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  关键词:but的用法 并列连词 结构 词性 固定搭配 密切关系
  But具有3种主要意义:用来连接两个并列成分或两个并列句时,当“但是”讲;与for再加名词一起使用时,是“要不是”,“没有”之意;和nothing, anything连用分别是“只不过”,“决非”之意。但其最基本作用是连词,中心词义为“但是”。单就意义来讲,but是不难掌握的,涉及句子结构时却有一定的麻烦,而结构又和词性词义有密切关系。现分两部分来研究一下but的用法。
  1.Used to introuduce a word or phrase that contrasts with what was said before.(词义是“但是,相反,而,可是”)一般连接两个并列成分或两个并列句子:
  1)I am poor but honest. 我虽贫穷,但很诚实。(连接两个形容词)
  2)She is not my sister but my niece. 她不是我妹,而是我的侄女。(连接两个名词)
  3)I got it wrong. It wasn’t the red one but the blue one. (连接两个代词)
  4)His mother won’t be there, but his father might. (连接两个句子)
  5)Theory is something but practice is everything. (连接两个句子)
  6)We tried to do it but couldn’t. 我们试图去做它却没能做到。
  7)She has her weaknesses, but that doesn’t mean she is not qualified for the job.
  2.however; in spite of this 然而;尽管如此
  1)I’d asked everyone but only two people came. 每个人我都请了,然而只来了两个。
  2)By the end of the day we were tired but happy. 一天结束时,我们很累,但很高兴。
  3)He is a hard-working but not very intelligent boy. 她是个很勤奋然而不很聪明的男孩。
  3.Used when you are saying sorry about somthing。(表示歉意时说)
  1)I’m sorry but I can’t stay any longer. 很抱歉,我不能再呆下去了。
  2)I’m sorry to trouble you, but can you show me the way to the Capital Gymnasium?
  4.Used to introduce a statement that shows that you are surprised or annoyed, or that you disagree(引出下文,表示吃惊,生气或不同意)
  1)But that is not possible!但那是不可能!
  2)The sentence may be correct grammatically, but it isn’t good English. 这个句子语法尽管正确,但不是好英语。(but常和may连用)
  I had no choice, but to sign the contract. 我别无选择,只好签了合同。
  6.Used before repeating a word in order to emphasize it(重要字词前使用,以加强语气。)
  Nothing, but nothing would make him change his mind.
  7.Used to emphasize that something is always true/subordinating(强调一贯真实)
  She never passed her old home but she thought of their happy years she had spent there.(=She always thought of them.)
  8.You can(not)/couldn’t but…(formal) used to show that everything else is impossible except the thing that you are saying(只有;除……之外别无可能;不得不)
  1)What could he do but forgive her(=that was the only thing possible)?他不原谅她又能怎么办?
  2)I cannot but admire your decision. 我不得不佩服你的决定。
  3)I could not choose but go. 我别无选择只能去。
  except; apart from; other than; not including 之意
  1)We have had nothing but trouble with this car. 我们这辆车净出毛病。
  2)I have told everyone but you. 除了你,我告诉了每个人。
  3)The problem is anything but easy. 这个问题一点也不简单。
  4)Whose fault is it but hers? 不是她的错是谁的错?
  5)Who but a fool would do such a thing? 除了傻子,谁会做这种事呢?
  6)I have no friends but her. 除了她以外,我没有朋友。
  7)Everyone was there but him. 除他之外,大家都在。
  8)You can’t get the book anywhere but here. 除非在这里,你在任何地方也得不到这本书。
  1)It’s but a plan. 这不过是一个计划。
  2)He is but a child. 他只是一个孩子。
  3)I don’t think we will manage it. Still, we can but try. 我想我们应付不了这事,只有试一试。
  4)He left but an hour ago. 一小时前他才离开的。
  5)There were a lot of famous people there, Yaoming and Zhangziyi, to name but two.
