Ideologies in Chinese Real Estate Advertising: Critical Discourse Analytical Approach

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  【Abstract】: Advertising plays an important role in modern society and the far-reaching consequences of the development of advertising cannot be measured. With the increasing fierce competition in real estate industry, the strategic emphasis of advertising is shifting from rationale demands to emotional demands so as to get consumers’ approbation. The real estate advertising is catering for the emotional needs of modern people while promoting the houses. To some extent, the advertising affects readers’ choices about their lifestyle and moulds readers’ attitudes towards life. The author analyzes two samples of Chinese real estate advertisements from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis, attempting to reveal the ideologies behind the advertisements.
  【Key words】: Critical Discourse Analysis;real estate advertising;ideology; process
  Ⅰ. Introduction
  Advertising has become an indispensable part of the modern society. As a French advertising agency says that what we are breathing is oxygen, nitrogen and advertising, consumers are now plunged into an ocean of advertisements. Whether you like it or not, advertising has penetrated into every corner of our life. In the research of different kinds of business discourses, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is much applied in advertising. As is known to all, the competition in property owners produces the emergence and flourish of real estate advertising. These advertisements no only become an important source of product information, but to some extent, affect the way people live, social relations and people’s concept of life. In this sense, real estate advertising has gone beyond business category and further affects people by its underlying ideologies. This author attempts to analyze Chinese real estate advertising from the view of Critical Discourse Analysis to reveal the hidden ideologies in the advertisements.
  Ⅱ. Theoretical framework: Critical Discourse Analysis
  Critical Discourse Analysis mainly uses Halliday’s systemic functional theory which is concerned with understanding the different purposes and different structures in different situations. One of the three general functions of language is ideational metafunction. In his words,“language serves for the expression of content” : that is, language enables human beings to build a mental picture of reality, to make sense of the speaker’s experience of the real world, including the inner world of his own consciousness.”(胡壯麟,2001:152) The ideational function is realized as the transitivity system, in which there are six processes: material, mental, relational, behavioral, verbal and existential process.   Ⅲ. Case study of ideologies behind Chinese real estate advertising
  In this section, a detailed discussion is given based on the statistical data of the frequency of 6 process types.
  Case: 翡翠蓝湾(Jadeite Blue Bay)
  1)Description and quantify the frequency of the linguistics features:
  The statistical data about transitivity is shown in table2-2
  As can be seen in the table, the real estate sample includes 6 sentences 17 clauses and 17 processes, 6 of them are material processes accounting for 35%. And 7 are mental;4 are relational and no verbal and existential process.
  2) Interpretation
  The advertisement begins with a material process which gives a description of the merits and uniqueness of the estate. It maps the estate as an ideal living place for the prospective buyer’s purposes. The material process of the headline makes the advertising informative and vivid. The next 4 sentences include 7 mental processes. They are shown by the verbs of perception like: 享受enjoy,感受feel,汲吮着…的味道 sniff, 听到 hear… And the mention of the phenomenon parts: 清风breeze, 悠云drifting cloud, 蛙声一片frog croaking…pictures the beautiful scenery around the houses advertised and a laid-back way of living. Furthermore, these clauses attempt to position readers as the consumers who seek freedom and personal life. The last clause expresses the desire of modern people: being far away from the noisy city, embracing the world of nature, returning to spiritual Eden… It seems that the only prerequisite for the readers to turn the imaginary beautiful life into reality is to become the consumers of the Jadeite Blue Bay.
  Ⅳ. Implication and Conclusion
  Through Critical Discourse Analysis , we can see that the two real estate advertisements have gone beyond their common scope of product promotion and attempt to influence the readers as prospective consumers at the level of ideologies which are manifested in the following aspects: First of all, a number of mental processes are used in the advertisements to meet people’s emotional needs such as the longing for relatively independent but harmonious family life, beautiful residential environment, peaceful life away from the turmoil of city. The mental processes have impact on the readers and mould their value or attitude of life. Secondly, the use of material and relational process not only highlights the selling points of the estate, but also affects people’s choices of lifestyle, such as enjoying family warmth, pursuit of tranquility, returning to nature, etc.
