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一天,叔叔送给我几只河蚌。那河蚌是椭圆形的,黑不溜秋的,不漂亮也不好玩,我随手把它们扔在了水桶里。第二天早上起来一看,水桶里的一只河蚌,它那乳白色的肉从蚌壳里缓缓地伸了出来,我顿时来了兴致。我很想摸一摸它,但又怕惊动它,就耐着性子继续观察下去。看,那白肉越来越大,简直像一块奶油小冰砖。我忍不住,把手伸进水里捏了一下。嘻, One day, my uncle gave me a few mussels. That mussel is oval, black is not slippery autumn, not beautiful or fun, I readily throw them in the bucket. The next morning, when I looked up, a mussel in the bucket, its whiteish meat, slowly extended out of the clam shell, and I suddenly became interested. I really want to touch it, but afraid of disturbing it, to patiently continue to observe. Look, that white meat is bigger and bigger, just like a small cream briquette. I could not help but pinch my hand into the water. laugh,
一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每题5分,共计70分)  1.若3π20,ω>0,|φ|b,则f(x)=(sinA-sinB)·x在R上是增函数;②若a2-b2=(acosB+bcosA)2,则△ABC是Rt△;③cosC+sinC的最小值为-2;④若cos2A=cos2B,则A=B;⑤若(1+tanA)(1+tanB)=2,则A+B=34π,其中错误命题的序号是_________.  14.设△A
一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分)  1.i是虚数单位,计算i+i2+i3=_________.  2.平面向量a与b的夹角为60°,a=(2,0),|b|=1,则|a+2b|=_________.  3.设两个非零向量a与b不共线,若ka+b和a+kb共线,则实数k=_________.  4.i是虚数单位,复数-1+3i1+2i=_________.  5.已知向量a=(1
我是一片普通的银杏叶,生命虽然短暂,但却充满诗情画意。春天,我和兄弟姐妹们一起挂在大树妈妈的枝上,随着春风“沙沙”作响,把春天的讯息带给人们;夏天,我们齐心协力给人 I
第一单元  1. Geldof intended the concert to raise money for and public awareness of the famine. (L.7, P.2)  格尔多夫想通过音乐会为饥荒筹钱并提高公众对饥荒的意识。  【点拨】 intend vt. 意为“想要;打算”,可以说intend sb. to do sth., intend to do st
I.根据英语和汉语提示完成句子  1. If Japanese go to war only because of the Diaoyu Islands,_________ (无辜的) lives in Japan will be put at risk.  2. They_________ (转移) the talk to a more interesting subject—2014 Na
一、段落成分  理解段落内部的逻辑,阅读时就能抓住重点,关注次重点,忽略次要细节,从而提高做题的正确率。段落的基本结构是:段落主题句(简称为TS,即topic sentence)—段落支撑句(简称为SS,即supporting sentences)—段落总结句(CS,即concluding sentence)。有时,段落没有总结句,那么段落的结构就简化为:TS—SS。还有的时候,段落开始没有主题句
原文  All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year, sometimes as short as 24 hours. But always we were intere