  6)There is but one machine in the room. 房间里只有一台机器。
  7)If I could but see you for an hour. 我只能见你一小时。
  a person that sb. gives for not doing sth. or not agreeing(借口;推辞)
  “Let’s have no buts,” he said firmly. “You are coming”.“别找借口了”。他坚定地说,“你得来。”
  (五)But作关系代词 意为“没有……不……的”;“出……外,没有……”
  1)There is no rule but has some exceptions. 凡规则都有例外。
  2)There is no one/none but knows that.(=who doesn’t know that?) 没有人不知道那件事。
  3)No one but a child would do such a thing. 除小孩外,没人愿做这样的事。
  4)There is no mother but loves children. 没有不爱自己孩子的母亲。
  5)There is no one but knows Yao Ming. 没有人不认识姚明。
  6)There is no one in our class but wants to help you. 我们班上没有人不想帮你。
  1.But for your help(=if it had not been for your help), I would have failed. 要不是有你的帮助,我可能就失败了。
  2.But for your help(=if it were not for your help), I would fail. 没有你的帮助,我一定会失败。
  3.But for air and water, nothing could live. 没有空气和水,什么也活不了。
  4.But for your advice, I would not have succeeded. 要不是听取了你的意见,我是不会成功的。
  *Day and night we work hard, not for ourselves, but for our college/country/state.
  (二)But that+clause的用法,一般做“假使……不”解。(接在疑问词或否定词后则起否定作用。)
  1.But that you helped us, we should have failed. 假使你们不帮助我们,那我们早就失败了。
  2.But that I saw it, I couldn’t have believed it. 要不是我亲眼所见,我早就不相信了。
  3.Who knows but that he will come by and by? 谁知道他不会马上来?
  4.I can’t come, not but that I should like to come. 我不能来,并非我不肯来。
  (三)But what表示后面的句子是否定意义。
  1.Not a man but what likes to read this book. 没有一个人是不喜欢这本书的。
  2.Not a day but what it rains. 没有一天不下雨。
  3.Who knows but(what) it may be so? 或许不是如此。(原意为:“谁知道这也许不是如此?”或“没有知道这也许是如此。”
  I agree with you, but yet I cannot leave for Beijing at once. 我同意你,可是我不能马上去北京。
  (五)all but作“差不多”,“几乎……全都”,“除……以外都”
  1.He all but did these experiments. 他几乎做了这些试验。
  2.This gas is all but yellow. 这种气体差不多是黄色的。
  3.All but he have gone. 他以外的人都走了。
  4.He has all but finished the work. 他几乎做完这件事了。
  (六)anything but作“决非”解:
  1.It is anything but a new type machine. 这决不是一台新型机器。
  2.We shall design anything but old-fashioned machine. 我们决不设计老式机器。
  (七)在“be but too…to do”中,动词不定式意思没有被否定,but too作“十分”,“非常”解:
  We are but too ready to do so. 我们太喜欢这样做了。
  (八)can but作“只能……”解:
  1.We can but try. 我们只能试一试。
  2.I couldn’t but laugh=(口语) can’t help V-ing。我忍不住笑了。
  (九)nothing but, nothing else but 分别作“只不过”和“不外乎是”解:
  1.That’s nothing but a joke. 那只不过是个笑话。
  2.It’s nothing but a low speed engine. 这只不过是一台低速发动机。
  3.He did nothing but complain. 他只会抱怨。
  4.There’s nothing for it but lay emphasis on its importance. 对这件事只能强调其重要性。
  5.She does nothing but thinks about it. 她只是想这件事。
  6.Energy is nothing else but the capacity to do work. 能量不外乎是做功的本领。
  7.Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan. 执行这个计划只能带来灾难。
  (十)“no one/none…so…but…” 表示“没有人……如此……以致……不……”之意:
  1.No one is so old but he may learn. 一个人无论多老,总是可以学习的。
  2.No one believe but(that) he will succeed. 没人相信他会成功。
  There is nothing so difficult but it becomes easy by practice. 无论多么困难的事,通过实践后总可以变为容易的。(原意为:没有如此困难的事,以致于通过实践它不能变为容易的。)
  (十二)“not only…but also…”作“不仅……而且……”解:(连接两个完全平等的成分)
  1.Lin Jian is not only a worker but also a student. 林建不仅是工人,而且还是个学生。
  2.Not only is this problem very important, but it is a difficult problem to be solved at once. (注意:位于句首引起主语、谓语倒装现象)这个问题不仅十分重要,而且还是一个难于马上解决的问题。
  3.We should not only be bold, but also be cautious. 我们不仅要大胆,而且要谨慎。
  4.We must emancipate not only ourselves but all mankind.
