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读了王道云先生写的,由江苏美术出版社出版发行的《书法门诊室》,我竟然有一种感觉——“我们都是有病的人”。这个念头久久地挥之不去。用这句话作文章的题目既不合适也不切题,但我也找不出更好的题目来替换。就这样吧,也许这句话能说明点什么。 是啊,人都是有毛病的,书家也一样。大书家有大书家的毛病,小书家有小书家的毛病。不同的是大书家毛病少一些,毛病也可能正是特点,是个性的寄生物,像“牛黄”、“马宝”一样珍贵;小书家的毛病多一些,也许永远不会成为特点,成了疑难杂症。扯远了,打住。 “自古剃头人,头被别人剃”,批评家是最需要批评的。读了王先生的小册子,本来是有许多话要说的,再读王先生的“序”,又感到无话可说,你所想的几点都被他自己说了。首先他选出来的三十位书家是极具代表性的,是二十世纪书坛的最亮点。序中说他们“各擅其长”,“审 After reading Mr. Wang Daoyun’s “Calligraphy Clinic” published and published by Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House, I actually had a feeling that “we are sick people.” This idea long time to linger. Use this sentence to make a fuss about the topic is neither appropriate nor relevant, but I can not find a better topic to replace. That’s it, maybe this sentence can explain something. Yes, people are faulty, the book is the same. Big book owners have big book problems, book owners have small book owners problems. The difference is that the big books less illnesses, problems may also be the characteristics of the personality of the parasites, such as “bezoar”, “Ma Bao” as precious; little bookrick more problems, and may never become a feature, Became incurable diseases. Pull away, stop. “Since ancient times shaved people, the head was shaved by others,” critics are most in need of criticism. After reading the booklet of Mr. Wang, there were many words to be said. After reading Wang’s “Preface” again, he felt that there was nothing to say and what he thought you said was what he said. First, the thirty bookmasters he has chosen are very representative and the most brilliant of the twentieth century. Preface that they “good at each other,” "trial
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