
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dahar005
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随着新一轮课程改革的进行,“以人为本”的教学理念逐渐成为教师的共识,这就意味着在历史课堂教学中,教师应该关注学生的成长,关注学生的情绪体验与情感成长,关注学生的道德培养与人格养成。尤其是在义务教育阶段,对于学生心理健康的关注与维护,更应该受到教师的重视。 With the progress of the new round of curriculum reform, the teaching concept of “people-oriented” has gradually become the consensus of teachers, which means that in history classroom teaching, teachers should pay attention to the growth of students, pay attention to students' emotional experience and emotional growth, Concerned about the students moral development and personality development. Especially in the stage of compulsory education, the attention and maintenance of students' mental health should be taken seriously by teachers.
目前,“华尔街金融风暴”致使国际经济环境更趋恶化,我国经济发展面临的形势比较复杂。在全球经济发展放缓的情况下,确保经济平稳较快增长是当前及今后一段时期我国经济工作的重点。国际经验表明,在政府对市场的诸多调控手段中,政府采购是最常采用且行之有效的手段之一。  政府采购也称公共采购,以其购买行为和购买资金的公共性,购买过程的高度组织性,对市场秩序建设的导向性及交易规模的庞大成为市场经济条件下欧美等发达
41年短暂人生,熔铸成一座高大的人格塑像;没有惊天动地的业绩,却留下一串辉煌的足迹; 你是中国检察官的骄傲,我们永远怀念和学习你。 41 years of short life, cast into a
Suzhou is a beautiful city situated beside the Tai HuLake in the rich Yangzi delta and is long famed for thescenic hills to its southwest and the exquisite roc
一、序 在漫长的历史岁月里,因以共同的文化为背景,所以,尽管在20世纪后半叶,各自形成了相异的经济体系,但对中韩两国经济合作并没有产生阻碍。因此,韩中两国在经济合作方面
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[Objective]To compare the limit detection methods of ginkgoic acid in the extracts from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba L. by Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2010 edition) a
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