  5.She not only sings well, but also dances well. 她不仅歌唱得好,舞也跳得好。
  (十三)“not that…but that…”作“不是……而是/倒是……”解:
  1.Not that the machine is out of order, but that I have not learnt to operate it.
  2.Not that I dislike the work but that I have no time. 不是我不喜欢这工作,而是我没有时间。
  (十四)“what/who/whose等疑问词+but…”表示的意思与nothing but, no one/none but同义:
  1.What’s coal but a kind of stone?=Coal is nothing but a kind of stone. 煤只是一种石头。
  2.Who but the workers, students and teachers of our college can enter the reading-room=No one but the workers, students and teachers of our college can enter the reading-room.
  3.Whose fault is it but your own?=It is no one’s fault but your own. 这只是你的过错。
  It never rains but it pours. 不下雨则已,一下雨则倾盆大雨。
  (IDM)but then(again)
  a)however; on the other hand(然而;另一个方面)
  1)He might agree. But then again he might have a completely different opinion.
  2)London is a noisy place, but then it’s also the place where you get the best entertainment.
  b)used before a statement that explains or gives a reason for what has just been said. (引出解释或原因)
  1)She speaks very good Italian. But then she did live in Rome for a year(=so it’s not surprising).她的意大利语讲得很流利。不过她毕竟在罗马生活过一年。
  but good (informal)=very well, efficiently, thoroughly, etc.
  “Shall I get rid of him, boss?”“Yes, you get of him but good!”
  2)And out of the door, out of it, out of the stale sweet stink, away from the words on the wall which showed the staff were known but good, ‘taped’ as the kitchen(ie kitchen staff) said.
  but me no buts(saying)=do not offer any objections or modifications to what I have said, ordered etc.
  1)“I have already seen it, son,” he said. “Doesn’t apply to me.” “But Mr Collins…”“But me no buts,” he said. “You just take it round to the others.”
  2)These are my orders, and I want you to but me no buts; just get along and do as I say.
  but one
  He lives in the next house but one. 他住在隔壁过去一家。
  the last but one
  She was the last but one to arrive. 她是倒数第二个来的。
  the tallest…but one/two…
  1)She is the tallest girl but one in our class. 她是我们班上第二高的女孩。
  2)Li Ming is the tallest boy but two. 李明是第三高的男孩。