  [2]南方都市报.2008广东地产金牌总评榜 Dec 26th ,2008.pp9,11.
  作者简介:颜萍,学历 :硕士,单位:韶关学院外语学院讲师,研究方向:商务英语研究。
【摘要】:通过对聂赫留朵夫与玛丝洛娃两人的“复活”之路的阐释与分析,把他们的执着坚持等优秀品质引申到现实生活中,探索他们的行为在现实世界中的意义,由他们的“复活”之路联想到现实社会中人们的为人处事,行事作风,号召人们要忠于自己的内心,获取内心的平静,鼓励人们追求灵魂与精神的自由,努力实现道德的自我完善,充满勇气,执着追求美好人生。  【关键词】:复活;精神缺失;坚持;执着  十九世纪是俄国一个极为
【摘要】:王玉辉是一个清贫、善良的老书生,他是命运悲剧和思想矛盾的综合体,是封建时期深受礼教熏染的一个群体的代表,他所具有的一切个性特征和命运遭遇,都具有时代的典型性。  【关键词】:《儒林外史》;王玉辉;悲剧命运;成因  由《儒林外史》看王玉辉,唯叹息而已。从现实生活上看,王玉辉是拮据的;从人伦亲情上看,王玉辉是遗憾的;从精神理想上看,王玉辉是失败的。总的来说,王玉辉的一生不如意者,十之八九,是
春天过后,繁华落尽,忧愁风雨,不过一场,山河永寂。  只待春风又起。  想来,必然有人偏爱春风。  李白,他一定钟爱春风。他的诗作有如春风一般浪漫,他的一生也有如春风那般潇洒,一袭宽袍白衫,乘云沐彩霞,游尽天下山河,长歌绘人间,斗酒诗百篇。大概,他时常寻个乡村僻野,端坐静思,为自己想象出一片竹林,一院黄菊,再吟咏一句不为人知的千古绝句。继而就地盘卧,对山望水,春风抚衣,悠然自得。  他说,是春天成
“知言養气”这一理论出自《孟子·公孙丑上》孟子自言:“我知言,我善养吾浩然之气。”  一.对“知言”的解释  孟子说:“诐辞知其所蔽,淫辞知其所陷,邪辞知其所离,遁辞知其所穷。生于其心,害于其政;发于其政,害于其事。圣人复起,必从吾言矣。”  第一种解释为今人杨伯峻在《孟子译注》中将“诐辞、淫辞、邪辞、遁辞”解释为“不全面的言辞我知道它的片面性所在,过分的言辞我知道它失足之所在;不合正道的言辞我知
【摘要】:《阿拉比》是爱尔兰文学大师乔伊斯的短篇小说集《都柏林人》中久负盛名的一篇,其多重性、模糊性的叙事视角与视角间的相互转换使这篇小说的叙事策略堪称一流。本文试从叙事视角方面解析《阿拉比》,揭示其对阐释文章象征意义及主题意蕴的重要性。  【关键词】:《阿拉比》;叙事视角;多重性;模糊性;不可靠性  引言  爱尔兰文学巨匠詹姆斯·乔伊斯几乎一生都漂泊在欧洲大陆,然而其笔尖却始终围绕其故国,从未离
【摘要】:《大卫》是西方文艺复兴时期意大利艺术家米开朗基罗的代表作品之一,不僅展现了完美的人体外形,而且还蕴含着深沉的人性之美。通过对雕塑的美感体验以及对米开朗基罗人生的概览,我认为《大卫》包含了以下三種审美因素:一是,动与静的结合;二是,宗教与人文的统一;三是,崇高的英雄主义。  【关键词】:宗教与人文;动与静;英雄主义  《大卫》作为米开朗基罗的代表作品,沉稳却充满生命力,不可侵犯又充满理智,
【Abstract】: With the aim of improving Chinese students' motivation of learning English, this paper introduces e-Learning and flipped learning. It summarizes existed research of flipped learning, and d