陈达月谈(一) 让学琴的孩子轻松、快乐些

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新年前,在本刊举办的一次《“小演奏家”音乐沙龙》上,本刊顾问、我国著名钢琴教育家周广仁先生应邀出席。周先生的儿子,刚刚回国不久的旅美钢琴教育家陈达先生也陪同到来。整整一个下午。母子俩饶有兴致地聆听了几十位琴童的演奏。陈先生告诉记者说,他最关心的是孩子弹琴时的状态,是孩子们的演奏有无音乐。他说:“这些年来一直在国外从事钢琴教学方法的学习、实践和研究工作。漂泊在外,对母亲关照的很少。如今母亲的年事已高,自己应该有更多的时间陪在母亲的身边。所以,他决定结束自己在国外的工作,把自己的工作重心移到国内来。对妈妈是一种情感上的安慰,还可以和妈妈一起做些事情。另外,国内的钢琴教育事业也有许多的事情可以做,也许会更有意义。他愿把自己在国外多年关于钢琴教育的有益之得,传给自己的国人。陈达认为中国钢琴教育的现状是喜忧参半。喜的是国内变化真快,有这么多的孩子可以有条件学习音乐,家长都非常重视而且培养了一大批学得很好的苗子。忧的是,我们的钢琴教育,特别是业余钢琴教育还存在许多问题,使得很多好苗子没能“茁壮成长”。他毫不忌言,最重要的问题是教师的问题,是教师的教学观念和教学方法问题。教师的教学观念和教学方法将直接影响到家长对待孩子学琴的态度。如果教师和家长在观念和方法上有问题,那将直接影响的就不止是孩子学习的兴趣和效果,很可能会“贻害”孩子的一生。应记者的要求,陈达先生同意在本刊做个系列漫谈,围绕钢琴教学牵扯的问题谈些他的现念和看法,也会间或着介绍一些他在国内、外有关钢琴教学方面的见闻与体会。读者朋友们也可以提出话题,与陈达讨论。 On New Year's Day, a soloist “Music Salon” organized by our magazine was invited by Mr. Zhou Guangren, our consultant and famous piano educator. Mr. Zhou's son, Chen Chen, a young American piano educator who just returned home, accompanied him. A whole afternoon. Mother and son with great interest to listen to the dozens of piano children playing. Mr. Chen told reporters that he is most concerned about when the child playing the piano state, whether the children playing music. He said: “I have been studying, practicing and researching piano teaching methods all over the world for a long time. Few adolescents take care of their mothers. Now that her mother's age is high, she should have more time with her mother Therefore, he decided to end his work abroad, his work center of gravity to move to the mother is an emotional comfort, you can do something with my mother.In addition, the domestic piano education also has Many things can be done, may be more meaningful.He is willing to put yourself in foreign countries for many years on the virtues of piano education, pass to their own people.Chen Da believes that the status quo of Chinese piano education is mixed.Be happy is the domestic change really Soon, there are so many children who can learn music conditionally. Parents attach great importance to and develop a large number of well-developed seedlings. The worry is that there are still many problems in our piano education, especially in amateur piano education. Good seedlings did not ”grow.“ He did not avoid saying that the most important issue is the teacher's question, is the teacher's teaching concepts and teaching methods. Teaching ideas and teaching methods will have a direct impact on parents' attitudes towards children's learning of the piano.If teachers and parents have problems in their concepts and methods, it will directly affect not only the interest and effect of children's learning but also the possibility of ”harming "At the request of the reporter, Mr. Chen Da agreed to make a series of talk in this magazine to talk about his thoughts and ideas about the problems involved in piano teaching and to introduce some of his ideas about piano at home and abroad Teaching knowledge and experience .Readers friends can also put forward the topic, and Chen discussion.
摘 要  《追风筝的人》整部小说以风筝开头,又以风筝结束。风筝这一意象象征意义十分丰富,也使得小说的主题与内涵更加丰满。阿富汗民族对“斗风筝”这一运动有着强烈的民族情怀。而对于小说的主人公阿米尔而言,“风筝”在不同的场景以及不同的时期都显示了他性格的成长以及追寻救赎的过程。  【关键词】风筝;意象;象征意义  1 前言  《追风筝的人》这部小说以20世纪50年代的阿富汗为时代背景,用“风筝”这个隐
真诚而有力量的道歉,是化解冲突、消解怨气,使人与人之间的关系更和谐、更美好的智慧之剑。    怎样才算道歉    古人都说过,“人非圣贤,孰能无过。”可见,做错事,或者冒犯、伤害到别人,在生活中是无法完全避免的。  当你走路时不小心踩了别人的脚后跟;上课迟到了,没能兑现自己的承诺……这个时候,“对不起”往往是最先冲口而出的三个字。而有了QQ、手机这些通信工具之后,甚至可以用一些生动的表情来代替语言