  总之,But及其搭配关系的用法和判别,除表示转折语气的“但是”和“除……之外”,还要注意某些固定词组的搭配关系。如:not that…but that…(不是……倒是……),anything but…(“决非”原意为:除了…以外,任何什么都行,即对but所指指人或物则是绝对不行的,故译为“决非”);nothing but…(“决非”原意为:除了……以外,任何什么都行,即对but后所指的人或物则绝对不行的,故译为“决非”);nothing but…(“只不过”,原意为:除……以外,什么都不是,即有“只不过”之意了)。还有but前出现否定词(no one, none, nothing), 在确定意思时,必须在but后加上否定意思。随着科学技术的飞速发展,新词新用法不断出现,学习时还须根据上下文体会原文,确定词义。
  1.How To Increase Would Power 黄宣范 世界图书出版公司 地球出版社
  2.Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary Sixth edition
  原著:AS Hornby 主编:Sally Wehmeier London Oxford University Press
  3.牛津当代英语成语词典 牛津大学出版社 外语教学与研究出版社
摘 要: 语言交际能力的培养是语言教学的最终目标。综合课作为对外汉语教学的主干课程,应该以其综合、基础、全面等特点在培养和提高留学生的语言交际能力方面发挥主导作用。通过将听说训练有机地融入综合课,既能让学生巩固消化所学的语言知识, 又可以训练学生的听说技能,使“学”与“用”结合,从而帮助学生完成语言知识的内化,提高教学效果,并可以加快学生目的语语感和交际能力的培养。  关键词: 听说训练;交际能力
一、would rather意思是“宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是……为好”,后接动词原形,常省略为’d rather,表示优先选择的一种方式。其否定形式是would rather not do sth.。would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用would rather。  “would rather+动词原形”是英语中常见的一个惯用句式,美国英语中多用had rather。wou
关键词:“文盲病”写作训练 挖掘教材 阅读 批改 写作能力  摘要:新教材的英语教学中,许多教师只重视口语和听力,而不重视读写,结果培养出来的学生只能说,不能写,造成英语教学上的“文盲病”。要根治这一疾病,应从思想上重视阅读写作的教学,以教材为根据地进行写作训练,指导学生课外阅读与开放性的训练,并改变作文批改方法,从而达到提高学生英语写作能力的目的。  九年制义务教育初中英语教学大纲明确提出:“通
内容提要:创新教育不但是一次教育理念的创新,更是培养创新精神和创新能力的教育实验。创新教育是一种高层次的素质教育,它以创造原理激发人的潜能,开发人的创造能力。作为教育组织者,促进者的教师,其任务应该是:以学生为主体,充分启发和调动学生积极参与教育活动,引导学生自己发现问题,研究问题,分析问题,解决问题,培养学生敢于质疑,勇于创新的精神,以提高学生的认知兴趣,求知欲和创新能力。  英语教学应该依据本
一、定义非谓语动词(Non-finite Verb)的用法是很多学生感到困惑的难题,在这里,我想用通俗的讲解来使之简单易懂。顾名思义,非谓语动词即不能作谓语的动作(句中已经有了谓语动作)在句子中出现时所采取的一种退避或者说是折衷的区别于谓语结构的形式。我们知道,一个简单句只有一个谓语动词(我们称为动作之一),那么另外一个动作(我们称为动作二)只能用非谓语形式。非谓语动词包括不定式(to do)、d
[内容提要]我们要不断改进并优化课堂教学方法,不断提高自身的口语水平,尽量为学生创造条件,提供机会,让他们多开口,多实践,同时还要加强学生的听、读、写训练,扩大输入量,为口语输出提供储备,从而切实有效地提升英语素质教育。  [关键词]语音教学 兴趣 口语交际活动 方法    近年来在中学英语教学方面进行了较大改革,“说”的教学重要性已受到广泛关注,新的牛津英语教材编写就十分突出说的技能教学。牛津英
摘 要:歧义是一种自然的语言现象。它直接影响人们对句子的正确理解和翻译,影响人们的正常交流。本文主要从英语词汇歧义的角度分析歧义产生的原因及其产生的幽默效果,从而挖掘它在我们生活中的积极意义。  关键词:英语歧义;词汇歧义;幽默效果    Abstract: Ambiguity is a common phenomenon of languages. It has a direct effect
Survey and Analysis on Business English Majors’ Employment  of Learning Strategies    摘要:采用问卷法对河北农业大学海洋学院商务英语专业学生学习策略使用情况进行了调查,分析调查结果发现学生学习策略使用频率普遍偏低,要提高学生的听力水平必须加强学习策略的辅导,纠正补偿策略使用的偏差,鼓励学生恰当运用各项听力策略。 
摘要:本文介绍了英语修辞格中的“隐喻”和“借代”,着重阐明了“隐喻”和“借代”在文章中的运用以及它们两者的区别,以便人们更好地正确使用他们,使文章收到意想不到的效果。另外配有相应的练习。  关键词:本体、喻体、借体、对比、分析、运用、练习    英语和汉语一样,文章有了修辞成分,效果就大不一样。英语中的修辞很多,就词的方面来说,修辞格约有十六种,他们分别是明喻(simile)、隐喻(metapho