剂中临床运用较好的品种之一(批号:鄂药制字Z20110545),现将其制备工艺及临床应用报道如下。1仪器与试药TQWZ热回流提取浓缩机组(衡阳市金山中药设备制造有 Senate Gushen Wan Department of Chinese medicine in our hospital Yu Huimin more than 40 years of clinical experience developed. Yu Huimin, director of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners Xuanhujishi more than 50 years, specializing in internal medicine, kidney disease alone, is now Second Hubei famous doctor , Hubei province famous TCM doctor. Shenqi Gushen Wan application in our hospital for more than 20 years, and achieved good results, by the vast majority of patients with kidney disease praise for our hospital traditional Chinese medicine in the clinical use of one of the better varieties (batch number: E Chinese medicine Z20110545) Now the preparation process and clinical application are reported as follows. 1 instruments and reagents TQWZ heat reflux extraction concentrator (Hengyang Jinshan Chinese medicine equipment manufacturers have
各军工集团公司,各省、自治区、直辖市国防科工委(办): 经审核,批准《螺纹连接和销钉连接的防松方法》等450项标准为航空行业标准,现予以颁布,并自发布之日起实施。附件:450
The effect of hot-rolling processing on microstructure as well as the relationship between the elongated grain structure and tensile properties are investigated
The interaction between C60’s in solid C60 has been calculated by (exp-6-1) potential, and the cause and the controlled factor of the high rapid rotations of
参选内容:此次年度创新大奖共分为5大类别分开并公开进行评选。5大类别分别为:工具软件、工具硬件、电子及测试、工程材料、运动控制。各个厂商可以依照类别,各自选出2012年最具创新意识的产品参与各个奖项的评选。  奖项设置: 每个大类分别产出冠亚季军三组  评选方式:材料收集完毕后,我社将从60万名读者中选取20万名,发送邀请参与评选的邮件,让读者自行从中选取自己心目中最能代表当前类别最高技术水平的产
Ab initio calculation,B32 and B32H~-14Ab initio molecular orbital theory,fullerene,ni- trogen cluster,boron nitride cluster 490Ab initio,p-complex structure,iso