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在抗美援朝中,我中国人民志愿军自五次战役后,采取的战略战术是:稳扎稳打,步步为营;有利即攻,无利即守。发挥我军近战、夜战优势,捕捉有利战机,消灭敌人。那是1951年10月下旬,我所在的部队在铁原、临江一带和敌人对峙。我时任志愿军一二九师山炮营军事教员。当时,由于我军没有空军,高炮又少。所以,敌机不论白天黑夜,都肆无忌惮地向我阵地轮番轰炸,而且飞得很低,有时驾驶员都看得很清清楚楚。我们的炮很少,且多是近、中程射距,打得不远,不到关键时刻,是决不准射击的。因一旦暴露,敌人的飞机、大炮就会猛烈还击。但我军仍不断寻找战机,打击敌人。一次,经反复侦察和审虏得悉,与我军对面长、宽约400米的平顶山上(我军付名馒头山)因地势平坦,易攻难守,敌军以一个加强营的兵力镇守。工事构筑亦相当坚固,阵地前是屋顶形铁丝网,其前是地雷,其后是陷阱,敌人以此认为高枕无忧了。 In the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the strategy and tactics adopted by the Chinese People's Volunteer Army since its fifth campaign were: steady running at every step; favorable attack, unprofitable defending. Play our military melee, night war advantage, capture favorable fighters, destroy the enemy. That was the end of October 1951, in which the troops where I am located confronted the enemy in Tieyuan and Linjiang areas. I was a volunteer army artillery battalion one hundred twenty-nine division instructor. At that time, there were fewer antiaircraft guns because there was no air force in our army. Therefore, regardless of the day and night, the hostile plane has brazenly bombarded my position and flew very low, and sometimes the drivers were all very clearly aware of it. We have very few guns, and most are near, mid-range, playing not far from the critical moment, is never allowed to shoot. Once exposed, the enemy's aircraft, the cannon fierce counterattack. However, our military continues to search for fighters to attack the enemy. Once, after repeated scouts and trial prisoners learned that there was a flat and easy-to-be-off attack on the Pingdingshan Mountain (the army's name is Mumu Mountain) which was 400 meters wide and opposite our army. The enemy troops used a force to strengthen their battalion . Construction is also quite strong fortress, position before the roof-shaped barbed wire, in front of the mine, followed by the trap, the enemy think so rest easy.
1997年,湖南省人防工作,坚持以经济建设为中心,以贯彻实施人民防空法为重点,以市场为导向,取得了显著成绩。要使人防工作继续稳步发展,当前必须牢牢抓住两大主题:深化 In 1
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