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工会经审会是在建立社会主义市场经济条件下,加强工会干部廉政建设,保证工会经济活动顺利进行的必然产物。如何发挥工会经审会的作用,充分履行经审会的职能,笔者认为,应做好思想认识、制度建设、职责履行三到位。一、认识到位是前提从《中华人民共和国工会法》和《中国工会章程》的有关规定可以看出,工会经审工作是整个工会工作的重要组成部分,或者说,这是工会工作不可缺少的工作。工会经审组织是由工会会员代表选举产生的法定组织,随着改革开放的进一步深入,工会经审工作越来越显得至关重要。结合工会经济活动的实 Under the condition of establishing a socialist market economy, the trade unions’ reviewing by the trade unions is an inevitable result of strengthening the building of a clean and honest administration of trade union cadres and ensuring the smooth conduct of the economic activities of trade unions. How to give play to the role of the trade unions in the review and full fulfillment of the functions of the auditing body? In the opinion of the author, ideological understanding, system construction and the fulfillment of duties should be done in all three aspects. I. Recognition of Positions as Prerequisites As can be seen from the relevant provisions of the “Trade union Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Statute of the Chinese Trade Unions”, the work of the labor inspection by the trade unions constitutes an important part of the work of the entire trade union or is an indispensable part of the work of trade unions jobs. Trade unions, the audited organization is a statutory body elected by representatives of trade union members. With the further deepening of reform and opening up, it becomes increasingly important that trade union auditions be reviewed. Combined with the economic activities of trade unions
本文以纳雍县昆寨乡永新村为调研对象,就毕节市农村全面建成小康社会存在的困难和问题作了分析,并提出了对策建议。 This article takes Yongxin Village, Kunzhai Township
1945年8月,一枚名叫“小男孩”的原子弹在广岛上空爆炸,瞬间将十几万鲜活的生命化为乌有,仅留下被夷为废墟的“核污染区”。敌酋为之丧胆!世界为之惊骇!  1946年,美国记者安娜·路易斯·斯特朗在延安宝塔山下采访毛泽东。毛泽东谈锋正健,说出了令世界振聋发聩的话语:“帝国主义和一切反动派都是纸老虎!原子弹也是美国反动派用来吓人的一只纸老虎。”  1949年8月,刘少奇秘密访苏期间,郑重地向苏联人提出
课堂教学板书讲究精要与美观,已成为语文教师的共识与追求。然而,板书的自然,却常常被忽略。笔者从事语文教学已20多年,却依然清 The classroom teaching board book stres
我一直执著地相信,文章是有生命的。有了生命,它才有催人泪下的感染力,才有惊 I have been persistently convinced that the article is alive. With life, it only has a