Does litterfall from native trees support rainfed agriculture? Analysis of Ficus trees in agroforest

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengyingying
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Trees of the genus Ficus, integral components of indigenous rainfed agro-ecosystems of the southern dry agro-climatic zone of Karnataka, southern India, have traditionally been associated with the ecological service of soil quality enhancement in addition to various direct use benefits. We assessed the soil enrichment service of Ficus benghalensis L. a common Ficus species in these agroforestry systems, by quantifying nutrient return via litter fall. Litterfall estimation and chemical analysis of litter showed that F. benghalensis trees produce 3,512 kg ha-1 of litter annually which, on decomposition, can satisfy up to 76.70 % of N, 20.24% of P and 67.76% of K requirements of dryland crops annually per hectare. This can lead to an avoided cost of compost of US $ 36.46 ha-1·a-1 in dryland farming systems. The slow rate of decay of Ficus litter, as revealed in litter decomposition studies indicates its potential as ideal mulch for dryland soils. We discuss the complementarity between Ficus litterfall and cropping patterns in Mandya, and its implications for rainfed agricultural systems. Trees of the genus Ficus, integral components of indigenous rainfed agro-ecosystems of the southern dry agro-climatic zone of Karnataka, southern India, have traditionally been associated with the ecological service of soil quality enhancement in addition to various direct use benefits. We assessed the soil enrichment service of Ficus benghalensis L. a common Ficus species in these agroforestry systems, by quantifying nutrient return via litter fall. Litterfall estimation and chemical analysis of litter showed that F. benghalensis trees produce 3,512 kg ha-1 of litter annually which, on decomposition, up to 76.70% of N, 20.24% of P and 67.76% of K requirements of dryland crops annually per hectare. This can lead to an avoided cost of compost of US $ 36.46 ha-1 · a-1 in dryland farming systems. The slow rate of decay of Ficus litter, as revealed in litter decomposition studies indicates its potential as ideal mulch for dryland soils. We discuss the complementarity between Fi cus litterfall and cropping patterns in Mandya, and its implications for rainfed agricultural systems.
本刊讯 据有关报道,2012年1~6月全国造纸及纸制品业完成投资993.49亿元,较上年同期增加178.25亿元,实现同比增长21.86%,较上年同期增幅回升3.36个百分点,低于同期全国制造业平均固定资产
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